Il mondo dei DB Cambia : Tecnologie e opportunita` - Corriere delle ...

Il mondo dei DB Cambia : Tecnologie e opportunita` - Corriere delle ...

Il mondo dei DB Cambia : Tecnologie e opportunita` - Corriere delle ...


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Defining the world of analytics“Big Data” originating with analytics – beyond BI• Traversing enormous diverse data types to spot patterns16− 10s - 100s of terabytes (TB), petabytes (PB), and yes - even Exabyte's (EB)• Business needing faster --“real time” (seconds - minutes vs. hours to days)analytic results− Combining data from silos− Analyzing diverse data types and Sources− Connect data from various business units (cross analyze, access, & reference )• Growing at exponential rate− Structured data – data stored in databases− Unstructured – all other data including emails, social media, blogs, free form feedback,documents, transaction, multimedia (images, videos, etc.)− 90% of enterprise information is unstructured− Data size being a constant moving target© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

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