ESL 429/449 Series - eANIXTER

ESL 429/449 Series - eANIXTER

ESL 429/449 Series - eANIXTER


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<strong>429</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Wiring Diagramfirst detectorModels <strong>429</strong>AT, <strong>429</strong>C,Model <strong>429</strong>CRT last detector<strong>429</strong>CT, <strong>429</strong>CSTauxiliary not used powerpowercontacts- - + +- - + +* Two-Wire CompatibilityRefer to <strong>ESL</strong>’s CompatibilityIndex for compatible controlpanel listings.Compatible ListedControl Unit*fire alarminitiatingcircuit+–End-of-LineDevice<strong>449</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Wiring Diagramfirst detectorModels <strong>449</strong>AT, C, CT, CSTalarmcontactModels <strong>449</strong>CRT, CSRTModels <strong>449</strong>CSRH*local nonlatchingauxiliary alarmsmoke alarm heat sensorpowercontacts contacts powercontacts contacts power- - + +- - + +- - + +last detector* The <strong>449</strong>CSRH unitsare smoke alarms withisolated heat detectors.Listed Control UnitDCpowercircuitfire alarminitiatingcircuit+–redblackbrownPowerSupervisionUnitbrownFigure 5. Wiring DiagramsEnd-of-LineDeviceSupervision of System WiringPower wiring in four-wire systems is required by NFPA 72 to besupervised. This is accomplished by installing a power supervisionrelay at the end of the detector power circuit. The contacts ofthe supervision relay are wired in series with the system’s alarminitiating circuit, and are closed when energized (see Figure 5). Abreak in the detector power circuit or a loss of power de-energizesthe power supervision relay, opening the contacts and causing atrouble annunciation at the fire alarm control unit.<strong>ESL</strong> models 204-6 V and 204-12/24 V are relays UL Listed forfour-wire power supervision. Models <strong>449</strong>CTE and <strong>449</strong>CSTE aresmoke detectors with a built-in end-of-line power supervisonrelay, and can be used to supervise a circuit in place of a powersupervison relay. The <strong>449</strong>CTE and <strong>449</strong>CSTE will also automaticallysend a trouble signal to the control panel whenever thedetector needs maintenance.Installation TestAfter all connections are complete and the wiring is checked forerrors, apply power to the system. There should be no alarm. Ifan alarm is reported, determine if a detector is latched in alarm orif there is a problem with the wiring.Smoke TestThe units should be tested in place annually using one of thefollowing methods:A. Use Smoke! in a can ® and follow the directions on the can.B. Hold a smoldering punk or cotton wick close to the unitand gently direct the smoke into the smoke entry openingsfor 20 seconds or until an alarm is indicated.Be sure to properly extinguish the smoke source aftertesting! This is a go/no go test and is not a reliable indication ofdetector sensitivity. If it is successful, the LED will remain lit.To reset the detector, operate the system reset switch to removepower from the detectors. The control unit alarm and allauxiliary functions should be verified for a complete test of eachdetector.Heat TestModels with heat sensors sample for heat every 3 seconds. Testheat sensors by using a hot air gun. Aim the gun at the heatsensor from 6-10 inches (15-25cm) away. The detector should gointo alarm in less than 30 seconds.<strong>ESL</strong> <strong>429</strong>/<strong>449</strong>3

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