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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8 150<br />

A lady in Ingleside, Illinois wrote: "During June, 1954, my TV set suddenly operated automatically. For some<br />

unexplained reason, a picture became visible, just as plain as could be, with the set switch off. However, there<br />

was only a picture, no sound. A picture of people remained clear and undistorted for about forty-five minutes.<br />

I switched the set off and on, but it had no effect other than to include sound. I called my next door neighbor<br />

to view this unusual happening, and he was equally startled. Later, my TV set operated normally."<br />

The mystery of KLEE-TV hit the headlines in the Spring of 1954. At 3:30 p.m., British Summer Time,<br />

September 14, 1953, Charles W. Bratley, of London, picked up the call letters KLEE-TV on his television set.<br />

Later that month, and several times since, they have been seen by engineers at Atlantic Electronics, Ltd.,<br />

Lancaster, England. The call letters KLEE-TV have not been transmitted since July, 1950, when the Houston,<br />

Texas station changed its letters to KPRC-TV. A check of the world's television stations confirms the fact that<br />

there is not now and never has been another KLEE-TV. Paul Huhndorff, chief engineer of KPRC-TV, to<br />

whom the Britishers sent their report, has no explanation. He says that members of the old KLEE-TV staff<br />

have identified the pictures of the signals as looking like the standard call-letter slide they used. Engineer<br />

Huhndorff offered three theories. The first two he discounts as being nearly impossible. The third is that some<br />

intelligence in outer space has received the signal and has transmitted it in the hope of communicating with<br />

the planet Earth.<br />

Everyone remembers the strange case of the face on the TV-screen, and the same phenomenon happened<br />

again on September 12, 1954 in Indianapolis, India. John and Virginia Mackey said the image appeared to be<br />

that of George R. Shots, Mrs. Mackey's grandfather who died April 28, 1954 at the age of seventy-four. Mrs.<br />

Mackey said she first saw the face while watching a network show. When the image became more intense,<br />

whether the set was tuned to an Indianapolis station or to a blank channel, police were called. A parade of<br />

officers saw the face for themselves. Mrs. Marie Johnson, Mrs. Mackey's mother, also identified the face as<br />

that of her father, as did a number of other relatives.<br />

There have been countless reports of strange things happening to anything that will act as a receiver. On<br />

October 3, 1952, Van Tassel at Giant Rock, California, received the following: "I greet you in love and peace.<br />

I am Ashtar. Those individual beings from Schare now on your planet are being instructed to transmit certain<br />

carrier frequencies that will cause a variety of conditions to be apparent in your many types of electronic<br />

receivers."<br />

Besides the above happenings, many strange things have been falling from the sky. Charles Fort world be in<br />

his glory if he were alive today! Ashes come from the sky; ice bombs; large chunks of foul-smelling jelly;<br />

molten metal; white, filmy substance like cotton candy; and fragments of this and that. Added to this is the<br />

great mystery of the pockmarked wind-shields. Reports on the latter have come in from Canada, England,<br />

France, and from many parts of the United States. Tar-like substance, or ash-like material, has been found on<br />

cars and some of it is magnetic. On the evening of April 22, 1954, radio station WIND in Chicago reported<br />

that a strange blue mist had settled on a car, and while its occupants watched intently, the glass in the<br />

automobile shattered to pieces. Other witnesses said a blue dust sediment imbedded in their glass after<br />

shattering took place. In England, observers saw weird, yellow flames strike their windshields. This is one of<br />

the phenomena of the New Age; more will be seen in the future and the "glass" sickness will spread to objects<br />

made of metal. What would happen to civilization if steel was so affected? The answer is obvious.<br />

These new vibrations are not only changing things in the physical world, but they are responsible for the<br />

change in man's thinking--and they will change him spiritually, as well.<br />

Many years ago a woman in Santa Fe, New Mexico, had an unusual experience where she saw seven beings<br />

sitting in council around a table. These beings said: "We shall communicate with your planet Earth soon.<br />

There are those spiritually minded enough to hear our communications and listen." This sounds like the<br />

Council of the Seven Lights mentioned by Van Tassel, or the Council-Circle 7 mentioned in _The Saucers<br />


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