Final - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Final - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Final - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority


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Pump Station FeasibilityMWRA considered investigating the feasibility of constructing a small pump station to convey wastewater from asmall area of Quincy away from the Braintree Howard Street Pump Station. The flow would be rerouted back to theQuincy collection system. The City of Quincy would own and operate the pump station. Upon further evaluation,MWRA has decided to delete this project and instead, will continue an MOU with Braintree to pay the townannually for use of 25 percent capacity of Braintree’s Howard Street Pump Station.ScopeSub-phaseArchdaleDes/CS/RI andConstructionSections 70 and 71HLS Evaluation/ConstructionConstruction andImprovements forOutfall 023Milton FinancialAssistanceScopeDesign, construction services, and resident inspection for the Archdale Road DiversionStructure. Construction of an underground diversion structure that houses two 30-inch by60-inch horizontal sluice gates on the sidewall of the HLS. This structure controls flowinto BWSC’s Stony Brook Conduit.Initial evaluation and construction of recommended improvements.Removal and disposal of sediment and debris from Outfall 023 as well as continuation ofstructural improvements to enable future cleaning operations.Payment to the Town of Milton for local projects to mitigate downstream impacts fromhigh flow conditions.Expenditure Forecast (in $000s) and Project StatusTotalBudgetPaymentsthru FY10RemainingBalanceFY11 FY12 FY09-13 FY14-18 BeyondFY18$4,939 $3,439 $1,500 $0 $0 ($1) $938 $563ProjectStatus5/1169.6%Status as % is approximation based on project budget and expenditures. All subphasesare complete except for Outfall 023 Structural Improvements which isscheduled to commence in FY17.Changes to Project Scope, Budget, and ScheduleProject Cost Scheduled Completion Date FY09-13 SpendingFY11 FY12 Chge. FY11 FY12 Chge. FY11 FY12 Chge.$4,940 $4,939 ($1) Dec-18 Dec-18 None $0 ($1) ($1)Explanation of ChangesN/ACEB ImpactNo impacts identified at this time.Interception and Pumping - 30

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