Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Karl Marx

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today are a reflection of the development of those that Riemann had implicitly presented a method forprinciples over many centuries earlier. The work of da solution to the problem.Vinci, Kepler, Desargues, Fermat, Pascal, Huyghens, We shall briefly identify such leading features of hisLeibniz, Euler, Monge, Legendre, Fourier, the Car- discovery and its outcome as enable us to deliver anots, Poncelet, Gauss, Dirichlet, Weierstrass, Riemann conclusive statement on the appearance of <strong>Marx</strong>'set al. can not be understood except from this vantage- mathematical incompetence, as a crucial feature of hispoint. Herein lies the basic solution to the problem in Capital. We shall be as rudimentary as possible.thermodynamics posed to us by characteristic features Plato's treatment of the five Platonic solids statesof economic processes, the most fundamental principle of all natural science,In modern mathematics, there have existed two the notion of a geometrically bounded visible universe. Itmutually exclusive notions of mathematical method, is the ability of a student to grasp the conception ofThe one, as noted, is premised on the belief that the such a species of boundary, which is the indispensablecounting numbers are the primitive root ofmathemat- precondition for developing a scientist capable ofics, and the belief that logical operations, premised on rigorous solution to the more fundamental problemsprimitive notions of greater and smaller, using these of science. It is a notion of which <strong>Marx</strong> had nonumbers, is implicitly the entirety of possible mathe- knowledge. The fact that the laws of visible space (i. e.,matics. The opposing view, exemplified by the prop- Euclidean space) are such that only five kinds of regularosition of Plato's Timaeus, is that mathematics is based polyhedral solids can be constructed within it, signifiesexclusively on purely geometric considerations. The that that visible space is bounded by limits of principlenotes supplied to the manuscript of "A Veteran of the embedded everywhere within it. In other words, it isWar" describe the general history of this geometric implied by this that it might be possible for us tostandpoint. The current of continental science, from imagine a different space, ruled by principles of ge-Cusa into Riemann and his contemporaries, has been ometry as rigorously efficient as those of Euclideanbased entirely on the development of the geometric space, in which a different number of regular polyhedapproachoriginally located in Plato's Timaeus. ral solids might b e constructed. The difference betweenIt has been among the chief of the advantages this the space we have, and the other kinds of space whichwriter has enjoyed in his life, to have discovered that might conceivably exist, is the boundary, the boundedthe standpoint in physics identified by Professor Rie- character of visible, or Euclidean space.mann's habilitation dissertation of 1854, "On The It is sufficient merely to state, without incurringHypotheses Which Underlie Geometry," specifies ira- the extended discussion this implies, that this considplicitlythe solution to the problem of economic science eration of boundary proves implicitly that the universe,- as we have restated that problem in foregoing sum- as it is reflected to our perceptual powers as visiblemary. By posing a definition of negentropy, as de- space, is only a distorted reflection of the real universe.scribed above, as the characteristic feature of economic It follows from this, that to know the real universe,processes, this writer was able to recognize, in 1952, we must prove that the visible universe is distorted in,,CubeOctahedronDode_hedronThe Five PlatonicSolidsVisible space is bounded, and therefore the universe as it is reflected to our perceptualpowers as visible space, is only a distorted reflection of the real universe.36 Special Supplement / CAMPAIGNER

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