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PRESIDENT’S COLUMNIt’s not just the bankersWell, as we’ve come <strong>to</strong> find out recently, it isn’talways the bankers we have <strong>to</strong> look out for when itcomes <strong>to</strong> protecting the state of <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>s. As I’msure you have already heard, the U.S. Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Treasury has released a proposal that would bedetrimental <strong>to</strong> the <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong> movement. TreasurySecretary Henry Paulson unveiled the Blueprintfor a Modernized Financial Regula<strong>to</strong>ry System,a proposal that calls for a long-term strategy thatwould potentially eliminate separate charters for<strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>s, banks, and thrifts and combine theirregulation, resulting in the demise of <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>s asthey function <strong>to</strong>day.Since the blueprint was leaked <strong>to</strong> the media,CUNA has been on <strong>to</strong>p of this, letting SecretaryPaulson know that we strongly oppose thisrecommendation because, not only would it severelylimit the choices consumers have for a financialinstitution, it would <strong>to</strong>tally disregard <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>s’democratic and member-owned structure and thebenefits our members and potential members receivefrom better rates and service. It also contains a swipeat the state charter system since the document statesthat a <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong> or bank will have <strong>to</strong> be a federallycharteredentity in order <strong>to</strong> be federally insured. Thiswould wipe out the state charter system.CUNA President/CEO Dan Mica held aconference call with all state league staff in whichhe shared his belief that the blueprint does not haveany legs at all and that Congress “has no appetite”for this. Mica does feel, however, it is a legitimateconcern but that we shouldn’t put Congress on fullalert just yet with CURIA/CURRA in the pipeline.With that said, I’m asking you <strong>to</strong> be on “standby” when, and if, there comes a need <strong>to</strong> act. Rightnow, Secretary Paulson is receiving some backlashfor this part of the proposal. Several Members ofCongress have written letters reassuring CUNA thatthey are “against the elimination of the <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>charter and the independent federal <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>regula<strong>to</strong>r” and “that the U.S. Congress appreciatesthe role <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>s play in the country’s financialservices system.”In a letter <strong>to</strong> Mica, House Financial ServicesCommittee Chairman Barney Frank reiterated hiscommitment <strong>to</strong> expanding the <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong> movement,noting that “expansion and not contraction” of <strong>credit</strong><strong>union</strong>s will be on the agenda of the financial servicescommittee in the future. Chairman Frank also makesit clear in his note that he is “completely opposed” <strong>to</strong>provisions in the Treasury’s “blueprint” for financialinstitution regula<strong>to</strong>ry reform that would “in effectabolish <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong>s.”Your <strong>League</strong> has called on the Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rsand Governmental Affairs Committee members <strong>to</strong>write letters <strong>to</strong> the Treasury opposing this provision. Iam hopeful that there will be no need for us <strong>to</strong> engageany further in this fight; however, I know I can coun<strong>to</strong>n you <strong>to</strong> be there if action is needed. We must remainever so vigilant when it comes <strong>to</strong> representing, andprotecting, the <strong>credit</strong> <strong>union</strong> system.Guy M. HoodPresident/CEOSpring 2008 3

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