SIMATIC IT - Siemens

SIMATIC IT - Siemens

SIMATIC IT - Siemens


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XHQ’s Integrated ArchitectureAdvanced data integration, analytic,and reporting capabilitiesXHQ Performance Analytics (PA) offers theability to view information in new andenlightening ways. This is done byleveraging the rich set of informationavailable through the XHQ OperationsIntelligence platform, combining it withinformation from additional operationaland business systems, optimizing theinformation for use in reporting andanalysis, and finally presenting theinformation in reports, dashboards, andanalytics tools.The XHQ Advanced Integration Serverprovides the set of tools for efficiently andeffectively extracting and delivering avariety of data to the XHQ InformationManagement layer. The data can originatefrom an existing XHQ Solution, one or allof the XHQ Applications such asPerformance Management, or almost anythird party data source. The mechanismsinvolved are designed to support local,regional, and even global implementations.The extracted data is contextualized andstored in the XHQ PA InformationManagement layer. The information ispersisted in data stores that are highlyoptimized for performing analytical tasks.The structures of these data stores will bepre-configured when well known datasources, such as XHQ Applications, areavailable. When the structure of thesource in not well known, thePerformance Analytics Engineering Layercan be used to generate the analytic datastores and transport mechanisms. Thesecan be based on the content of one ormore XHQ Solutions or external datasources such as Oracle and SQL Server.Once the data is contextualized andoptimized, the information can be usedfor the calculation of complex andaggregated KPI’s, performing On-LineAnalytic Processing , or rendering highlyefficient reports and dashboards.Visualization can be accomplished usingthe XHQ Visual Composer, XHQ ClientComposer, or via PA Reporting. Other toolssuch as Microsoft Excel can also access theanalytic data structures.

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