Model Papers for Class 9 (Science Group) - Punjab Education ...

Model Papers for Class 9 (Science Group) - Punjab Education ...

Model Papers for Class 9 (Science Group) - Punjab Education ...


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Use Capital/Block Letters.<strong>Class</strong> 9 – <strong>Science</strong>Name: ____________________________________________________Father’s Name: ____________________________________________GENDERPleasetick oneMale Female <strong>Model</strong> Paper <strong>for</strong> Regular QATAcademic Development UnitTotal Marks: 120: aؤری اث Total Time: 140 Minutesñ۔ ñ ؤف ‏:‏aے a:ی اؤر ا ú: :h9 : ê hر ‏:‏aف م ñ۔ ن : ڈ ؤا (Female) ث (Male)۔ ا6‎ ۔ ئؤا اؤر ں ñ ñ۔ a م اؤر ۔ a ‏

۔‎6‎۔‎7‎Page 3 of 286. Solve: 2x 3 7 0(a) 10 (b) 20(c) 26 (d) 52x 3 7 0 ‏:‏ú۔ 7. Cartesian plane is divided into __________ plane.(a) 2 (b) 4(c) 5 (d) 7۔ ñ ں >h ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ÿی 5‎ر8. Find the distance between two points: A (9, 2), B (7, 2).(a) 1 (b) 2(c) 67 (d) 20A (9, 2), B (7, 2) ú: م ê درن ط۔‎8‎۔Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 4 of 28SECTION - B Q. No.2. Attempt all questions. Total Marks: 12128a M‏

Page 5 of 28ENGLISHSECTION - ATotal Marks: 20There are 13 MCQs in this section. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. (8)1. Choose the correct <strong>for</strong>m of verb:If I see Aslam I will __________ him to dinner tomorrow.(a) invite(c) inviting(b) invites(d) invited2. Choose the correct adjective:This is a very __________ seminar.(a) in<strong>for</strong>mation(c) in<strong>for</strong>mative(b) in<strong>for</strong>med(d) in<strong>for</strong>ming3. Choose the correct translation.– در ñ غ رے(a) There are many trees in our garden.(c) There was many trees in our garden.(b) There were many trees in our garden.(d) There is many trees in our garden.4. Fill in the Blank:Saqib is leaving ____________ Friday at noon.(a) at(c) in(b) from(d) on5. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.It was so delicate situation.(a) difficult(c) sensitive(b) easy(d) fragileModal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 6 of 286. Which of the following is correctly changed into Present continuous tense:I cook food.(a) I have cooked food.(c) I am cooking food.(b) I was cooking food.(d) I have been cooking food.7. Choose the correct option according to the grammar.I soon returned home because I was upset. This is a _____________(a) compound sentence(c) complex sentence(b) simple sentence(d) compound and complex8. Choose the correct option according to the grammar.“Patience” is a/an _________(a) material noun(c) uncountable noun(b) collective noun(d) abstract nounNote: In this section any question of 1 mark could be given, taken from the exercises of Book andtopics of grammar given in Content Book.SECTION - BAttempt all questions. Total Marks (12)(1) Make sentences from the following words: (2)WordDexterouslyA click awaySentencesModal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 7 of 28(2) What does love of our country demand from us? (2)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(3) Change the voice of the following: (2)1- Did you accept my apology?______________________________________________________________________________2- Don’t disturb me.______________________________________________________________________________(4) Respond using expression of polite refusal to the following situations: (6)1- Your friend requests to borrow your book.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2- Your cousin requests to use your computer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3- Your friend wants to take you to a party.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Note: This question can also include any type of descriptive question e.g. Essay writing,Story, Letter, Dialogue or response to a general situation. The main aim of this item is totest the writing ability of the student. No choice will be given)Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 8 of 28اردؤ208 a M ب úِ: اؤر اس ‏:‏د دا:‏ ہ ñ۔ 1a )8‏ اؤر ان : ا ا @ aا ا . 59 : (b) اê ê (a)ê ê (d) م 8h(c)(c). 6 ں د ‏@‏ن ñ ‏

Page 10 of 28۔۔‏

Page 11 of 28BIOLOGYSECTION - ITotal Marks: 20Q. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (8)ñ ñ 1 a 5 اب ‏

Page 12 of 285- What is true about cofactors?(a)(c)Break hydrogen bonds in proteinsñ ڑ@ ز رؤ 6 د ñ a ؤ:Increase activation energyñ ا ا:‏ a: @ د (b)(d)aز رے 8 ñ در ؟ @ -5Help facilitate enzyme activityñ د آ ñ Are composed of proteinsñ : 5‎م @ ا اa a ؤ:6- During photosynthesis where the dark reactions take place?ñ؟ ں a ا دؤران ڈارک ری a @ -6(a) In mitochondria ñ ر5 (b) In nucleus ñ 5 (c)In stroma ofchloroplastsñ ؤa رؤ 5 (d) In cell wall ñ ؤال 7- In which process glucose molecule is broken into two molecules of pyruvic acid? ‏@‏ڑا ñ a دؤ رؤؤک ا @ ل @ز 5 ñ -7(a) Alcoholic fermentation h ا (b) Krebs cycle a :؟(c) Electron transport chain ñ ÿرٹ ا: aان ا (d) Glycolysis aلا 58-Which of the following micronutrients is necessary <strong>for</strong> photosynthesis and activates manyenzymes? 6 ل @ hاa ا اؤر ‏:‏aؤری a @ : ؤ 6 @ -8 ان ñ ؟آ:‏ن رؤن @ (b) Iron (a) Boron(c) Copper :5 (d) Chlorine úر 5Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 13 of 28SECTION - IIQ. No. 2. Write short answers of the following questions. (6 x 2 = 12)ñ۔ اث a: ‏

