2007 MEDIA GUIDE - Seahawks Online Media Packet

2007 MEDIA GUIDE - Seahawks Online Media Packet

2007 MEDIA GUIDE - Seahawks Online Media Packet


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and scar formation; 3) A partial rotator cufftear of less than one centimeter; or 4) A completetear of one centimeter or more.Sacrum — Group of five fused vertebraelocated just below the lumbar vertebrae ofthe lower back.Scapula — Shoulder blade.Sciatica — Irritation of the sciatic nerveresulting in pain or tingling running down theinside of the leg.Sciatic Nerve — Major nerve that carriesimpulses for muscular action and sensationsbetween the lower back and thigh and lowerleg; it is the longest nerve in the body.Shin Splint — A catch-all syndromedescribing pain in the shin that is not a fractureor tumor and cannot be defined otherwise.Sorbothane — An energy absorbingpolyurethane utilized in some foot orthoticsto absorb shock forces of the foot.Spasm (Theory) — Muscle sorenessinduced by exercise; is the result of reducedmuscle blood flow, which results in pain.Spleen — Large, solid organ responsiblefor the normal production and destruction ofblood cells.Spondylitis — Inflammation of one ormore vertebrae.Sprain — Injury resulting from a stretch ortwist of the joint and causes various degreesof stretch or tear of a ligament or other softtissue at the joint.Sternum — The breast bone.Steroids — Any one of a large number ofhormone-like substances. See anabolicsteroids and cortical steroids.Strain — Injury resulting from a pull ortorsion to the muscle or tendon that causesvarious degrees of stretch or tear to the muscleor tendon tissue.Stress Fracture — A hair-line type break ina bone caused by overuse.Stress X-Ray — A continual X-ray takenwhen a portion of the body is stressed to itsmaximum in order to determine joint stability.This is a test utilized in some ankle injuries.Stretching — Any therapeutic maneuverdesigned to elongate shortened soft tissuestructures and thereby increase flexibility.Subluxation — Partial dislocation of ajoint. The term usually implies that the jointcan return to its normal position without formalreduction.Talus — The ankle bone that articulateswith the tibia and fibula to form the anklejoint.Target Heart Rate — A pre-determinedpulse to be obtained during exercise whencirculation is working at full efficient capacities.Tarsals — Group of seven bones of thefoot consisting of the calnavicular, talus,cuboid, and three cuneiform bones.Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) — Thearticulation of the jaw and skull; consideredby some to be vital in resolution of injuresthroughout the body.Tendinitis — Inflammation of the tendonand/or tendon sheath, caused by chronicoveruse or sudden injury.Tendon — Tissue that connects muscle tobone.Tennis Elbow — General term for lateralelbow pain.Thoracic — Group of twelve vertebraelocated in the thorax and articulate with the12 ribs.Thoracic Outlet Compression Syndrome— A neuro-vascular disorder of the upperextremity common in throwing.Tibia — Larger of the two bones of thelower leg and is the weight-bearing bond ofthe shin.Tomograph — A special type of X-rayapparatus that demonstrates an organ or tissueat a particular depth.Trachea — The windpipe.Trascutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator(TENS) — An electrical modality that sendsmild current through pads at the injury sitewhich stimulates the brain to release the naturalanalgesic, endorphin.Transverse Process — Small lateral projectionoff the right side and the left side ofeach vertebrae that functions as an attachmentsite for muscles and ligaments of thespine.Trapezius — Flat triangular muscle coveringthe posterior surface of the neck andshoulder.Triceps — Muscle of the back of the upperarm, primarily responsible for extending theelbow.Ulna — Forearm bone that runs from thetip of the elbow to the little finger side of thewrist.Ulnar Nerve — Nerve in the elbow commonlyirritated from excessive throwing.Ultrasound — An electrical modality thattransmits a sound wave through an applicatorinto the skin to the soft tissue in order toheat the local area for relaxing the injured tissueand/or disperse edema.Valgus — Angulation outward and awayfrom the midline of the body.Varus — Angulation inward and towardthe midline of the body.Vasonconstriction — Decrease of localblood flow.Vasodilation — Increase of local bloodflow.“Wind-Knocked-Out” — Syndromedescribing a contraction of the abdominalnerve truck, the solar plexus, as a result of anabdominal contusion.Zygoma — The cheekbone.MEDICAL GLOSSARY 491

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