ELA Welcome 2013 - Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District

ELA Welcome 2013 - Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District

ELA Welcome 2013 - Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District

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Grades will be posted on an on-line gradebook for families to view. We have a new system. Please be patient.Students will receive grades for homework, work completed in class, and a variety of assessments (tests andquizzes). Keep an eye out for more information that will be sent home to help you access your child’s account.Additional help…just ask! I volunteer to work with students during lunch, study hall, and my planning periods. Set-upa time, and we will work together!Students and Guardians: Please contact me with comments or concerns. This is going to be a terrific year! Workhard and don’t be afraid to ask for help.Class Rules:Try your best no matter how large or small the task.Make eye contact when speaking to someone.Be prepared for the start of class.Always say please and thank you.Sixth Grade Student Responsibilities:• Always give it your best shot!• Be on-time. Being tardy three times results in a student lunch detention.• Be prepared. Be sure to check the list of materials on the board. You’ll always need something towrite with and a reading book.• Additional help is offered at lunch and study hall by request.In an effort to save paper, I added this note to the student paper.Dear Parents/Guardians:<strong>Welcome</strong> to sixth grade! I get the pleasure of educating your child during the school day, but I need your help.Reading takes place in and out of school. Students must read a minimum of 100 minutes per week. Everyweek, I will collect and grade a reading log.In an effort to learn more about my students, I would appreciate thoughts about your child as a reader and awriter. Please write a letter to me about your child. You may answer:What is your child’ writing history? Reading history?What are your child’s reading/writing habits? Interests? Favorite books?What are your child’s reading/writing strengths and weaknesses?You may send it with your child or write an e mail. I will not share these with your child without yourpermission. Please keep in touch throughout the school year.J Mrs. Lisa Walsh lwalsh@jd.cnyric.org

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