Download Report - Sorby Breck Ringing Group

Download Report - Sorby Breck Ringing Group

Download Report - Sorby Breck Ringing Group

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Monthly Species Totals December 2008Q12008Q22008Q32008Oct2008Nov2008Dec2008Total2008Jan-Nov2007Mute Swan 37 12 82 71 7 209 624Whooper Swan 1Greylag Goose 4 4 4Greater Canada Goose 17 17 38Eurasian Teal 2 1 1 4 1Mallard 1 15 1 17 9Goshawk 4 4 3Sparrowhawk 3 2 5 2 12 6Buzzard 5 5 10Kestrel 1 31 6 1 39 49Merlin 15 3 18 9Hobby 37 37 31Peregrine 4 2 6 4Water Rail 1 1 2Moorhen 3 3 1 7 6Coot 10 10 1Oystercatcher 1 1Little Ringed Plover 4 4Ringed Plover 3 3Lapwing 43 43 29Jack Snipe 1 3 7 5 16 1Snipe 6 2 11 11 30 15Common Sandpiper 1 1Black-headed Gull 4 4Common Tern 3 3 7Stock Dove 4 18 3 25 26Woodpigeon 1 10 12 1 1 2 27 15Collared Dove 2 3 1 6 4Barn Owl 11Little Owl 4 4 4Tawny Owl 12 1 1 1 15 25Long-eared Owl 9Short-eared Owl 3Swift 59 59 21Kingfisher 1 3 7 3 2 16 9Green Woodpecker 2Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 6 6 1 5 1 20 31Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 1 1Woodlark 2 2Skylark 1Sand Martin 42 4 46 51Swallow 596 613 1209 1295House Martin 223 196 419 223Tree Pipit 7 7 7Meadow Pipit 2 4 453 10 1 470 434Yellow Wagtail 2 2 4 2

Q12008Q22008Q32008Oct2008Nov2008Dec2008Total2008Jan-Nov2007Grey Wagtail 9 27 54 1 4 95 93Pied Wagtail 168 56 76 12 312 298Dipper 8 50 9 67 44Wren 26 40 112 40 30 12 266 305Dunnock 48 78 105 32 35 19 317 348Robin 83 94 123 30 30 30 390 392Redstart 1 2 3 9Whinchat 4Stonechat 4 1 5 6Ring Ouzel 43 43 13Blackbird 122 130 79 21 58 78 488 559Fieldfare 2Song Thrush 8 31 25 5 10 4 83 82Redwing 1 5 3 9 14Mistle Thrush 1 4 1 6 12Grasshopper Warbler 5 2 7 2Sedge Warbler 24 33 57 27Reed Warbler 34 55 89 78Lesser Whitethroat 9 11 20 19Whitethroat 52 45 97 120Garden Warbler 22 13 35 68Blackcap 54 100 2 4 160 256Wood Warbler 5 5Chiffchaff 7 58 357 15 437 354Willow Warbler 101 112 213 223Goldcrest 27 5 78 130 82 28 350 256Firecrest 2 2 2Spotted Flycatcher 3 4 7 23Pied Flycatcher 135 4 139 91Long-tailed Tit 69 192 67 63 47 85 253 442Marsh Tit 3 2 5 4Willow Tit 2 4 14 2 1 5 28 29Coal Tit 122 27 65 80 92 39 425 343Blue Tit 215 457 141 81 87 78 1059 1264Great Tit 178 251 117 52 68 54 710 854Nuthatch 6 14 9 5 3 2 39 39Treecreeper 10 7 3 5 7 7 39 22Great Grey Shrike 1Jay 1 10 1 12 14Magpie 3 3 19 3 1 29 9Jackdaw 2 2 4 7Rook 7 7 3Carrion Crow 2 2Raven 14 14 2Starling 43 198 12 22 275 185House Sparrow 6 76 40 1 123 93Tree Sparrow 9 178 99 7 12 5 310 462Chaffinch 143 141 107 33 64 47 535 766

Q12008Q22008Q32008Oct2008Nov2008Dec2008Total2008Jan-Nov2007Brambling 7 14 2 23 4Greenfinch 45 47 55 38 17 4 206 358Goldfinch 64 39 57 11 13 14 198 195Siskin 82 17 192 6 4 301 197Linnet 17 6 23 11Common Redpoll 3 3Lesser Redpoll 4 4 922 1036 68 26 2060 297Bullfinch 36 47 51 17 23 27 201 202Yellowhammer 11 14 1 4 30 37Reed Bunting 8 23 22 16 14 7 90 150Grand Total 1667 3979 4860 1834 837 625 13802 12712Total Species 50 79 61 41 40 32 95 92David Williams

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