Facilitator packs evaluation form - Faculty Development - London ...

Facilitator packs evaluation form - Faculty Development - London ...

Facilitator packs evaluation form - Faculty Development - London ...

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<strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>Development</strong>Tool Kit ONeeducational supervision<strong>Facilitator</strong>s’ pack<strong>evaluation</strong> <strong>form</strong>www.londondeanery.ac.uk

EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISORSTOOL KIT ONE<strong>Facilitator</strong>s’ pack<strong>evaluation</strong> <strong>form</strong>We would appreciate your feedback on the facilitators’ <strong>packs</strong> and would be grateful if you could complete the shortquestionnaire below once you have facilitated the course using this material.1. Please state:Number of participants on the course:Your profession (e.g. consultant, medical educator)Location:2. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:Tick the boxes to indicate your preferenceThe facilitator pack was:a) Easy to useb) Contained all the material youneeded to facilitator the coursec) Helped you to think about how tomeet the learning needs of courseparticipants effectivelyAgreestronglyAgree Not sure Disagree Disagreestrongly3. Please list up to three aspects of the pack that you found most useful4. Please list up to three aspects of the pack that you found least useful5. How could the pack be improved?<strong>London</strong> Deanery Educational Supervisors Tool Kit One 2

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