14 Exhibitor Prospectus - RIMS

14 Exhibitor Prospectus - RIMS

14 Exhibitor Prospectus - RIMS


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FACE-TO-FACEMARKETING PAYS OFFThe numbers speak for themselves. With more than 9,000 risk managementprofessionals, <strong>RIMS</strong> ’<strong>14</strong> will be your best opportunity to find new customersand expand your business.: Exhibitions save companies an averageof $795 per new customer…companies can save 79% by makinga first face-to-face contact witha potential customer at an exhibition.Source: The Cost-Effectiveness of ExhibitionParticipation: Part 1; Center for ExhibitionResearch (CEIR), 2009: 92% of trade show attendees say theyare looking for new products.Source: The Role and Value of Face to Face(CEIR), 2012: Nearly 40% of prospective customersbecome new customers with an inpersonmeeting, and just 16% withoutsuch a meeting.Source: Oxford Economics Business TravelStudy; Oxford Economics, 2009MEET ATTENDEES WITH BUYING POWER<strong>RIMS</strong> Annual Conference & Exhibition attracts an exclusivegroup of risk managers, senior executives and otherdecision makers from all corners of industry. Our impressiveattendee demographics include:Participating Companies:: 84% of <strong>RIMS</strong> members are Fortune 250 companies: 87% of <strong>RIMS</strong> members are Fortune 500 companies: 67% of <strong>RIMS</strong> members are Fortune 1000 companiesParticipating Attendees:: 71% of attendees are risk managers, presidents, vicepresidents or directors: 85% of conference attendees have a role in the purchasingpower of their company: Nearly 80% of <strong>RIMS</strong> attendees make or influencepurchase decisions related to their organizations riskmanagement and insurance program: Each year, approximately 30% of exhibit hall visitorsare new attendeesManagement levelof 2013 attendeesOur members spend, on average, over $7.3 millionannually on commercial insurance and risk managementservices and $1 million annually for technologypurchases and updatesExhibit at <strong>RIMS</strong> ‘<strong>14</strong> to raise your corporate profile andwatch your business grow!www.<strong>RIMS</strong>.org/ExhibitAsset size of 2013attendee organizations

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