Mosek - Computer Sciences Department

Mosek - Computer Sciences Department

Mosek - Computer Sciences Department


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MOSEK 12MSK IPAR SIM PRIMAL CRASHprimal simplex crashMSK IPAR SIM PRIMAL SELECTIONprimal simplex pricing selectionMSK IPAR SIM REFACTOR FREQrefactorization frequencyMSK IPAR SIM SCALINGscaling selection for simplex optimizerMSK IPAR SIM SOLVE FORMsolve primal or the dual problem with simplex optimizerMSK IPAR BI CLEAN OPTIMIZERsimplex optimizer section after basis identificationMSK DPAR BI LU TOL REL PIVrelative pivot tolerance for basis identificationMSK IPAR BI MAX ITERATIONSmaximum number of simplex iterations after basis identificationMSK IPAR BI IGNORE MAX ITERcontinues BI in case of iteration limitMSK IPAR BI IGNORE NUM ERRORcontinues BI in case of numerical error4.6 Mixed Integer Optimizer OptionsMSK IPAR MIO BRANCH DIRcontrol branching directionsMSK IPAR MIO CONSTRUCT SOLswitch for mip startMSK IPAR MIO CUT LEVEL ROOTcut level control at root for mixed integer optimizerMSK IPAR MIO HEURISTIC LEVELheuristic control for mixed integer optimizerMSK DPAR MIO HEURISTIC TIMEtime limit for heuristic searchMSK IPAR MIO KEEP BASISswitch for basis savingMSK IPAR MIO MAX NUM BRANCHESmaximum number of branchesMSK IPAR MIO MAX NUM RELAXSmaximum number of relaxations solvedMSK DPAR MIO MAX TIMEtime limit for mixed integer optimizerMSK DPAR MIO MAX TIME APRX OPTtime limit before some relaxationMSK DPAR MIO NEAR TOL ABS GAPtermination criterion on absolute optimality toleranceMSK DPAR MIO NEAR TOL REL GAPtermination criterion on relative optimality toleranceMSK IPAR MIO NODE OPTIMIZERsolver for the sub problemsMSK IPAR MIO NODE SELECTIONnode selection strategyMSK IPAR MIO PRESOLVE AGGREGATEswitch for aggregation during mixed integer presolve

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