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THE COMMUNITYCHALLENGEAll efforts to meet the challenges posed by growing energydemand may be for naught unless there is a correspondingcommitment to lighten the environmental footprint of ourindustry’s activities and products. Intensive efforts must alsobe made to ensure that facilities and communities are safe,healthful places in which to work and live.We share the world's concern regarding potential climatechange impact, and we are working to play a leadingrole in developing and implementing technologicalsolutions in a responsible manner. In May, we organizedan international symposium on carbon management— the first of its kind in the Middle East.As part of <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Aramco</strong>’s broader technology program,we are collaborating with a number of leading researchinstitutes and technology developers worldwide tointroduce new environmental technologies, such ascarbon capture and sequestration, cleaner burning fuels,more environmentally friendly engine designs, and newflue gas and crude desulfurization technologies.In addition to our efforts in energy conservation andflare reduction, we have established a dedicated CarbonManagement Team focused on coordinating our effortsto minimize carbon emissions.As our offshore activities have increased, so has ourability to combat oil spills. <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Aramco</strong> maintains alarge, dedicated anti-pollution fleet and regularly conductsinternational oil spill drills in cooperation with othercompany organizations, government agencies andinternational environmental organizations.Sulfur plant upgrades at Shedgum and 'Uthmaniyahgas plants were completed in late 2005 and commissionedin early 2006, significantly reducing sulfur emissions.Further reductions will be achieved in a second phaseof projects for both plants, planned for completion in2009. A similar project has begun at Berri Gas Plant. Asmentioned earlier, the diesel hydrotreaters at Yanbu’ andRiyadh refineries have reduced atmospheric sulfur dioxideemissions from diesel fuel by about 70 percent.A number of wastewater treatment plants are in theworks or planned for the near future, including facilitiesat the Ras Tanura and Ju'aymah terminals, Abqaiq Plants,East/West Pipeline pump stations, regional distributioncenters, Berri and Ju'aymah gas plants, Jiddah Refineryand onshore and offshore locations in our Northern Area.We place great importance on securing our facilities —and more importantly, our people — from harm.Company operations and communities are protected byan array of safety and security measures. Our Securitypersonnel are well-trained and participate in frequentexercises. Furthermore, our facilities feature redundantsystems so production, processing and distribution ofpetroleum can continue unabated.44 SAUDI ARAMCO

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