Mikanakawa Native American Village - Circle Ten Council

Mikanakawa Native American Village - Circle Ten Council

Mikanakawa Native American Village - Circle Ten Council


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SKITS“Indian Medicine”Skit from “The Cokesbury Stunt Book”Characters:Equipment:Old Indian Medicine Man, two Indians, other Indians to use all Cub in the denSheets, umbrellasOld Medicine Man has two bottles of medicine for sale (on stage).Two Indians come on stage. They have large sheets wrapped around their shoulders and pinneddown the front. One Indian looks very large as he enters because he has an umbrella raisedunder the sheet. The other Indian is thinner and should be as slim as possible to play this part.(Standing around them as the other Indians to react to the “punch line”.) They ask the OldIndian about his medicine and he tells them it is a wonderful medicine and it will make fatpeople then and thin people fat. They take a bottle of the medicine and the one who has theumbrella raised, take a dose. After a moment, he lowers his umbrella to give a very humorousimpression of rapidly loosing weight. The thin one then takes a dose and in a moment he raiseshis umbrella under the sheet. . .thus, gaining weight.This stunt will bring down the house if properly carried out. Have Cub Scouts practice this inden meetings so that it can be carried out at the pack meeting without any slip-ups.Heap Big Chief Big HeartChoose someone to play the star: Heap Big Chief Big Heart. Pick a narrator to introduce theskit.Narrator: “Heap Big Chief Big Heart”, or “Heap Big” for short, is a chief with a big heart asbig as all outdoors. He has given his braves everything. And, as yet, has askednothing in return. Let’s listen as our braves sign Heap Big’s praises.(Braves serenade Heap Big in a singsong-style chant. Here’s a starter on your chant: “HeapBig’s heart is as big as the Grand Canyon. Heap Big! Heap Big! He’s our Chief!” Go aheadand add verses, comparing Heap Big’s heart to other great wonders in nature. Toward the end ofthe chant, Heap Big suddenly raises his hand for silence. All is quiet. Heap Big speaks.)Heap Big:Braves:He, Heap Big, out to get braves’ scalps! (Terrified, braves dance wildly, chantingin unison.)Heap Big, Big Heart. Big Indian giver! Heap Big Heart Big Chief Indian giver!

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