InsIDe: - Palestine Solidarity Campaign

InsIDe: - Palestine Solidarity Campaign

InsIDe: - Palestine Solidarity Campaign


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spring2011 ADVERTISEMENTSpalestine news 31The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in<strong>Palestine</strong> & Israel (EAPPI) provides protectionby presence, supports Israeli and Palestinianpeace activists and advocates for an end to theoccupation.Human RightsObserversKnown as Ecumenical AccompaniersBased in the West Bank and Israel in 201218 vacancies for 3 months’ service2 vacancies for 4.5 months’ serviceliving allowance + benefitsDeadline for applications: 23rd June 2011For more information and to download anapplication pack please check our website:www.quaker.org.uk/applyeappi.(Please note that we will not be sending hardcopies of the application pack)International Summer Campand Workshops in <strong>Palestine</strong>May 28th–June 12th, 2011Join “Rays of Justice,” a ZajelInternational Youth ExchangeProgramme, for a two week summer campat the An-Najah National University inNablus.The programme includes lectures, working withPalestinian university students and communityactivities related to social youth development. Livingand working together in Nablus, the volunteerswill gain a better understanding of themselves,Palestinian social/political questions and thecontinuing Palestinian struggle for freedom.For more information see:http://youth.zajel.org/summer_camps/camp2011-rays-of-justice.htmFor the information packet and application formplease contact: placement@najah.eduor zajel.camp@gmail.comJoin the<strong>Palestine</strong><strong>Solidarity</strong><strong>Campaign</strong>Join PSC / make a donationNameAddressPostcodeTelephoneE-mailIndividual £24.00 Unwaged £12.00Plus a donation (optional) ofI enclose a cheque of(payable to PSC)Affiliation fees for trade unions and otherorganisations are: £25 local; £50 regional;£100 national.To cover the additional costs of overseasmembership please pay the equivalent of US$35in your local currencyStanding orderPaying this way helps PSC plan ahead more effectivelyName of BankAddressPostcodeAccount numberSort codePlease pay £12 £24 Other £Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly (delete as applicable)To PSC Cooperative BankAccount No. 65147487 (sort code 08 92 99)From (date) / / until further noticeNameSignaturePlease return this form to:PSC Box BM PSA London WC1N 3XX

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