DRAFTING DIVISION - Attorney General's Chambers

DRAFTING DIVISION - Attorney General's Chambers

DRAFTING DIVISION - Attorney General's Chambers


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Drafting <strong>DIVISION</strong>The Drafting Division is responsible for the drafting of legislation that are in accordancewith the Federal Constitution and laws and that complies with the Government’s policies.The Division ensures that all Bills drafted for tabling in Parliament are consistent with theFederal Constitution and are in accordance with legislative drafting norms. At the same time, theDivision ensures that all subsidiary legislation drafted/vetted by the Division are not ultra-viresany Act/Ordinance and are in accordance with legislative drafting norms.The Division drafts/vets Bills and subsidiary legislation in the national language and Englishlanguage, and thus ensures that the legislation are accurate and grammatical and the terms usedin the national language are accepted/approved by the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Institute ofLanguage and Literature). In addition to this the Division translates contracts, agreements andother legal documents into the national language.The Division receives Bills and subsidiary legislation from Federal Ministries and other FederalGovernment agencies, and serves as an intermediary between Ministries/Departments andPercetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad, who is the Government Printer. In 2006, 119 Bills werevetted/drafted by the officers of the Division, of which 44 Bills were eventually passed byParliament.ATTORNEY GENERAL’S CHAMBERS MALAYSIA REPORT 2005/2006The Division is divided into six Units that are each entrusted with the drafting/vetting of legislationfrom respective Federal Ministries or Federal Government agencies. Presently, the Division’sstrength comprises of 69 officers and staff.ORGANIZATION CHARTparliamentary Draftsmandeputy parliamentary DraftsmanUnit I - finance, Trade andEnterpriseUnit II - infrastructure andtechnologyUnit III - natural resources,agriculture and ruraldevelopmentUnit V- constitutional andintergovernmentAL mattersUnit IV - human resourceand developmentUnit VI - public order,security and health93

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