Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

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PewTHE LAST OF THE BLIND MAN"Scatter and find 'em! Rout the house out!" reiteratedstriking with his stick upon the road.Then there followed a great to-do through all our old inn,heavy feet pounding to and fro, furniture thrown over, doorskicked in, until the very rocks re-echoed, and the men cameout again, one after another, on the road, and declared thatwe were nowhere to be found. And just then the samewhistle that had alarmed my mother and myself over the deadcaptain's money was once more clearly audible through thenight, but this time twice repeated. I had thoughtit to bethe blind man's trumpet, so to speak, summoninghis crewto the assault; but I now found that it was a signal from thehillside towards the hamlet, and, from its effect upon thebuccaneers, a signal to warn them of approaching danger.'There 's Dirk again," said one. 'Twice! We '11 haveto budge, mates."'Budge, you skulk!" cried Pew. 'Dirk was a fool anda coward from the firstyou would n't mind him. Theymust be close by; they can't be far; you have your handson it. Scatter and look for them, dogs! Oh, shiver my"if I had eyes!"This appeal seemed to produce some effect, for two of thesoul," he cried,fellows began to look here and there among the lumber, buthalf-heartedly, I thought, and with half an eye totheir owndanger all the time, while the rest stood irresolute on theroad."You have your hands on thousands, you fools,and youhang a leg!You 'd be as rich as kingsifyou could find it,and you know r it 's here, and you stand there skulking. ThereK371

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