DEMO - 1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop ... - FordManuals.com

DEMO - 1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop ... - FordManuals.com

DEMO - 1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop ... - FordManuals.com

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8 Chapter One Construction and OperationFRONT CLUTCHb. Operation.FRONT CLUTCHPISTON(1) FRONT CLUTCH. The front clutch is operatedby fluid pressure against the front clutch piston. Thepiston is moved against a spring washer which increasesTURBINESHAFTthe "apply" force through lever action to lock the multiple disc clutch. When the clutch is applied the primarysun gear is locked to the turbine shaft to drive the primary sun gear. The primarysun gear is driven in allFLUIDPRESSUREFig. 12 Front Clutch5589forward speeds. The piston is returned to the releaseposition by the spring washer when the fluid pressure isremoved (Fig. 12).In Neutral, front clutch drum and steel plates arebeing driven while bronze plates are stationary. InReverse, the clutch is not applied but both steel andbronze plates are being driven at engine speed.(2) REAR CLUTCH. The rear clutch is operated byfluid pressure against the rear clutch piston. Movementof the piston <strong>com</strong>presses the release spring and locksdrum. One end of the band contacts the end of the bandadjusting screw and the opposite end is connected to therear servo.(4) FRONT SERVO. The front servo assembly consists of an aluminum servo body, front servopiston, piston guide, release spring, and an actuating lever. Theinner end of the lever contacts the front servo pistonstem and the outer end contacts the front band strut(Fig. 14).(5) REAR SERVO. The rear servo assembly consistsof a cast aluminum servo body, rear servo piston, accuthe multiple disc clutch. The rear clutch drive platesare splined to the front clutch drum and the drivenplates are connected to the secondary sun gear. Whenthe rear clutch is applied (in the reverse and in thedrive range high ratios) the secondary sun gear is driven.The piston is returned to the released position by therear clutch release spring (Fig. 13).In Neutral, rear clutch bronze plates are being drivenwhile steel plates are free. In Intermediate,rear clutchbronze plates are driven, but steel plates are held stationary. In Low, rear clutch bronze plates are drivenclockwise at engine speed while steel plates are drivenmulator piston spring, accumulator piston,rear servo recounterclockwise.lease spring, and an actuating lever. The inner end ofthe actuating lever contacts the accumulator piston andthe outer end engages one end of the rear band strut.(Fig. 15.)FRONTCLUTCHPISTON(3) BANDS. The front band encircles the drum ofthe secondary sun gear assembly. One end of the bandis anchored against a boss in the transmission case.The opposite end of the band engages a strut betweenthe band and front servo actuating lever. When theFRONT BANDFRONT SERVOFRONTCLUTCH- FLUIDFLUIDPRESSUREPRESSURE5590APPLY-Fig. 13Rear ClutchFig. 14Front Servo Operation

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