Latin American Capital Markets

Latin American Capital Markets

Latin American Capital Markets


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88GEORG WITTICH, ETHIOPISTAFARA, AND ROBERT J. PETERSONBibliographyAustralian Bureau of Statistics. 2000. Use of the Internet by Householders. Canberra,NovemberBuckman, Rebecca. 2000.The Rise and Collapse of a Day Trader The Asian Wall StreetJournal, February 29, p. 19.Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (formerly, Bundesaufsichtsamt fur denWertpapierhandel). 2000. Guideline on Day Trading. Frankfurt August, http://www.bawe.de/down/rleOO_01 e.pdf.Cameron, Doug. 2001. Online Broking Rises in Europe. The Financial Times, February22, p. 27.Cellajoseph J. Ill, and John Reed Stark 1997. SEC Enforcement and the Internet: Meetingthe Challenge of the Next Millennium. Business Lawyer 52 (May):815.Choncron, Monique, Herve Grandjean, and Marianne Huve-Allard. 2000. Les porteursde valeurs mobilieres en 2000. ParisBourseSBF SA, June. http://www.bourse-deparis.fr/centredoc/pdf/valmob2000.pdf.Claessens, Stijn,Thomas Glaessner, and Daniela Klingebiel. 2001. E-Finance in Emerging<strong>Markets</strong>: Is Leapfrogging Possible? Financial Sector Discussion Paper 7. Washington,DC.: World BankCommissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa of Italy. 2000. Letter sent by ItalianConsob to Abi, Assosim, Unionsim, Assogestioni, Assofiduciaria, Assoreti, Anasf,the National Council of Stockbrokers and A.I.F.I., regarding online trading andrules of conduct, April 21.French Online Brokers Association,htm.http://www.brokers-on-line.org/chiffres/default.Gavis, Alexander C. 1998. Hyperlinks in Mutual Fund Advertising. Wallstreetlawyer.comI (8):3-7. Reprinted in Securities Law and the Internet: Doing Business in a RapidlyChanging Marketplace, co-chairs B. Becker; S. J. Schulte, and M. C.Wallach. PractisingLaw Institute.Hale, Brian. 1999. Cleaning Up The 'Devil's Den.' Sydney Morning Herald, August 2, p. 37.Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. 2000. A Consultation Paper on the Regulationof Online Trading of Securities and Futures. Hong Kong; December http://www.hksfc.org.hk/eng/bills/html/consultation/online.doc.Copyright © by the Inter-<strong>American</strong> Development Bank. All rights reserved.For more information visit our website: www.iadb.org/pub

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