National Sex Offender Registry Assistance Program - Bureau of ...

National Sex Offender Registry Assistance Program - Bureau of ...

National Sex Offender Registry Assistance Program - Bureau of ...


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TimingTo be eligible for 1998 NSOR-AP funds, anapplication must be submitted to BJS by April15, 1998.Awards normally will be for 12 months, althougha longer period can be approved with sufficientjustification. Project activity may be initiated afterJuly 1, 1998, but no later than September1998. In the event that an award is made beforeJuly 1, 1998, the applicant may request anearlier start up date. Applications must containan end date no later than December 31, 1999.Allocation <strong>of</strong> funds within the StateThe agency designated to apply for and receivethe NSOR-AP award may allocate the fundswithin the State consistent with State policy andgoals. Although it is anticipated that the majority<strong>of</strong> funds will be utilized at the State level todirectly support development <strong>of</strong> the State registryand interfaces with the national system,funds may be directed to local agencies requiringassistance in connection with, for example,input <strong>of</strong> data. States should be particularlyaware <strong>of</strong> the key role played by courts in development<strong>of</strong> registry information and <strong>of</strong> specialneeds <strong>of</strong> Indian tribes.Interface with the FBI's <strong>National</strong> <strong>Sex</strong><strong>Offender</strong> <strong>Registry</strong> systemRegular input to the FBI's national system is akey goal <strong>of</strong> this assistance program. Accordingly,States that are not currently submittinginformation to the FBI's national registry at thetime <strong>of</strong> their application for funding are encouragedto request funding to accomplish this goalby September 30, 1998. All applications musteither indicate that the State is alreadysubmitting information or specify the date(s) bywhich data will be provided to the FBI's interimand/or permanent system.<strong>Program</strong> narrativeIn addition to the requirements set forth inAppendix A, the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Sex</strong> <strong>Offender</strong> <strong>Registry</strong><strong>Assistance</strong> <strong>Program</strong> (NSOR-AP) applicationshould include the following parts.Part I. BackgroundThis section should include a short description<strong>of</strong> the status <strong>of</strong>, and plans for, those aspects <strong>of</strong>the State sex <strong>of</strong>fender registry that are necessaryfor understanding the application. In particular,the discussion should indicate whetherthe registry is automated in whole or in part anddescribe the process for data input and disseminationto law enforcement agencies within theState. The section should also indicate whetherdata is being sent electronically to the FBI andthe categories <strong>of</strong> persons eligible to access registrydata. Where funds are requested for fingerprintor mugshot equipment, the sectionshould indicate the status <strong>of</strong> fingerprint or mugshotcapability at the registry and among localagencies charged with data input. The applicantshould also indicate whether any coordinationarrangements exist with neighboring Statesor Indian tribes.Part II. Identification <strong>of</strong> needsThis section should identify those areas andproblems that the applicant State believesshould be addressed to upgrade the functioning<strong>of</strong> the State registry and its interface with thenational system, consistent with Federal andState legislative requirements.Fiscal Year 1998 <strong>Program</strong> Announcement 3

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