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Page 20Legal NoticesThe British Weekly, Sat. April 11, 2015in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015081942. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: California Quality Produce,1104 Lawrence St., Los Angeles CA 90021.Bodegon Foods, Inc., 1104 Lawrence St., LosAngeles CA 90021. This business isconducted by: a corporation. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Wilfredo A. Ramirez,Secretary. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/26/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015082136. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Stellar Wash, 1021Nordica Dr., Los Angeles CA 90064.Laburnum LLC, 1021 Nordica Dr., LosAngeles CA 90064. This business isconducted by: a limited liability company. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: n/a. Signed: DerekNewton, Member. Registrant(s) declared thatall information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/26/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015082240. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Joe of All Trades, 14877Mystic St., Whittier CA 90604. Joseph Young,14877 Mystic St., Whittier CA 90604. Thisbusiness is conducted by: an individual. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: n/a. Signed: JosephYoung, owner. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/26/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015082320. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Padma Links, 2064 ArtesiaBlvd. #A, Torrance CA 90504. IchibanProduction Inc., 2064 Artesia Blvd. #A,Torrance CA 90504. This business isconducted by: a corporation. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Yoshio Iizuka,President. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/26/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015082484. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Wingstress; Doppelcat,2041 1/2 Holly Drive, Los Angeles CA 90068.Miranda C. Schmidt-Childs, 2041 1/2 HollyDrive, Los Angeles CA 90068. This business isconducted by: an individual. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Miranda C.Schmidt-Childs, owner. Registrant(s) declaredthat all information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/26/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015083142. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Happy Beach, HappyBeach Ts, 1925 Voorhees Avenue #B,Redondo Beach CA 90278. Shelley Courter,1925 Voorhees Avenue #B, Redondo BeachCA 90278. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Shelley Courter, sole proprietor. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/27/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015083315. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: AS Studio EnterprisesGroup; AS Studio, 836 N. Genesee Ave., LosAngeles CA 90046. AS Studio EnterprisesGroup, Inc., 836 N. Genesee Ave., LosAngeles CA 90046. This business isconducted by: a corporation. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Jose Adrian Sanchez,President. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/27/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015083724. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: African DiasporaDistribution Company, 7000 Hawthorn Ave.,Suite #137, Los Angeles CA 90028. JackConstant, 7000 Hawthorn Ave., Suite #137,Los Angeles CA 90028. This business isconducted by: an individual. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Jack Constant, owner.Registrant(s) declared that all information inthe statement is true and correct. Thisstatement is filed with the County Clerk of LosAngeles County on: 03/27/2015. NOTICE -This fictitious name statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed on, in the officeof the County Clerk. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed prior to thatdate. The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state of afictitious business name in violation of therights of another under federal, state orcommon law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&PCode.) Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/1504/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015084966. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Juicer, 4525 Fountain Ave.,Los Angeles CA 90029/205 Washington Ave.Apt. 202, Santa Monica CA 90403. Amit Patel,205 Washington Ave. Apt. 202, Santa MonicaCA 90403; William Ryan MacInnes, 4525Fountain Ave., Los Angeles CA 90029. Thisbusiness is conducted by: a generalpartnership. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Amit M. Patel, CEO. Registrant(s) declaredthat all information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/30/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085060. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: WCCPP.com, West CoastCreative Postproductions, 3901 W. 4th Street,#2, Los Angeles CA 90020. Sevim AcunCameron, 3901 W. 4th Street, #2, Los AngelesCA 90020. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Sevim Acun Cameron, owner. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/31/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085117. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Pearl Dental Supply,10805 Artesia Blvd Suite 106, Cerritos CA90703. Rawad Aljabban Corporation, 2322Monte Verde Dr., Signal Hill CA 90755. Thisbusiness is conducted by: a corporation. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: n/a. Signed: RawadAljabban, President. Registrant(s) declaredthat all information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/30/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085128. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Advanced Trading Group,193 Scarlet Oak Cir, Pomona CA 91767.Ahmad Taleb, 193 Scarlet Oak Cir, PomonaCA 91767. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Ahmad Taleb, owner. Registrant(s) declaredthat all information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/30/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085151. