2007 MEDIA GUIDE - Seahawks Online Media Packet

2007 MEDIA GUIDE - Seahawks Online Media Packet

2007 MEDIA GUIDE - Seahawks Online Media Packet


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COMMUNITY 6The Seattle <strong>Seahawks</strong> hard-driving dedication to succeed on the footballfield is indicative of the attitude taken towards work in the community. Thegoal of the organization is to have an impact on those who are less fortunate,focusing on developmental programs for youth, especially academicand athletic programs. Following are some of the programs developed bythe <strong>Seahawks</strong>, all of which have the intent of creating a positive impact inthe community and on the 12th man.CAPTAINS’ BLITZThe holiday season is a difficult time formany families who have children or lovedones in the hospital. Since 1978, theCaptains’ Blitz program has helped to putsmiles on the faces of those who are hospitalizedby visiting them and spreading holidaycheer. This past year, <strong>Seahawks</strong> players andSea Gals visited bone marrow transplantpatients and passed out <strong>Seahawks</strong> hats andyearbooks at UW Medical Center and gaveaway teddy bears at Children’s Hospital.Players participating in last year’s eventsincluded Tom Ashworth, Deion Branch, ChuckDarby, Matt Hasselbeck, Kelly Jennings,David Kirtman, Niko Koutouvides, LanceLaury, Maurice Morris, Ben Obomanu, RyanPlackemeier, Rob Sims, Darryl Tapp, CraigTerrill and Seneca Wallace.COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLSFIRST & GOAL LUNCHEONSetting goals in school is easy, but actuallyachieving those goals is a challenge initself. Since 1995, the <strong>Seahawks</strong> have teamedup with Communities in Schools to host aluncheon for over 800 students from thePuget Sound Region who have set andachieved personal goals. The students arerecognized for accomplishing short-term personalimprovement goals in academics,attendance, behavior, and/or communityservice since the school year began. Theluncheon also gives the students the opportunityto meet and interact with numerous<strong>Seahawks</strong> players and Sea Gals.Students from nine different schools participatedin CIS First & Goal Luncheon atQwest Field on November 14, 2006. Players inattendance at last year’s event included DavidKirtman, Rob Sims, Darryl Tapp, Craig Terrilland Marquis Weeks.Leonard Weaver served as the keynotespeaker.Niko Koutouvides and Kelly Jennings takea moment to pose with a patient duringCaptains’ Blitz.Craig Terrill attended the Communities inSchools First & Goal Luncheon

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