The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

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espect the confidentiality <strong>of</strong> data. <strong>Research</strong>ersshould properly account <strong>for</strong> grants or fundingreceived.3. Responsibility:All research subjects – human, animal or nonliving– should be handled with respect and care.<strong>The</strong> health, safety or welfare <strong>of</strong> a communityor collaborators should not be compromised.<strong>Research</strong>ers should be sensitive to their researchsubjects. Protocols that govern research intohuman subjects must not be violated. Animalsshould be used in research only after alternativeapproaches have proved inadequate. <strong>The</strong>expected benefits <strong>of</strong> such research must outweighthe harm or distress inflicted on an animal.<strong>The</strong> primary responsibility <strong>for</strong> handling researchmisconduct is in the hands <strong>of</strong> those who employ theresearchers. Such institutions should have a standingor ad hoc committee(s) to deal with allegations<strong>of</strong> misconduct. Academies <strong>of</strong> Sciences and othersuch bodies should adopt a code <strong>of</strong> conduct, withrules <strong>for</strong> handling alleged cases <strong>of</strong> misconduct, andexpect members to abide by it. <strong>Research</strong>ers involvedin international collaboration should agree tostandards <strong>of</strong> research integrity as developed in thisdocument and, where appropriate, adopt a <strong>for</strong>malcollaboration protocol either ab initio or by usingone drafted by the OECD Global Science Forum.4. Publication:Results should be published in an open, transparentand accurate manner, at the earliest possibletime, unless intellectual property considerationsjustify delay. All authors, unless otherwise specified,should be fully responsible <strong>for</strong> the content<strong>of</strong> publication. Guest authorship and ghostauthorship are not acceptable. <strong>The</strong> criteria <strong>for</strong>establishing the sequence <strong>of</strong> authors should beagreed by all, ideally at the start <strong>of</strong> the project.Contributions by collaborators and assistantsshould be acknowledged, with their permission.All authors should declare any conflict <strong>of</strong> interest.Intellectual contributions <strong>of</strong> others shouldbe acknowledged and correctly cited. Honestyand accuracy should be maintained in communicationwith the public and the popular media.Financial and other support <strong>for</strong> research shouldbe acknowledged.7<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Integrity</strong>5. Editorial responsibility:An editor or reviewer with a potential conflict <strong>of</strong>interest should withdraw from involvement witha given publication or disclose the conflict to thereadership. Reviewers should provide accurate,objective, substantiated and justifiable assessments,and maintain confidentiality. Reviewersshould not, without permission, make use <strong>of</strong>material in submitted manuscripts. Reviewerswho consider applications <strong>for</strong> funding, orapplications by individuals <strong>for</strong> appointment orpromotion or other recognition, should observethe same guidelines.

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