Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

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TREASURE ISLANDus we "must get back to this to-morrow rather livelier."Then, when we had eaten our pork, and each had a goodstiff glass of brandy grog, the three chiefs got together in acorner todiscuss our prospects.It appears they were at their wit's end what to do, thestores being so low that we must have been starved intosurrender long before help came. But our best hope, itw r asdecided, was to kill off the buccaneers until they either hauledFrom nine-down their flag or ran away with the Hispaniola.teen they were already reduced to fifteen, two others werewounded, and one, at least - - the man shot beside the gun -severely wounded, if he were not dead. Everytime we hada crack at them, we were to take it, saving our own lives,with the extremest care.allies!rum and the climate.And, besides that, we had two ableAs for the first, though we were about half a mile away,we could hear them roaring and singing late into the night;and as for the second, the doctor staked his wig that, campedwhere they were in the marsh, and unprovided with remedies,the half of them would be on their backs before a week."So," he added, "if we are not all shot down first, they '11be glad to be packingin the schooner. It 'salways a ship,and they can get to buccaneering again, I suppose."sleep,"First ship that ever I lost," said Captain Smollett.I was dead tired, as you may fancy; and when I got towhich was not till aftera great deal of tossing, I sleptlike a log of wood.The rest had long been up, and had already breakfastedand increased the pileof firewood by about half as much[148]

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