Page 16 of 285. Second equation of motion is:8 ؤاث دؤa8‎ی 8 -5(a)1 Si at2v t2 (b) vf vi at(c)2 22asv f vi (d)2 22as v f vi6. Velocity and acceleration of a body moving with uni<strong>for</strong>m speed in circular path will be:(a) In opposite direction(c) Mutually perpendicular8 ں ا اؤر ؤلا : 8 ñ دا:‏ے -6 ًں ñ(b) In same direction ا ñ آ دا ñ(d) Equal :ا: 7. The separation between two vernier lines is:(a) 9 mm(c) 10 mm(b) 0.9 mm(d) 0.10 mm8 ê در ں 5 لا دؤ a : a -7ؤ ر 8. 1 Newton is equal to:(a) 1 Kg/s (b) 1 Kgm/s 2(c) 1 Kg m/s (d) 1 Kgms 28 :ا: ú-8 ا Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 17 of 28SECTION - IIQ. No. 2. Write answers to any TEN questions from the following. (6 x 2 = 12)ñ۔ اث a: ‏

Page 21 of 28(4) What is a triple covalent bond? Explain with example.- ú : ؤ ل hاد 8 ؤ @ : (4)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(5) Give any three characteristics of colloid.- ú : : ث h9 8 ñ @ ز لا @ (5)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(6) Why is the <strong>for</strong>mula of solute necessary <strong>for</strong> calculation of the molarity of the solution?(6) 8 a ‏

Page 22 of 28ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONSECTION - ATotal Marks: 20Q. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (8)ñ ñ 1 a ‏:‏د اؤر اس ú: ب ا 5 اب دا:‏ہ ‏ درن اؤر 6: ک a ا -2(a) ے a (b) (c)اؤؤر† (d) a ا (a)(c) F =F = BILBIL۔ ث---------‏ ؤا ااز ا:‏ : ‏:‏دار 6: ñ -3(b) F =(d)BLIF = IBL(a)(c)۔: ñ ñ ث زدہ : ñ ñ ‏

Page 23 of 28(a)(c) د ر 8 ؟ 5 6 ل-------------------- : : ú a ا ڈ ے(b)(d)۔‎6‎a ا ؤ ر(a)۔ ú êë @ -7 ا:‏ ے ار م @ a ا : ñ : د ----------- a ا (b) a 8 a(c) a رز (d) ___________= Φ -8(a)MA (b) BA(c)TA (d) IASECTION - BThere are 6 short questions in this section. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.(6x2=12)؟ 8 6 @ : (1)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 24 of 28 ا @ ل ñ؟ ؤ ú۔ : (2) ؤ رق ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________@ ں : ؟ (3) ا 5 6 : @ ا 9 ر B________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5 ñ ا @ ل 6 ن : ú۔ (4)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 25 of 28 ذ ی h 8 ا د ؟ ذ ا ؤ ر (5)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________؟ ل ؤ ا ú۔ : 9 ا د h 8 ق : (6)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 26 of 28COMPUTER SCIENCESECTION - ATotal Marks: 20Q. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (8)ñ ñ 1 a دا:‏ہ ‏:‏د اؤر اس ú: ب ‏

Page 27 of 285. The most important part of System unit is a rectangular board known as ______ ۔۔۔۔۔۔ رڈ @ وس ا aؤ ا 5 6@ a) Assemblerc) Processor۔ا a ؤ :b) Motherboardd) Keyboardر @ رڈرڈ @ 6. Printer is an _________________ device.a) Storagec) Inputÿر9‎ان 6b) Output: a ا‏------------------‏ آê ۔ d) None of theseآؤٹ 6ñ۔ ان @ ñ 7. ___________ is an example of main memory.a) CD-ROMc) ROM۔ ڈی رؤمرؤمb) Floppy - diskd) RAM۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ری ñ ا ل ڈ ر 8. The programs that are responsible to control all the operations of hardware , are called________________ ذê دار ñ ۔۔۔۔ ñ۔۔ ا hا:ؤ: رڈ : ؤa ا آ:‏ aؤل @ a :a) COBOLc) Application Software@@ لا 6 ؤ a b) System Softwared) JAVAa ؤ ؤا Modal Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 28 of 28SECTION - BQ. No.2. Attempt all questions. (6x2=12)‏

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