Hardware Design of Vertical Axis Highway Windmill - IRD India

Hardware Design of Vertical Axis Highway Windmill - IRD India

Hardware Design of Vertical Axis Highway Windmill - IRD India


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International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)The main advantage <strong>of</strong> VAHW is it can generatepower in all direction <strong>of</strong> wind flow. And the otheradvantages are the maintenance are less and the height<strong>of</strong> the tower is less.II. PRINCIPLES OF WIND ENERGY CONVERTION.The primary component <strong>of</strong> a wind turbine is theenergy converter which transforms the kinetic energycontained in the moving air, into mechanical for theinitial discussion <strong>of</strong> principle, the exact nature <strong>of</strong> theenergy concur is irrelevant the extraction <strong>of</strong> mechanical.Energy from a stream <strong>of</strong> moving air with the help <strong>of</strong> adisk shaped rotating wind energy converter follows itsown basic rules. The credit for having recognized thisprinciple is owed to Albertbetz. Between 1922and 1925.Betz published writings in which he was able to showthat by applying elementary. Physical laws themechanical energy extractable from air stream passingthrough a gives cross section area is restricted to acertain fixed proportion <strong>of</strong> the energy or powercontained in the air stream .moreover ,he found thatoptimal power extraction could only be realized at acertain ratio between the flow velocity <strong>of</strong> air in front <strong>of</strong>energy converter and the flow velocity behind theconverter all through BETZ .momentum theory whichassumes the energy converter working without losses ina fraction less air flow contain simplification if resultsair quite usable for performing rough calculation inpractical engineering .but it is true signification iffounded in the fact that if provides common physicalbasis for the understanding and operation <strong>of</strong> windenergy converters <strong>of</strong> various designIII. ELEMENTARY MOMENTUM THEORYThe kinetic energy <strong>of</strong> an air mass m moving at avelocity v can be expressed asConsidering a certain cross-sectional area althoughwhich the air passes at velocity V, the volume v‟ flowthrough during a certain time unit, the so called volumeflow isSCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF VAHWFig.2IV. DESIGNING METHODOLOGYThis design methodology is to increase theefficiency <strong>of</strong> the windmill at first the designing stepsstarts with the design <strong>of</strong> windmill blades. Because thisblades will mainly affects the overall efficiency <strong>of</strong> thewindmill. For a particular application the wind millblade should be in required size. Before this gettingknowledge about the aerodynamic style <strong>of</strong> windmillblade in order to get the full efficiency is very muchimportant.The various considerations are.A. Wind speed:The speed <strong>of</strong> the wind is very much important forthe production <strong>of</strong> electricity in the windmill. Because inwindmill we are using the wind as a raw material for thepower production .this bakes the axis rotate and this axisis coupled with a dc generator and makes its also rotateand produce electricity.B. Tower height and design:The height <strong>of</strong> the tower is very much important fora windmill. In VAHW the tower is kept little sort toobtain whole air density passing from the vehicleWe also should concentrate in the design <strong>of</strong> thetower because it should able to withstand for its ownweight and also in the speed <strong>of</strong> the windC. Shape <strong>of</strong> the blade:As discussed earlier the shape <strong>of</strong> the wind millblades is the important one if one could place an84ISSN (Print) : 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-3, 2013

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