Parent Advisory Committee - Washtenaw Intermediate School District

Parent Advisory Committee - Washtenaw Intermediate School District

Parent Advisory Committee - Washtenaw Intermediate School District


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The written IEP must include information about:• Your student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance.• Baseline data about your student from observations, district-wide assessments, tests, checklists,progress reports, report cards, and student or parent input.• A statement of how the disability impacts the student’s involvement/progress in the generaleducation curriculum.• A description of your student’s educational needs.• Annual goals (AG) and short-term instructional objectives (STIO), and progress achievedtowards previous goals.• Methods to evaluate progress on instructional objectives.• How much your student will be participating in general education activities (or, if your child is apreschooler, in age-appropriate activities), extra-curricular activities, and school-related nonacademicactivities.• The least restrictive environment (LRE) placement options which were considered, includingwhy the options were accepted or rejected.• The special education supports to be provided for your student. (See pages 12-13)• The frequency and duration of the supports to be provided.You and the other members of the IEPT work together to develop your student’s individualizedprogram. If there are differences of opinion among the team members, it may not necessarily be asign of trouble. Differences of opinion typically reflect that participants are sincerely concerned aboutyour student. It’s important to continue working toward a consensus agreement.Additional considerations:‣ Except for signing on as a participant, you do not have to sign agreement with the IEP at the timeof the meeting. You may ask to take a copy with you to review before signing. The IEP MUST besigned within seven days. Remember: this is a legal contract.‣ You have a right to have a copy of the completed IEP.If your student is found to be eligible for special education services, remember that youhave the right to:• A review and revision of the IEP for your student at least once every year, and more often if yourequest it.• A comprehensive re-evaluation at least every three years (See “Three-year Re-evaluations”, page14).• A vocational evaluation before your student receives vocational education or by age 14.• Receive progress reports at least as often as other students in your local educational agency.If you don’t agree with the IEP, you may:◦ Request adjournment and reconvene at a later time to review.◦ File a dissenting report (see Appendix G).◦ Check the box that indicates your disagreement, but allow the IEP to be implemented.◦ Check the box that indicates disagreement, and request mediation (see page 11).◦ Check the box that indicates disagreement, and request a due process hearing(see Appendix G).Remember: Seven days after the initial IEP, an unsigned IEP implies consent.10

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