Model Papers for Class 8 - Punjab Education Foundation

Model Papers for Class 8 - Punjab Education Foundation

Model Papers for Class 8 - Punjab Education Foundation

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۔‎6‎Page 1 of 12Use Capital/Block Letters.<strong>Class</strong> 8Name: ____________________________________________________Father’s Name: ____________________________________________GENDERPleasetick oneMale Female <strong>Model</strong> Paper <strong>for</strong> Preliminary QATAcademic Development UnitTotalMarks:For office use only:MATH ENGLISH URDU TOTALTotal Marks: 75: aؤری اث Total Time: 1 hour and 30 minutesñ۔ ñ ؤف ‏:‏aے a:ی اؤر ا ú: :h9 : ê hر ‏:‏aف م ñ۔ ن : ڈ ؤا (Female) ث (Male)۔ ا6‎ ۔ ئؤا اؤر ñ a ں ñ م اؤر ۔ a ‏

Page 2 of 12MATHEMATICSTotal Marks: 25SECTION – IQ. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (7)ñ ñ 1 a دا:‏ہ ‏:‏د اؤر اس ú: ب ‏

Page 3 of 126- Which statement is not true <strong>for</strong> any set “X”?؟ ñ در ن 6 @ “X” -6(a) X(b) X (c) X X(d) XX7- The subsets of {3, 5} is:8 5{3, 5} -7(a) {3}, {5} (b) { {}, {3}, {5}}(c) {3, 5} (d) { {}, {3}, {5}, {3, 5} }SECTION - IIQ. No. 2. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. (6 x 2 = 12)‏

Page 4 of 12(3) Calculate the amount of income tax of a person @ 5% whose net income is Rs. 6500 <strong>for</strong> theyear while amount of rebate is 50,000 rupees. (3) 6 5 7 ا a8‎ح 5 م ‏:‏ú۔ êëلا آ‎6500 رؤ ۔ (3) اñ 6 ر ۔ ‎50000‎رؤ ê ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(4) Find the value of2 2a b if a + b = 6 and ab = 11. (2)م 2 2 ‏:‏ú۔ (4) ا:‏ aاؤر + b = 6 = 11 ab a b @ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(5) Find the curved surface area of the sphere whose radii is 1.4 cm. (2)ê اس 5 رداس‎1.4‎ ۔ ‏:‏ú۔ م ê ر @ ‏:‏‏ّہ (5)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2 22 2(6) Simplify ( x 2y)(x 3y) (2) (2) ( x 2y)(x 3y‏:‏ú۔ a: )(6)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Model</strong> Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 5 of 12SECTION – IIINote: Solve all questions in this section. (2 x 3 = 6)‏@‏ٹ‎8‎ اس م ñ ‏

Page 6 of 12ENGLISHTotal Marks: 25SECTION - IQ. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (8)1. Loyal mean ____________.(a) lovely(c)devoted(b) blur(d) legal2. Choose the correct noun:(a) destroyer(c) damageDestroy(b) destruction(d) destructive3. Fill in the blank:Food is a big problem in ___________ countries.(a) many(c) a lot of(b) much(d) more4. Complete the sentence using simple Past Continuous verb.She __________her hair.(a) combing(c) was combing(b) is combing(d) were combing5. Cutlery is a lot of ____________, _________ and __________.(a) pans, pots and dishes(c) glass, jug and flasks(b) knives, <strong>for</strong>ks, spoons(d) rice plates, bowls and quarter plates<strong>Model</strong> Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 7 of 126. Choose the correct prefix with(a) dis(c) interloyal(b) un(d) in7. The __________ has already completed the drawing of my house.(a) auctioneer(b) reporter(c) architect(d) artist8. Fill in the blank with the opposite of the word underlined.If you _______ your toy, nobody will be able to mend it.(a) play(b) throw(c) break(d) jumpNote: In this section any question of 1 mark could be given, taken from the exercises of Book andtopics of grammar given in Content Book.<strong>Model</strong> Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 8 of 12SECTION – IIQ.No.2. There are 5 Question in this section. Each question carries 2 marks. (10)(1) Make sentences from the following words: (2)BreezeWordGraciousSentences(2) What is your hobby? (2)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(3) Use conjunctions to combine the given sentences: (2)1- He ate a lot. He wasn’t hungry.______________________________________________________________________________2- We intended to swim. The weather was too cold.______________________________________________________________________________(4) Punctuate the following dialogue: (2)uncle where have you been qasim we have met after a long timeqasim i have been to dubai uncle and i have just come back<strong>Model</strong> Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 9 of 12(5) Translate:The Holy Prophetﷺ had only a few soldiers and a small quantity of weapons, but he ﷺ showed great courage and patience, because he ﷺ had his trust in God. (2)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SECTION – IIIQ.No.3. Write a paragraph on “Visit to a park”. (7)(Note: This question can also include any type of descriptive question e.g. Essay writing,Story, Letter, Dialogue or response to a general situation. The main aim of this item is totest the writing ability of the student. No choice will be given)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Model</strong> Paper<strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> – Academic Development Unit (PEF-ADU-QAT)

Page 10 of 12اردؤ258 a M† ñ دؤa8‎ی : ê اؤل ) 8 (‏

Page 11 of 12hے‏:‏ú۔ -6 در hہ b) ر ñ ( 8aں اؤر ا ۔ 5a(a) ری ث aا : ۔ d) ( اب آپ ۔ ر ے لاú ۔ (c) ا: ؤر ‏'‏غ ' hا: رؤ ۔-7 ا hف ن (b ( ا (a)hف زن ا ( d) ا (c)-8 در 8‎ب ñ دی a:hی 5 ' ' ل ۔5 8‎ب ب a رؤز ( b) > الله ؤ 5 ث 5 (a)(d ( اؤ:‏ ؤا م ‏:‏دہ ا 6 ؤ دؤزخ الله (c)ê دؤم (10) ظ/‏ ا ظ/‏aادف،‏ ا ، hاث،‏ ، اظ/‏ ‏:‏aب ، الال،‏ در) ؤا‏/‏ ‏

Page 12 of 12ú: ال ‏

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