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Stevenson & Paine, 21529Pioneer Blvd., Lakewood CA 90715. JonPaine, Trustee, 21529 Pioneer Blvd.,Lakewood CA 90715. This business isconducted by: a trust. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: 01/01/2015. Signed: Jon Paine,Trustee of the Pioneer Group Trust.Registrant(s) declared that all information inthe statement is true and correct. Thisstatement is filed with the County Clerk of LosAngeles County on: 03/30/2015. NOTICE -This fictitious name statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed on, in the officeof the County Clerk. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed prior to thatdate. The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state of afictitious business name in violation of therights of another under federal, state orcommon law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&PCode.) Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/1504/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085152. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: fridayfinds.com;maipicks.com, 4200 Sepulveda Blvd., #102,Culver City CA 90230. Telewise LLC, 4200Sepulveda Blvd., #102, Culver City CA 90230.This business is conducted by: a limitedliability company. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: 03/01/2015. Signed: JohnGolembesky, President. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/30/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085153. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Gunny Store USA, 4433Lee Circle, Rosemead CA 91770. HobartSurya Halim, 4433 Lee Circle, Rosemead CA91770. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Hobart Surya Halim, owner. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/30/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085160. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Sunset Bookkeeping &Consulting; Sunset Bookkeeping, 629 S. MainStreet, Burbank CA 91506. Michele Palfalvi,629 S. Main Street, Burbank CA 91506. Thisbusiness is conducted by: an individual. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: n/a. Signed: MichelePalfalvi, owner. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/30/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085161. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Blue Line Company, 21222Norwalk Blvd., Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716.Indrasiri Sudath Dharmasena, 21222 NorwalkBlvd., Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716. Thisbusiness is conducted by: an individual. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: 01/14/2005. Signed:Indrasiri Sudath Dharmasena, owner.Registrant(s) declared that all information inthe statement is true and correct. Thisstatement is filed with the County Clerk of LosAngeles County on: 03/30/2015. NOTICE -This fictitious name statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed on, in the officeof the County Clerk. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed prior to thatdate. The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state of afictitious business name in violation of therights of another under federal, state orcommon law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&PCode.) Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/1504/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085163. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Meraki Greek-AmericanCuisine, 12265 Ventura Blvd. Suite 102,Studio City CA 91604. K & I InvestmentsGroup, 12265 Ventura Blvd. Suite 102, StudioCity CA 91604. This business is conducted by:a corporation. The Registrant(s) commencedto transact business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed herein on: n/a.Signed: Genoveva Acosta Garcia, CEO.Registrant(s) declared that all information inthe statement is true and correct. Thisstatement is filed with the County Clerk of LosAngeles County on: 03/30/2015. NOTICE -This fictitious name statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed on, in the officeof the County Clerk. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed prior to thatdate. The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state of afictitious business name in violation of therights of another under federal, state orcommon law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&PCode.) Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/1504/25/15 and 05/02/15.Statement of Abandonment of Use of FictitiousBusiness Name: 2015085198. Current file:2014341426. The following person hasabandoned the use of the fictitious businessname: Pacific Financial Services, 13124 RoseStreet, Cerritos CA 90703. Rasik Lal Raniga,19401 Diamond Court Unit B, Cerritos CA90703; Daksha Raniga, 13124 Rose Street,Cerritos CA 90703. The fictitious businessname referred to above was filed on:12/03/2014, in the County of Los Angeles.This business is conducted by: a generalpartnership. Signed: Rasik Lal Raniga,partner. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: Mar 31,2015. Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/15 04/25/15and 05/02/15Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085489. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Dress On A Dime LongBeach, 1122 W. Kensington Rd., Los AngelesCA 90026. Sandra Madera, 1122 W.Kensington Rd., Los Angeles CA 90026. Thisbusiness is conducted by: an individual. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: n/a. Signed: SandraMadera, owner. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/31/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085616. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Shelby & Co.; Shelby &Co. Investments, 7016 Prospect Ave., Bell CA90201. Shelby & Co., 7016 Prospect Ave., BellCA 90201. This business is conducted by: acorporation. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Carlos Barrera, President. