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- 42 -like the Roman Emperor Severus the Europeanised African, a direct product of White power and dominationrather than inter-cultural communication and respect as equal members of the human family. And no differentto Severus, he has thrown his lot with the enemies of humanity and justice. I too was an Uncle Tom for mostof my life. I learned and it is possible for him to come to grips with reality too. He needs only be braveenough to wish redemption not from a mystery God but from himself as a human being.We need real change. We demand real change. All of us, without regard to ethnicity, national origin ortheological delusion must be a part of the process, not an aspect in the landscape. Euro-Americans know thisand this is why so many fight so hard to keep things as they always have been. This pointless fear of the lossof unearned entitlement chokes the mind, heart and spirit of the White public and it is ultimately theirresponsibility to address it. If the White American population is at all serious about change, they internallyand individually must actualise that change, not just demand that the rest of us alter our reality to suit theirinsecurities. Our responsibility as persons of colour given this opportunity is to continue that endeavourthrough self-education, self-evaluation and reliance upon our own innate sense of justice and survival asrecognised by Malcolm, Martin, Mumia, Leonard Peltier and a million nameless and faceless others lost inthe struggle to the midst of time.If at that point the European in the Americas still cannot accept the fact that this is the world he alone hasmade and is willing to reconcile himself with the negatives of his own making, then nothing is stopping himfrom returning to the lands of his roots. For nothing is or has prevented him from building exactly the sort ofxenophobic bubble they have been griping about on his own subcontinent. He needs only to have thecourage to pack his bags and go home leaving behind a more humanistic and all-encompassing vision of whatmay have become had he acted and lived differently when afforded the occasion.And contrary to conventional belief, offering us Barack Obama as a substitute for justice in Pax Americanamore than a day late and a dollar short of the genuine debt owed to so many by so few. It is an insult to thememories of all who have given their all just to breathe in free air on a planet that belongs to all of us.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes:[i] NYT: “In Bell Case, Black New Yorkers See Nuances That Temper Rage” Manny Fernandez,Published: April 27, 2008[ii] Franz Fanon: “Black Skin, White Masks” 1967[iii] Jerusalem Post: “Obama reaffirms support for Israel,” May 13th 2008[iv] New York Post: “Sean Bell Detectives Found not Guilty,” April 25, 2008[v] Associated Content: “Paul Mooney on Michael Richards: He Cured Me of Using the N-Word”published Nov 28, 2006[vi] Ward Churchill: “Let's Spread the fun Around”

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