New Efficient Algorithms for LCS and Constrained LCS Problem

New Efficient Algorithms for LCS and Constrained LCS Problem

New Efficient Algorithms for LCS and Constrained LCS Problem


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Algorithm 2 AlgC<strong>LCS</strong><strong>New</strong>1: Construct the set M using Algorithm 1 of [24]. Let M i = (i, j) ∈ M, 1 ≤ j ≤ n.2: globalC<strong>LCS</strong>.Instance = ɛ3: globalC<strong>LCS</strong>.Value = ɛ4: H −10 = ɛ5: H 0 0 = ɛ6: <strong>for</strong> i = 1 to n do7: <strong>for</strong> k = 0 to p do8:9:Hi k = Hi−1k<strong>for</strong> each (i, j) ∈ M i do10: max 1 = BoundedMax(H k−1i−1 , j)11: max 2 = BoundedMax(Hi−1, k j){First, we consider Equations 7 <strong>and</strong> 8}12: Val 2 .Value = 013: Val 2 .Instance = ɛ14: if ((k = 0) or (max 2 .Value > 0)) then15: Val 2 = max 216: end if{Now, we consider Equations 5 <strong>and</strong> 6}17: if (X[i] = Z[k]){This means X[i] = Y [j] = Z[k]} then18: Val 1 .Value = 019: Val 1 .Instance = ɛ20: if (k = 1) or ((k > 1) <strong>and</strong> (max 1 .V alue > 0)) then21: Val 1 = max 122: end if23: end if{Finally, we consider Equation 2}24: maxresult = max{Val 1 , Val 2 }25: T k [i, j].Value = maxresult.Value + 126: T k [i, j].Prev = maxresult.Instance27: if global<strong>LCS</strong>.Value < T k [i, j].Value then28: global<strong>LCS</strong>.Value = T k [i, j].Value29: global<strong>LCS</strong>.Instance = (i, j, k)30: end if31: IncreaseValue(Hi k , j, T [i, j].Value, (i, j, k)).32: end <strong>for</strong>33: Delete H k−1i−1 .34: end <strong>for</strong>35: end <strong>for</strong>36: return global<strong>LCS</strong>

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