Connecticut District Court decision, Goodwine v. DCF

Connecticut District Court decision, Goodwine v. DCF

Connecticut District Court decision, Goodwine v. DCF


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activity are protected under § 2000e-3(a): "oppos[ing] any practice made an unlawfulemployment practice by" Title VII and "ma[king] a charge, testify[ing], assist[ing], orparticipat[ing] in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under" Title VII.42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a). Although Mr. Cardillo and <strong>DCF</strong> disagree about the date of Mr.Cardillo's assignment to Building 6, Mr. Cardillo acknowledges that he was assigned to that unitno later than the first week in February 2007. See Cardillo Aff. [doc. # 99-1] 18. As Mr.Cardillo notes, in late January 2007, Mr. Cardillo filed several grievances on behalf of Ms.<strong>Goodwine</strong>. But those grievances, like Ms. <strong>Goodwine</strong>'s initial complaints to Human Resources,asserted only workplace violence complaints – they made no mention of sex-based or race-baseddisparate treatment or harassment. See Ex. 10 to Mot. for Summary Judgment [doc. # 86-13].There is no evidence that Mr. Cardillo made any complaints pursuant to Title VII or opposed anypractice made unlawful by Title VII in the month before he was assigned to Building 6. To theextent that Mr. Cardillo may have engaged in activity protected by Title VII later in February2007, those efforts cannot have caused his assignment to Building 6 several weeks earlier.Because Mr. Cardillo did not engage in activity protected by Title VII prior to the allegedadverse employment action, he fails to satisfy the prima facie burden for his Title VII retaliationclaim.Moreover, <strong>DCF</strong> has proffered a lawful explanation for the <strong>decision</strong> to assign Mr. Cardilloto Building 6: "he was assigned to a position in Unit 6D because there was a need for aninstructional assistant there." Defs.' Local R. 52(a)(1) Statement [doc. # 86-2] 49. Thatexplanation is supported by the affidavit of Ms. Mule, who has affirmed that she was responsiblefor assigning Mr. Cardillo and other Instructional Assistants to their respective students andclassrooms, see Mule Aff. [doc. # 86-28] 4, 30, and that Mr. Cardillo "was assigned to27

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