2012-2013 SNU Graduate Academic Catalog - Southern Nazarene ...

2012-2013 SNU Graduate Academic Catalog - Southern Nazarene ...

2012-2013 SNU Graduate Academic Catalog - Southern Nazarene ...


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GRADUATE PROGRAMS IN THEOLOGY and MINISTRY61PRTH 5203PRTH 5303PRTH 6133Leadership and Conflict Resolution (3 credit hours)This course provides a detailed study of organizational leadership skills, spiritual leadership, followership,dynamics of group interaction, types of groups, problem solving, conflict resolution, as well practicalapplication of theses principles. Students will have the opportunity to explore various styles of leadershipand begin to identify their own leadership style using the Leadership Practices Inventory developed byKouzes and Posner. Students will gain hands-on experience by analyzing their performance in a current ornew leadership role in the Church.Leadership Skills and Team Building (3 credit hours)Causes of conflict will be studied along with strategies of its management and reduction. Discussion willintegrate leadership philosophy and conflict issues.Patterns of Church Renewal (3 credit hours)The biblical, theological, and historical roots of evangelism are explored within particular contemporarycontext. Effective strategies for evangelism will be investigated in light of the locale of local churches.Evangelism will be cross-pollinated with principles of church growth and of leadership.PRTH 6191-3 Thesis Research (1-3 credit hours)By permission of the M.A. coordinator only.PRTH 6223Specialized Studies (3 credit hours)A course designed to offer specialized subject matter/skills to address current ministry trends, students’needs and interests. Integrating biblical, theological, and historic concerns with practical ministry will be amajor focus. This course may be repeated with different subject matter. Topics may include: “TeachingEthics,” “Strategies for Effective Evangelism,” “Marriage and Family Counseling,” as well as other topics ofcurrent interest in the life, thought, and ministry of American Christianity.PRTH 6401-2 Directed Ministry Practicum (1-2 credit hours)A supervised practicum in an area of actual ministry will be selected in consultation with the Coordinatorof the M.A. program.PRTH 6403Ministry Practicum: Leading Change in the Local Church (3 credit hours)This course provides a culminating integration for students finishing the degree program. Students willdemonstrate their ability to apply the principles of Church Leadership by diagnosing a current situation intheir church and designing a change plan based on the concepts and principles taught in the variouscourses of the MACL.THEO (THEOLOGY)THEO 4181-3 Directed Study* (1-3 credit hours)Requires approval by M.A. coordinator and Theology professor.THEO 5113THEO 5143THEO 5153THEO 5163Wesleyan-Arminian Theology (3 credit hours)The first half of the semester will be devoted to the background and development of the theology of JamesArminius in its relation to the 17 th century Reformed theology. Special consideration will be given to theevents which led to the Synod of Dort. The second half of the semester examines John Wesley’s theologyagainst the background of 18 th century theology. Special attention is paid to Wesley’s doctrine of ChristianPerfection. Extensive readings in primary source materials will be required on both men.Theologians of the Modern Era: 19 th – Mid 20 th Century (3 credit hours)This course is a study of the theological conversation that emerged because of the Enlightenment. Specialattention will be given to the philosophical presuppositions from which modern theology developed. Theclass will explore a variety of modern theologians (from Schleiermacher to Barth) and their methods.Theologians of the Post-Modern Era: Late 20 th Century (3 credit hours)This course is a study of the theological conversation that emerged because of the Post-Modern setting.Attention will be given to the problem of pluralism and the doctrinal issues which are impacted by thisproblem. We will explore a variety of theological methods and theologians for this post-modern setting.Half of the class will be devoted to exploring and constructing a specific theological approach.Reformation Theology (3 credit hours)A study of the chief theological concepts of the Protestant Reformation against the background of latemedieval thought. Major attention will be given to the thought of Luther and Calvin with extensivereadings in their works.

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