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Communication with extraterrestrial intelligences also began at the same time. The father of wireless,<br />

Marconi, in 1921 believed he had intercepted messages from Mars or some point in outer space. The theory<br />

that the waves were produced by electrical disturbances was disproved by the regularity of the impulses.<br />

Marconi conducted highly secret experiments before 1921 and knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he<br />

was in direct contact with beings of other worlds! A woman in California writes: "During World War II was<br />

teaching in Scotland. In 1918, headquarters of the Y.W.C.A. in London wrote offering me the position of head<br />

of their branch office in Chelmsford near London. The main station of the Marconi World-Wide Wireless was<br />

also there. Many men from Britain died in World War I and it was my job to look out for many young girls<br />

away from home. I took room and board with a couple somewhat older than I. The husband was a very<br />

intelligent person and had a responsible position with the Marconi Wireless Company. One day, he asked me<br />

if I would like to go through the Marconi Station. I was delighted to go. During my tour through the<br />

laboratories I was startled and almost petrified when we arrived in front of a huge, ten-foot square, transparent<br />

case inside of which seemed to be a flaming mass . . . flames revolving like a wheel! I asked my friend what<br />

this was and he said that they had been receiving wireless messages somewhere outside of Earth! I asked him<br />

to be more specific. And he said: 'My dear girl, we have stations all over the Earth, but certain code is not<br />

coming from any of them! We are receiving signals from intelligent beings on other inhabited worlds!' My<br />

friend then told me that Marconi at that moment was in Australia conducting experiment and trying to<br />

discover more about this momentous happening. They believed the signals were coming from the planet Mars.<br />

I have never mentioned this experience before, and I believe Marconi kept his work secret because he knew<br />

what the world would say."<br />

The lady who had the above experience lives in Santa Barbara, California and is a respectable citizen of that<br />

city.<br />

Later in the 1920's and 1930's more strange messages were received throughout the world as radio was<br />

developed. And radiotelegraphic messages from Saucers are being received today! The first radio contact with<br />

space visitors was reported by our research group in Arizona in 1952, and now contact is being made in Ohio,<br />

Iowa, Canada, California, Detroit, Michigan, and other places. The contact is in both code and voice.<br />

Space intelligences have said: "God provided--Man divided. Man has taken this true thing and added to it his<br />

own ring."<br />

After the period of The Great Influx, science went a long way toward abolishing age-old theological dogma,<br />

but it went too far to the extreme and man became bathed in the new glories of the materialistic scientific<br />

world. Man on Earth had always de-lighted in dividing everything; there are continents, nations, states and<br />

commonwealths, counties and townships, cities and villages, wards and blocks, churches, cults, sects and<br />

isms, races and creeds, classes and clubs, societies and shrines, cathedrals and temples. But the Infinite Father<br />

is ONE!<br />

Earth has been divided up so that instead of man being a brother to his fellowman, he has set up artificial lines<br />

to separate and segregate others different than himself. Man made boundaries, man made creeds and ideals,<br />

man made religious groups, man made doctrine and dogma, man made, man made. There is nothing wrong<br />

with religion, it's what man has done to and with it that's so pitiful. Science is the twin-sister of religion . . .<br />

truth cannot contradict truth, and there is no religion higher than Truth. The worship of the Creator and the<br />

study of His laws, causes and effects; of nature and the great powers waiting for discovery within her bosom .<br />

. . all these should be massed into ONE. Hence, science and religion are one, just as everything in the<br />

Omniverse is ONE!<br />

When Van Tassel said: "We must present to science, the religion of science; and to religion, the science of<br />

religion," he gave the key for understanding between the two great fields of human endeavor.<br />


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