UCC Churches Make the Difference - Phoebe Ministries

UCC Churches Make the Difference - Phoebe Ministries

UCC Churches Make the Difference - Phoebe Ministries


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4 The Messenger/Annual Report IssueDONOR RESTRICTED FUNDSAny donor may designate gifts toany of <strong>Phoebe</strong>’s Restricted Funds. Thosewhose contributions are $50,000 andmore through a combination of currentand planned gifts may establish a namedfund that will provide sustaining supportfor <strong>Phoebe</strong> residents and programs.The following are active funds of <strong>the</strong><strong>Phoebe</strong>-Devitt Homes Foundation:■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<strong>Phoebe</strong> Endowment Fund for CharitableCare<strong>Phoebe</strong> Endowment for Charitable Care at<strong>Phoebe</strong> Home<strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks Endowment Fund<strong>Phoebe</strong> Endowment Fund for PastoralCare<strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks Endowment Fund forPastoral Care<strong>Phoebe</strong> Endowment Fund for Staff SkillsInvestmentThe Mary Carn Buchanan and WilliamBuchanan, Jr. Fund for support of <strong>the</strong>charitable mission of <strong>Phoebe</strong> HomeThe Mary Carn Buchanan and WilliamBuchanan, Jr. Fund for support of <strong>the</strong>charitable mission of Wyncote ChurchHomeThe Joseph E. and Marjorie S. CorrellFund to meet quality of life needs ofresidents without funds at <strong>Phoebe</strong> HomeThe William J. and Jacqueline DaviesFund to support training for rehabilitationprofessionals employed by <strong>Phoebe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>The Edward J. and Inez Donley StaffSkills Investment Fund to underwritespecial initiatives related to staff recruitmentand training at <strong>Phoebe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>The Rev. Dr. Paul P. and Mildred K. HaasFund for pastoral care services andcharitable care of residents without fundsThe Groff Fund to benefit <strong>the</strong> quality of lifeof <strong>Phoebe</strong> Home residents through activities,<strong>the</strong> Circle of Life, and pastoral careThe William H. Hacker Fund for capitalprojects and improvements at <strong>Phoebe</strong>TerraceThe George and Cora Hausman Fund forsupport of education programs, such asthose of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Phoebe</strong> Institute on AgingThe Pearl M. Hillegass Fund for capitalprojects at <strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks Village■■■■■■■■The Howard S. and Pauline L. KatzemanFund for programs and special projects of<strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks VillageThe Norwood N. and Doris M. Kern Fundfor support of <strong>Phoebe</strong> Home residentsThe Rev. Dr. Earlin and Rev. Anna DeppenLutz Family Endowment for pastoral careat Wyncote Church HomeThe Dr. Ralph F. and Edith Iffland MerkleFund to support residents and programs of<strong>Phoebe</strong> HomeThe Miller Family Fund to support residentsof <strong>Phoebe</strong> Home’s David A. Miller AssistedLiving CommunityThe Roberta L. Miner Fund to support<strong>Phoebe</strong>’s Allentown CampusThe Walter L. Miller Building Fund forcapital projects at <strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks VillageThe Jami and Mitchell G. Possinger■■■■■■Pastoral Care Fund for <strong>the</strong> pastoralcare program of <strong>Phoebe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>The Nancy and David RenshawMemorial Fund for activities orchaplaincy programs that enhancequality of life for residents of <strong>Phoebe</strong>HomeThe Rider Family Endowment forpastoral care services at <strong>Phoebe</strong> BerksThe Martha R. Seibert Fund to providefor entertainment of <strong>the</strong> residentsThe St. Paul’s Memorial (Reading)Endowment Fund for Charitable Carefor residents of <strong>Phoebe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>’communities who are without fundsThe J.O. Steeley Family Fund tosupport <strong>the</strong> charitable mission of <strong>Phoebe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>The Raymond C. Wilson Fund for careof older adults from Berks CountyThe following funds are plannedby donors for support of <strong>Phoebe</strong>’scharitable mission in <strong>the</strong> future:■■■■■The Remo and Verna O. Canova Fundfor capital renovations at <strong>Phoebe</strong> HomeThe William J. and Jacqueline DaviesCharitable Care Fund to benefitresidents of <strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks Health CareCenterThe Earl W. and Margaret S. FegelyFund for <strong>the</strong> needs of residents of<strong>Phoebe</strong> HomeThe Paul K. and Madlyn A. HainesFund for support of residents of <strong>Phoebe</strong>HomeThe Anna Kuba Staff Education Fundto support nursing and health careeducation■ The Rev. Joseph H. and Virginia C.Miller Fund for programs and projects of<strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks Village■■■The Robert W. and Judith I. MillerFund to provide for charitable care for<strong>Phoebe</strong> Home residentsThe Sara Kalb Miller Trust Fund toprovide annual operating support for<strong>Phoebe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>The Rev. Dr. R. Howard and DorisPaine Fund for care of residents withAlzheimer’s and related illnesses at<strong>Phoebe</strong> Berks Village■ The N. Richard and Elizabeth J.Radman Fund to benefit <strong>Phoebe</strong> Home

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