New Zealand's National Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Report ...

New Zealand's National Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Report ...

New Zealand's National Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Report ...

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• Jim Fraser commented that the Gold Card is still in its infancy and that it is yet todeliver many benefits.• Marissa Johnpillai suggested including the discrimination and abuse experienced bythe elderly in consumer matters. Anna Mitchell suggested that consumer issues not beconfined only to the elderly.3.5 Violence within Families• Katherine Peet noted the failure to include work being done with men, by men in thisarea, and suggested it be highlighted as a unique approach in <strong>New</strong> Zealand.• Natalie suggested mentioning the upcoming referendum on section 59.3.6 Persons with Disabilities• Marissa Johnpillai suggested including the issue of access of children to schoolswhere special needs funding was required, in light of the complaint that is being takenup by the IHC.• Katherine Peet suggested mentioning the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Actprovision of 28 days care to help people stay in their homes.• Anna Mitchell commented that the section was very statistical, and about who didwhat, rather than what’s being done currently. But she felt this was acceptable in lightof the fact that implementing disabled person’s rights came under the Section FivePriorities.3.6.1 Mental Health• Ciaran Fox noted their concern over the reference to the Mental Health Commission as‘independent’, given that it reports directly to the Minister of Health. He alsocommented that there is no ‘independent’ body that monitors implementation of theMental Health Act.• Anna Mitchell disagreed with the description of mental health services as ‘becomingmore responsive’ in light of the drop in admission rates. This was not a factualstatement as there is no way of telling if the decrease is due to better treatment.• Ciaran Fox noted that this description glosses over the issues faced in this area giventhe continuation of practices such as seclusion and electro-convulsive therapy (ECT)and that these practices may be inconsistent with CAT.3.7 Ethnic Diversity and Tolerance• Katherine Peet asked whether there was any reference to the HRC Race RelationsCommissioner in the report? The Diversity Action Plan was raised as a success.• Adam Dubas explained that it was mentioned under 2.3 and best practices.• The NZHRC noted that its Race Relations statement was released today. Richard Kayundertook to update the section in light of the recent release, and would also include adescription of what most of the complaints came in for.3.7.1 Migrants3.7.2 Interfaith DialogueSection Four: Identification of Achievements, Best Practices, Challenges andConstraints27

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