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To date, nearly 100 people have completedCTAM since it was introduced inJanuary 2010. More than 90 percent ofthe enrollees have come from municipaland utility sectors, indicating the value ofthis training course.To expand on the program, BAMI-Iannounced that it is launching CTAM+,an expanded program that delves furtherinto the five key areas of asset managementintroduced in CTAM. CTAM+is geared to municipal and utility managersseeking to take their asset managementto the next level.The five key areas of asset managementas identified in CTAM, and formthe five modules for CTAM+, are:Module 1 — Asset Inventory andCondition Assessment (1st Quarter 2011)— topics include: Accurate Evaluation ofExisting Assets; Field Asset <strong>Management</strong>Technologies; Data <strong>Management</strong>.Module 2 — Required Service Levels (3rdQuarter 2011) — Government Regulations;Customer Expectations; PerformanceMeasurements.Module 3 — Critical Assets to SustainPerformance (1st Quarter 2012) — RiskAssessment; Prioritization Methods;Evaluation Technologies; Asset LifeEstimation Methods; Depreciation Models.Module 4 — Best O&M and CIP Strategies(3rd Quarter 2012) -- CIP Planning Models;O&M Estimation; Government Regulations:CMOM and GASB 34; RenewalTechnologies; Repair Technologies.Module 5 — Best Funding Strategies (1stQuarter 2013) — Economic Analysis;Planning Concepts: Screening Projects;Planning for Uncertainty and Risk; FinancialAnalysis: Time Value of Money; Conceptsand Applications for Economic Analysis;Environmental and Social ImpactAssessment; Public Environment; Legal andInstitutional Aspects; Funding Methods.BAMI-I will be rolling out these fivemodules over the next two and a halfyears. Each module will be supported bya manual. CTAM enrollees report anaverage of 20 to 30 hours of time to completethe course.Development of CTAM+ is being carriedout in conjunction with TheUniversity of Texas-Arlington, IndianaUniversity-Purdue University atIndianapolis, BAMI-I, and BenjaminMedia. CTAM+ was recently introducedat the UIM Asset <strong>Management</strong> Conferenceheld in Cleveland Dec. 6-7. For information,visit www.bami-i.com.November/December 2010<strong>Water</strong> <strong>Utility</strong> <strong>Infrastructure</strong> <strong>Management</strong> 17

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