RE: People in Christianity - St Patrick & St Brendan - Ireland in Schools

RE: People in Christianity - St Patrick & St Brendan - Ireland in Schools

RE: People in Christianity - St Patrick & St Brendan - Ireland in Schools


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Key Questions Learn<strong>in</strong>g Objectives Activities Learn<strong>in</strong>gOutcome/AssessmentWhat was <strong>St</strong><strong>Brendan</strong>’svoyage like?• To reflect on the feel<strong>in</strong>gsof <strong>St</strong> <strong>Brendan</strong>.• To express feel<strong>in</strong>gsthrough music.• To be aware that beliefscan be expressed <strong>in</strong>different forms.• Display a map of <strong>Brendan</strong>’s journey. <strong>St</strong>ickpictures or words on it to show/describe thefeel<strong>in</strong>gs at each stage of the journey.• Devise a story bowl together. What wouldthe <strong>in</strong>gredients be to tell the story of <strong>St</strong><strong>Brendan</strong>? What characters?, Feel<strong>in</strong>gs? etc.• Show the children an empty envelopeaddressed to ‘My dear friend, Enda’. Expla<strong>in</strong>that the letter, from <strong>Brendan</strong>, has gonemiss<strong>in</strong>g. Decide where on the journey it waswritten and compose a letter together. Itshould show <strong>Brendan</strong>’s fears, hopes,excitement, etc. Depend<strong>in</strong>g on ability,children could then compose another letterfor a different stage of the journey on theirown or with support.Pupils...• Identify thefeel<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>St</strong><strong>Brendan</strong>.• Empathisewith thefeel<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>St</strong><strong>Brendan</strong>.• Listen to short extracts from ‘The <strong>Brendan</strong>Voyage’ by Shaun Davey.• Ask the children to close their eyes and th<strong>in</strong>kabout the music. What pictures does it br<strong>in</strong>gto their m<strong>in</strong>ds? Why might that be? Discussthe <strong>in</strong>struments used. Draw the th<strong>in</strong>gs thatcome to their m<strong>in</strong>ds and discuss. Do theyth<strong>in</strong>k the extracts relate to specific parts of<strong>Brendan</strong>’s journey? Which? Why?• Ask the children, <strong>in</strong> small groups, to makeup sounds/music to represent differentfeel<strong>in</strong>gs, such as, anger, excitement, sadness,happ<strong>in</strong>ess, peace, fear. Whatobjects/<strong>in</strong>struments would they choose tomake the sounds? Why? Would the soundsbe loud / soft? Fast/slow? Etc. Oncecomposed the children could write simplepoems about their emotions to read withtheir ‘music’. This could be performed to theclass or an assembly.• Imag<strong>in</strong>e that you could go back <strong>in</strong> time andmeet <strong>St</strong> <strong>Brendan</strong>. What questions would thechildren like to ask him? As well as simpledetails encourage questions on feel<strong>in</strong>gs andreasons for his actions. Teacher <strong>in</strong> the role of<strong>St</strong> <strong>Brendan</strong> then takes the hot seat andanswers questions put to them from thechildren, giv<strong>in</strong>g as much detail as possibleabout him. A role on the wall of <strong>Brendan</strong>should then be created, gather<strong>in</strong>g all the<strong>in</strong>formation learned about him together. (Asimple outl<strong>in</strong>e of a person is drawn anddetails written around the outside. Feel<strong>in</strong>gsare written <strong>in</strong>side the outl<strong>in</strong>e).• Interpretfeel<strong>in</strong>gs/eventsexpressedthrough music.• Expressemotions,symbolicallythrough music.• Are aware thatmusic cansymboliseemotions.• Be becom<strong>in</strong>gaware thatbeliefs can beexpressedthroughdifferentforms.NCC Education, <strong>RE</strong> (KS1-2): Sa<strong>in</strong>ts, 8

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