Rajasthan State Road Development & Construction Corporation Ltd.

Rajasthan State Road Development & Construction Corporation Ltd.

Rajasthan State Road Development & Construction Corporation Ltd.


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38.6.2 For abutments, piers, retaining wall of culverts and bridges, wall of water reservoir and thebed of floor level.38.6.3 For retaining walls, where floor levels is not determinate 1.2 meters above the averageground level or bed level.38.6.4 For roads, all items or excavation and filling including treatment of sub base and solingwork.38.6.5 For water supply lines, sewer lines under ground storms water drains and similar work. allitems of work below ground level except items of pipe work for proper masonry work.38.6.6 For open storm water drains, all items of work except lining of drains.38.6.7 Any other items of similar nature which Engineer may decide relating to foundation38.7 The rate of any such work, except the items relating to foundations, which is in excess of thedeviation limit, shall be determined as per Clause The quantum of additional work for each item shall not exceed 50% of the original quantitygiven in the agreement and the total value of additional work shall not exceed 20% of thetotal contract value, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Engineer and the contractor.This limit shall not be applicable on items relating to foundation work which shall beexecuted as per original rates or provision of clause 38.1 to In case of contract substituted items or additions items, which results in exceeding thedeviation limit laid down in this clause except items relating to foundation work, which thecontractor is required to do under clause 38 above, the contractor shall within 7 days from thereceipt of order, claim revision of the rate supported by proper analysis in respect of suchitems for quantities in excess of the deviation limit notwithstanding the fact that the rates forsuch items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived as per clause 38.2 and theEngineer, may revised their rates having regard to the prevailing market rates and gotapproved from employer the contractor shall be paid at provisional rate decided by Engineerto final approval of rates by employer. The Engineer shall however, be at liberty to cancel hisorder to carry out such increased quantities of work by giving notice in writing to thecontractor and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable. But underno circumstance, the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-settlement of ratesof items failing under this Clause.38.7.3 All the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall equally apply to the decrease in rates ofitems for quantities in excess of he deviation limit notwithstanding the fact that the rates forsuch items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived as per clause 38.2 and theEngineer may revise such rates having regard to the prevailing market rates unless otherwisemutually agreed by the Employer and the Contractor.39 Variations39.1 All Variation shall be included in updated Programms produced by the Contractor.40 Deleted41 Cash Flow Forecasts41.1 When the Programme is updated, the contractor is to provide the Engineer with an updatedcash flow forecast.42 Payment Certificates42.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer monthly statements of the estimated value of thework completed minus the cumulative amount certified previously.42.2 The Engineer shall check the Contractor's monthly statement preferably within 14 days andcertify the amount to be paid to the Contractor.42.3 The value of work executed shall be determined by the Engineer.42.4 The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in the Billof Quantities completed.42.5 The value of work executed shall include the valuation of Variations and CompensationEvents.42.6 The Engineer may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce theproportion of any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later information.Bid document for 4-laning of Merta-Lambiya-Beawar <strong>Road</strong> km 83/0 to 98/0 of SH-39Page 32 of 86

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