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- 46 -I will not allow myself to be conscripted into forming a union with the cheering masses in celebrating the riseof a new American emperor just because his father happens to be from Kenya. Barack Obama has darkskin, but only fools and the politically uneducated believe the hype that his vision is anything other thanEurocentric, capitalist and imperialistic. The White racist power structure will pretend that the white mask hewears does not exist but have quietly acknowledged that it is there, just beneath Mr. Obama’s politicalepidermis.What Does Change Look Like?The change identified by Mr. Obama’s run to be the head of state of the most vicious, European-settlerpolitical state in human history is not in any way a true alteration of national policy. Mr. Obama has made hisintentions well known that he intends to stand by the United States and all of its racist, imperialist andcertainly colonialist institutions. Before the reader contests this accusation consider the following:• Is the new Obama administration planning to honour the territorial integrity of Indian Country and the nearly400 U.S./Indigenous nation-to-nation treaties all other previous federal administrations commonly ignored?• Is the Obama administration willing to finally address issues of Indigenous genocide such as the forcedsterilisations of Aboriginal women in the continental U.S. and Puerto Rico uncovered by the Senator ChurchCommittee Hearings of the 1970’s?• Will the Obama government officially apologise to the American Aboriginal for territorialdisenfranchisement and genocide?• Will the Obama government return Hawaii to its ancestral owners?• Will the Obama government return Puerto Rico to the Taino Nation?• Will the Obama government return Guam to the Chamorro Nation?• Will the Obama government address American African Reparations?• Will the Obama government address the problem of institutional White racism as suggested by the NationalAdvisory Commission on Civil Disorders?• Will the Obama government officially apologise for African slavery?This is far from a complete inventory and as far as I am concerned, these bits and pieces explicitly identify theroot problems that characterise the socio-political environment of these United States. Barack Obama haspledged to support the Israeli Arab genocide of the Palestinian Nation and has qualified this by choosing asWhite House Chief-of-Staff Zionist Rahm Emanuel, the warmongering congressman from Chicago. Theliberal journal The Nation sullenly notes that Emanuel is "seen as a strong Israel partisan,” not exactly a signof the change the Obama campaign was talking about. If is also doubtful that an Obama administration iswilling to pack up the new super-great American Embassy in Iraq that was constructed by Saudi Arabiansupplied . Should we expect the Obama government to address the economic independence of thePhilippines, the nation that provided most of the imported free labour used in Occupied Iraq? Can wesuppose that the Obama White House will not attempt to assassinate Dr. Fidel Castro of Cuba as hadprevious administrations or that then will not try to retake the island nation by force? Should we not askthese questions at all and simply assume that what should be done will be done?

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