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/31/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085917. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Arbalist Creative, 4426 E.6th St. #5, Long Beach CA 90814. DavidChen, 4426 E. 6th St. #5, Long Beach CA90814. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:David Chen, owner. Registrant(s) declaredthat all information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/31/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015085980. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Marlin Marketing, 867 N.West Knoll Dr., West Hollywood CA 90069.Nicholas Marlin, 867 N. West Knoll Dr., WestHollywood CA 90069. This business isconducted by: an individual. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Nicholas Marlin, owner.Registrant(s) declared that all information inthe statement is true and correct. Thisstatement is filed with the County Clerk of LosAngeles County on: 03/31/2015. NOTICE -This fictitious name statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed on, in the officeof the County Clerk. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed prior to thatdate. The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state of afictitious business name in violation of therights of another under federal, state orcommon law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&PCode.) Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/1504/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086053. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Minh Floral, 1314Cambridge Drive, Glendale CA 91205. AnhMinh Nguyen, 1314 Cambridge Drive,Glendale CA 91205. This business isconducted by: an individual. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Anh Minh Nguyen,owner. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/31/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086060. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: WCCPP.com, West CoastCreative Postproductions, 3901 W. 4th Street,#2, Los Angeles CA 90020. Sevim AcunCameron, 3901 W. 4th Street, #2, Los AngelesCA 90020. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Sevim Acun Cameron, owner. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/31/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086396. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: The Lost Knight; LostKnight, 1538 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles CA90026/1127 Laguna Ave., Los Angeles CA90026. HGCC Sunset Operations, 1127Laguna Ave., Los Angeles CA 90026. Thisbusiness is conducted by: a limited liabilitycompany. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:Alan Moore, General Partner. Registrant(s)declared that all information in the statement istrue and correct. This statement is filed withthe County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:03/31/2015. NOTICE - This fictitious namestatement expires five years from the date itwas filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086429. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Spartan Logistix CustomsBrokerage, LLC, 6041 W. Imperial Hwy, LosAngeles CA 90045. Spartan Logistix CustomsBrokerage, LLC, 203 E. Colorado Blvd., DallasTX 75203. This business is conducted by: alimited liability company. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listedherein on: n/a. Signed: Wanda Jane Hensley,President. Registrant(s) declared that allinformation in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/31/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086430. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Dancing Spiral; AscendingSounds, The Sound Space, 4688 Eagle RockBlvd., Los Angeles CA 90041/3906 HawleyAve., Los Angeles CA 90032. Jamie LynnFord, 3906 Hawley Ave., Los Angeles CA90032. This business is conducted by: anindividual. The Registrant(s) commenced totransact business under the fictitious businessname or names listed herein on: 2009.Signed: Jamie Lynn Ford, owner.Registrant(s) declared that all information inthe statement is true and correct. Thisstatement is filed with the County Clerk of LosAngeles County on: 03/31/2015. NOTICE -This fictitious name statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed on, in the officeof the County Clerk. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed prior to thatdate. The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state of afictitious business name in violation of therights of another under federal, state orcommon law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&PCode.) Published: 04/11/15, 04/18/1504/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086431. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: Soap Smooth, 9250Reseda Blvd., Suite 105, Northridge CA91324. Steve Kogan, 9250 Reseda Blvd.,Suite 105, Northridge CA 91324. Thisbusiness is conducted by: an individual. TheRegistrant(s) commenced to transactbusiness under the fictitious business name ornames listed herein on: 1/1/2015. Signed:Steve Kogan, owner. Registrant(s) declaredthat all information in the statement is true andcorrect. This statement is filed with the CountyClerk of Los Angeles County on: 03/31/2015.NOTICE - This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it was filed on,in the office of the County Clerk. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must befiled prior to that date. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself authorize the usein this state of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under federal,state or common law (see Section 14411, etseq., B&P Code.) Published: 04/11/15,04/18/15 04/25/15 and 05/02/15.Fictitious Business Name Statement:2015086480. The following person(s) is/aredoing business as: The LA Law Firm, 8484Wilshire Blvd., Suite 515, Beverly Hills CA90211. Luis M. Avila, 1631 S. Westgate Ave.#3, Los Angeles CA 90025. This business isconducted by: an individual. The Registrant(s)commenced to transact business under thefictitious business name or names listed

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