CAMP for Mammals of India - Zoo Outreach Organisation

CAMP for Mammals of India - Zoo Outreach Organisation

CAMP for Mammals of India - Zoo Outreach Organisation

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Mammalian families represented in the assessments50Number <strong>of</strong> families represented in the assessments403020100ZiphiidaeUrsidaeTupaiidaeTragulidaeTalpidaeSuidaeRhinopomatidaeRhinocerotidaeMoschidaeMolossidaeMegadermatidaeManidaeLoridaeHylobatidaeHyaenidaeErinaceidaeEquidaeEmballonuridaeElephantidaeDugongidaeDelphinidaeCervidaeCercopithecidaeCaprinaeCanidaeBalaenidaeAiluridaeLeporidaeHystricidaeViverridaePlanistidaePhocoenidaeOchotonidaeHipposideridaeHerpestidaeRhinolopidaeFelidaeBalaenopridaePteropodidaeMustelidaeBovidaeSoricidaeSciuridaeVespertilionidaeMuridae0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Non-endemic taxaEndemic taxaNumber <strong>of</strong> taxa assessedTable 2. Basis <strong>of</strong> criteria <strong>for</strong> assessing endemic and non-endemic mammals <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong>Species IUCN Distribution in <strong>India</strong> Threatened due to CriteriaINDIAN ENDEMICSAlticola albicauda DD North -- --Anathana ellioti LR-nt East, west, central, south -- --Atherurus macrourus EN Northeast Restricted distribution B1, 2c, 2b, 2dassamensisBiswamoyopterus biswasi CR Northeast Restricted distribution B1, 2cBubalus arnee EN Central, northeast Restricted distribution B1, 2cCervus duvaucelli CR Central, east Population estimates C2bbranderiCervus elaphus hanglu CR North Restricted distributionPopulation estimatesB1, 2c, 3d;C2bCervus eldi eldi CR Northeast Restricted distributionPopulation estimatesB1, 2cC2bCremnomys cutchicus LR-lc North, west, east, south -- --Cremnomys elvira VU South Restricted population D2Crocidura andamanensis DD Andaman & Nicobar -- --Crocidura hispida EN Andaman & nicobar Restricted distribution B1, 2cCrocidura jenkinsi DD Andaman & Nicobar -- --Crocidura nicobarica DD Andaman & Nicobar -- --Cuon alpinusLR-nt Peninsular <strong>India</strong> -- --dekhanensisCuon alpinus laniger CR North Population estimates C2bReport <strong>of</strong> BCPP <strong>CAMP</strong> on mammals <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong> 39

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