Mikanakawa Native American Village - Circle Ten Council

Mikanakawa Native American Village - Circle Ten Council

Mikanakawa Native American Village - Circle Ten Council


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OPENING WITH FLAGA Den Chief, acting as the Indian Chief, sits with three Cub Scout Indian Braves around anartificial council fire. He holds up both hands until all are quiet. Then he speaks loudly andclearly.Indian Chief:Oh Great Father in the sky, listen to Thy people. (Each Indian raisesboth hands and gives his prayer in turn. Lines can be pasted to theback of shields.)1 st Brave: We thank Thee, Great Creator, for the light of the sun each day.2 nd Brave: We thank Thee for the beauty of this world and for the plants andanimals we enjoy.3 rd Brave: We thank Thee for the night and the rest it brings.Indian Chief:Medicine Man:Oh Great Father of all Cub Scouts, bless us and be with us today.(Jumps up, shakes rattles and, as tom-tom beats, shouts): Rise up, allyou Braves. Rise up, our white brothers. (All stand.) We lower ourtribal totems to honor the great flag of our white brothers.2 nd Den Chief: (Presents flag to Indian Chief.) This is the most beautiful flag in theworld. It stands for freedom, liberty and happiness. Take it, honor it,respect it and love it always, as it is yours and mine. (He leads all inthe Pledge of Allegiance.)

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