Robust Object Segmentation using Split and Merge - East West ...

Robust Object Segmentation using Split and Merge - East West ...

Robust Object Segmentation using Split and Merge - East West ...


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(c)(d)Figure 8: (a) Original skeleton image, (b) Referenceimage of (a), (c)-(d) <strong>Segmentation</strong> results of the OSF<strong>and</strong> the proposed ROSSM algorithm respectively.Table 1: Statistics of qualitative performance of the OSF<strong>and</strong> the ROSSM algorithmsNomenclaturesOSFROSSMNo ofimagesNo ofimagesCorrectlySegmentedPartiallycorrectlysegmentedWronglysegmentedPercentageout of 211imagesPercentageout of 211images76 36.02% 152 72.04%62 29.38% 28 13.27%73 34.60% 31 14.69%To assess the robustness of the proposed ROSSMalgorithm, the experiments were conducted for 211different images having different objects containingdifferent shapes, sizes, orientations <strong>and</strong> features. Theexperimental results are shown in Table 1 where the OSFalgorithm produced correct segmentation results for 76images out of 211 images <strong>and</strong> hence the percentage ofsuccessfully segmenting images is 36.02% while theROSSM algorithm segments 152 images accurately with asuccess rate of 72.04%. The number of images for partiallycorrected <strong>and</strong> wrongly segmentation results for the OSF are62 <strong>and</strong> 73 respectively <strong>and</strong> for ROSSM algorithm for 28<strong>and</strong> 31 respectively. So, from this analysis, it can beconcluded that the ROSSM algorithm performs much betterin image segmentation than that of SM algorithm as well asthe OSF algorithm.6. ConclusionsThe <strong>Split</strong> <strong>and</strong> merge (SM) algorithm is well-knownalgorithm in digital image processing due to its simplicity,effectiveness, unsupervision <strong>and</strong> relative cost minimization,however, it is unable to achieve global optimum. Theproposed robust object segmentation based on split <strong>and</strong>merge (ROSSM) considers region stability as the key issuefor splitting while the region stability, region variances, <strong>and</strong>human perception as key issues for multi stage merging. Inthe ROSSM algorithm, the thresholds used for merging arecalculated dynamically based on inter-<strong>and</strong> intra-variancesof regions. As a consequence, the ROSSM algorithm is ableto segment all type objects in an image. The experimentalresults have shown that the ROSSM algorithm hasoutperformed the SM algorithm <strong>and</strong> a shape-based fuzzyclustering algorithm namely object based imagesegmentation <strong>using</strong> fuzzy clustering (OSF). This increasesthe application area of the SM algorithm where thesegmentation is critical. The main problem of the proposedROSSM algorithm is that it is unable to segment similar<strong>and</strong> connected objects well due to considering pixelintensity while they may be identified as different objectsconsidering the spatial location <strong>and</strong> also if multipleattributes were considered the objects could be classifiedmore accurately. In the splitting stage a region is dividedinto four almost equal sub-regions if the threshold valuepermits. This hard partitioning splits the image region intonumerous unwanted sub-regions which need to rejoin(merge) in the merging stage that requires noticeable timefor merging. An efficient soft clustering which can dividethe base region into stable <strong>and</strong> an optimal numbers ofregions instead of simply dividing it into four regionswould be a further development.Reference[1] M. 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