Collocations and Idioms - HandyBooks
Collocations and Idioms - HandyBooks
Collocations and Idioms - HandyBooks
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<strong>Collocations</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Idioms</strong>In the sentences below choose which word or words best fit each gap,forming the correct collocation or idiomatic phrase.1. He still bears a …………………… against Tony for choosing somebody else torepresent their company at the conference three years ago.a) grievance b) complaint c) grudge d) regret2. When Mrs Jones was leaving the building, she …………………… sight of twosuspicious looking men quarrelling at the car park.a) got b) caught c) lost d) took3. Time …………………… <strong>and</strong> they still hadn’t heard anything from their son.a) moved b) went c) went on d) passed4. She has to go on a …………………… course in cooking because next monthshe’s getting married.a) crash b) speedy c) quick d) fast5. You’re …………………… up the wrong tree if you think that I will lend youmoney.a) barking b) shouting c) climbing d) looking6. You’ve shaken h<strong>and</strong>s with Bono, I don’t believe you! You’re ……………………my leg!a) pushing b) pulling c) holding d) pressing7. Tomorrow we will go fishing, weather …………………… .a) agreeing b) allowing c) permitting d) giving8. It was a …………………… of luck that I won the contest. There were moreknowledgeable people than me.a) beam b) piece c) drop d) stroke9. I don’t think that raising the issue during today’s meeting would…………………… any useful purpose.a) reach b) provide c) serve d) perform58
10. That’s unfair that they dismissed him. He was always …………………… hisduties very conscientiously.a) bringing off b) conducting c) fulfilling d) executing11. The film didn’t …………………… to my expectations. It was just average.a) come down b) appeal c) live up d) work up12. After hours of heated debates the two companies have finally…………………… an agreement.a) achieved b) reached c) accomplished d) established13. Maggie …………………… a great pride in her collection of the Beatlesmemorabilia. She shows it to everybody who visits her.a) takes b) puts c) gets d) finds14. I’m afraid you missed the …………………… of Prof. Hardcastle’s lecture. Heclaimed something completely different.a) key b) core c) point d) punchline15. Although Mary <strong>and</strong> Paul are …………………… apart in personality, they makean excellent couple.a) leagues b) ways c) miles d) poles16. Many serial killers …………………… immense pleasure in tormenting theirvictims before killing them.a) derive b) get c) experience d) take17. Bill Clinton’s love affair with Monica Lewinsky …………………… the news inthe whole world. People were constantly chatting about it.a) made b) delivered c) struck d) filled18. The two countries finally managed to …………………… a deal on oil imports.a) reach b) produce c) cut d) arrive at19. Don’t tell Ben about my plans for the evening. You know he can’t…………………… a secret.a) save b) keep c) hold d) stop20. Since Tom was made redundant, they can hardly make ends…………………… .a) meet b) cross c) link d) together59