Temples In India-1.pdf - Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan

Temples In India-1.pdf - Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan

Temples In India-1.pdf - Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan


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VIVEKANANDA KENDRA PATRIKAThe consecration of the new Fire Templenow takes place. For three consecutivedays, two priests recite three rasnas andthree Vendidads, with their prescribedritual, as well as the prayer in honour ofSraosha, Divine <strong>In</strong>tuition. Then, for the nextthirty days, thirty yasnas and thirtyvendidads are recited in honour of each ofthe Divine Powers presiding on thatparticular day, one yasna and one vendidadfor each day. This completes the finalconsecration of the Fire Temple.The hallowed fire is now removed, with alldignity and solemnity, to the consecratedchamber in the Fire Temple. A processionis formed, with the chief priest at the headand others in order of rank. The priestsare clothed in their white robes, while theDasturs or chief priests, wear the insigniaof their rank, gorgeous shawls. Some bearswords and some maces (gurz). The pathto the consecrated chamber is divided intopavis or sections, which have already beenritually purified. Two priests carrying thelarge Afarghan in which the sacred fire isplaced, walk in unison, from pavi to paoi,till the consecrated chamber is reached.The fire is now transferred to a largeAfarghan in the centre of the room. TheAfarghan stands on a stone slab known asthe takhta, the throne. The fire is fed withsandalwood and incense and an AtashNyaesh recited in its honour.A Jashan ceremony is now performed inthe front hall attached to the Fire Temple.After certain prayers and benedictions arerecited, the enthronement or takhtnashiniof the fire is complete.The sacred fire in a Fire Temple must neverbe allowed to go out. Five times a day, inharmony with the five Gahs in which theTEMPLE INDIAtwenty-four hours are divided, the priestrecites special prayers before the fire andfeeds it with sandal-wood and incense. Onthese occasions, a deep-toned bell is alsorung, to keep all evil spirits away. Thisceremony is called the Bui ceremony.The Atash Beltram fire is spoken of as thePadshah, the king. The roof of theconsecrated chamber is shaped like a dometo signify the dome of heaven. From thecentre of the dome hangs, high above thefire, the Taj, a large metal tray, which isthe crown for the fire. A couple of swordsand a few maces are displayed on the innerwalls of the room. Just as the warrior fightswith actual weapons, so must the soldierin the service of Ahura Mazda fight withspiritual weapons.Visit to a Fire TempleWhen a Zoroastrian visits a Fire Temple,he first washes his hands and face withthe consecrated well water kept in a specialvessel. He then faces east and performsthe Kusti ritual. Both men and women covertheir heads when praying. All remove theirshoes before entering the outer hall of theFire Temple. On the walls usually hang largepictures of the Prophet and of the donorsto that particular Fire Temple.The worshipper now enters the inner roombuilt round the consecrated chamber wherethe sacred fire is housed. Only the priestmay enter the consecrated chamber. Theworshipper’s first action is to bow downbefore the fire and place his head on themarble lintel which separates theconsecrated chamber from the rest of theroom. Having recited a brief Ashem vohuor ahuna vairya or both, he rises from his149

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