Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

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TREASURE ISLANDdo you suppose by any chance that we are going to let youiioseyours? That would be a poor return, my boy. Youfound out the plot; you found Ben Gunn the best deedthat ever you did, or will do, though you live to ninety. Oh,^y Jupiter, and talking of Ben Gunn! why,this is the mischiefin person. Silver," he cried, "Silver! I '11give you apiece of advice," he continued, as the cook drew near again;"'don't you be in any great hurry after that treasure."'Why, sir, I do my possible, which that ain't," said Silver."I can only, asking your pardon, save my life and the boy'sby seeking for that treasure;and you may lay to that.""Well, Silver," replied the doctor, "if that is so, I J llgoone step further:"Sir," said Silver,look out for squalls when you find it.""as between man and man, that's toomuch and too little. What you're after, why youleft theblock-house, why you 've given me that there chart, I don'tknow, now, do I ?and yet I done your bidding with my eyesshut and never a word of hope ! But no, this here 's toomuch.so, and I '11If you won't tell me what you mean plain out, just sayleave the helm.":'No," said the doctor, musingly, "I 've no right to saymore; it 's not my secret, you see, Silver, or, I give you myword, I 'd tell ityou. But I '11go as far with youas I darego, and a step beyond; for I '11 have my wig sorted by thecaptain or I 'm mistaken ! And, first, I '11give youa bit ofhope: Silver, if we both get alive out of this wolf-trap, I '11do my best to save you, short of perjury."'Silver's face was radiant. You couldn't say more, I 'msure, sir, not ifyou was my mother," he cried,[240 ]

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