MS-CIT: Year 2012 - MKCL

MS-CIT: Year 2012 - MKCL

MS-CIT: Year 2012 - MKCL


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4. Following is the criteria for passing the <strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong> Examination successfully:Aggregate score of 40 Marks (in Sections I,II-A & II-B) out of 100 with: Minimum 20 Marks out of 50 are required for passing in Learning Process (Section I) & Minimum 20 Marks out of 50 are required for passing in Final <strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong> Examination(Section II) with at least 6 marks in the Objective and 14 marks in the Practical.<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong> परीक्षा यशस्वीपणे उत्तीणण होण्याकररता खाऱीऱ निकष आहेत:भाग १ व २ मध्ये १०० पैकी एकू ण ४० गुण आवश्यक आहेत, त्यापैकी -* भाग १ - ऱर्निंग प्रोसेस मध्ये ५० पैकी ककमान २० गुण आवश्यक आहेत, आणण* भाग २ - <strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong> फायनऱ परीऺेमध्ये ५० पैकी ककमान २० गुण आवश्यक आहेत,ज्यापैकी वैकल्पपक (Objective) मध्ये ककमान ६ गुण आणण प्रात्यक्षऺक(Practical) मध्ये ककमान १४ गुण आवश्यक आहेत.5. If the learner fails in Internal Evaluation during prescribed learning schedule for his/her batch, then:The learner will not receive any additional special attempt to improve the score and pass ininternals and he/she will be treated as 'Failed'.He/She will be treated as 'Failed' in internals and will have to take fresh admission to <strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong>Course by paying requisite fees.He/She will be treated as 'Failed', even if he/she has passed in final <strong>MS</strong>BTE examination and willhave to take fresh admission to <strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong> Course by paying requisite fees.6. Passing Criteria for Re-exam Learner-: Passing criteria for re-exam learner is same as freshlearner.7. Hall Ticket-: Kindly collect your hall ticket from your ALC one week prior to the date of FinalOnline Examination8. The final <strong>MS</strong>-<strong>CIT</strong> Certificate shall be provided to you through ALC where you have enrolledand the same shall be signed by <strong>MKCL</strong> and <strong>MS</strong>BTE Authorities.Page 2 of 2

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