February 2010.pmd - The Triangle

February 2010.pmd - The Triangle

February 2010.pmd - The Triangle


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Circulation 2000 plus online visitsIssue No. 84 <strong>February</strong> 2010In the early 1980s a young familydrove down from <strong>The</strong> Hills area inSydney to take a look at a smallbusiness. <strong>The</strong>y had been looking for achange, a chance to get out of the ratrace of city life for some time but,mistakenly, had been searching areasnorth of Sydney.After two years of looking north,they had almost given up when theyspotted an advertisement about a smallmixed business for sale on the far southcoast. A place calledQuaama. <strong>The</strong>y had neverheard of the place!Yes you guessed it:Ros and Greig Ruth arewho I am talking about.<strong>The</strong>y arranged aninspection and took off oneweekend to head south.Initially they were notimpressed with what theysaw on the way down, butdecided to stop for thenight in a motel on thenorth side of Narooma.What they saw nextmorning as they headedfurther south changedtheir minds. Greig and Rosfell in love with the area, thecountryside and the feel of the placebefore they had even seen the businessthey were coming to inspect.Heading in to Quaama from thenorthern end, the young couple drovepast the Quaama store and continuedon through the village looking for the‘other’ businesses. When they arrivedat the picnic area back at the highwaythey realised their mistake and turnedaround.Like many ‘incomers’, the Ruthsfell in love with the region. ‘It felt justright’, they said. <strong>The</strong>y also said ‘yes’ tothe business. It took a little while beforethey sold their Sydney home andEnd of an era - farewell to the Ruthsmoved down with their two children,Kylie aged nine and Mark aged six.‘Kylie was happy being anywhere shecould have a horse, and Mark settledright in after a week or so’, said Ros.A deciding influence for both childrenwas the relaxed atmosphere at theschool. ‘<strong>The</strong>y got home from schoolon the first day and kicked off theirshoes – those heavy school shoes –and wore sandals every day afterthat’, said Ros.<strong>The</strong> Quaama General Store and Post Office with (inset L to R)Olympic Flame Relay in 2000, 30-something-year-old Greig Ruth,and Ros Ruth in the store in 2008.When Greig and Ros moved toQuaama there were very few trees,and they could see the Dry River andthe highway from their back window.<strong>The</strong>re were 27 children at the schooland classes were held in the buildingthat is now the office.When they took over the postoffice, telegrams were still the fastestmeans of written communication.<strong>The</strong>re were no computers, faxes,emails or mobile phones, and theyhad to empty out the coins from thepublic phone outside to send off toTelecom.In the time that the Ruthsmanaged the store they saw in allmanner of innovations in technology,and made changes to the layout of thestore itself to improve safety andfunctionality. At one time, around 1988,they leased the front room of the houseto a business partnership called ‘<strong>The</strong>Wise Fool’, which ran a gallery and caféfor a while. <strong>The</strong>y also witnessed theOlympic Flame relay through our tinyvillage.Greig and Ros have not just beenstore owners. <strong>The</strong>y have been activelyinvolved in various aspects ofvillage life. Ros is on themanagement committee forthe Quaama School of ArtsHall, assisting in securingfunding for the repairs andrenovations to the building,organising Christmas partiesand visits from Santa, as wellas maintaining the gardenaround the Hall. Greig is amember of the Quaama RuralFire Service, responding tothe call for help inemergencies. He has alsoplayed trumpet with theQuaama Band since itsinception as ‘<strong>The</strong> Quaama BigBand’ several years ago.<strong>The</strong> Ruths have also been afantastic support to people in thecommunity; checking up on an elderlyresident if they hadn’t collected theirmail as usual; giving advice tonewcomers on where to get things orwhom to ask for a particular service.<strong>The</strong>y have responded to late night callsto open the petrol pump and helped outin midnight emergencies for villagers.‘I’ve felt so privileged in this position[as store owner]. I’ve gotten to know areal broad spectrum of people, and itreally gives you an appreciation of thepeople round here’, said Ros.<strong>The</strong>ir generosity can best be(Continued on page 2)www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 1

Editorial<strong>The</strong> Changing Face of theFar South CoastThis year seems to have been thebusiest we can remember down the FarSouth Coast. <strong>The</strong> weather for ourtourists has mostly been fantastic withthe exception of a few days over 40degrees and then the little freeze in midJanuary with snow up on themountains.Unfortunately for the locals, therain has produced ‘a green drought’ andthe countryside gives the impression oflushness whereas many dams are dryand water is in really short supply. Wehad better get used to it, if this is whatis meant by Climate Change.Bermagui has never been busierand it is as if it has been discovered bya whole new group of people, somesaying it is like ‘Byron Bay in the olddays!’ Not exactly, I don’t think Byronever gets to 15 degrees in winter, letalone in the middle of summer but thathas not deterred the visitors who havearrived earlier and stayed longer thisseason.<strong>The</strong> summer commenced withthe opening of the new Fisherman’s Coop(photos included in the paper) withsome excellent speeches and praise forall connected with its innovation andcompletion. <strong>The</strong> Bermagui Surf Clubsuffered a few hold ups but is now wellunder way with its second storey andlo and behold some very welcome newtoilet facilities on the ground floor.<strong>The</strong> addition of new places to seeand be seen within the Co-op is verywelcome with its relaxed atmosphereand beautiful views across the harbourto Gulaga. <strong>The</strong> main street has notsuffered from lack of business as it hasbeen busy with parking at a premiumfrom 10 to 5pm and complimentsflowing for all the charm andfriendliness coming from the localbusinesses who have handled thecrowds so well.<strong>The</strong> Tilbas have not escaped thecrowds and their overflow car park hasbeen well used not to mention thethrongs down at Tilba Tilba visiting theshops and the gardens.Preparations are now under wayfor Cobargo to get its share of the touristdollar with its Show and the FolkFestival in <strong>February</strong>. Let’s hope theweather is kind for both events and theyare as successful as ever.Art and culture seem to beburgeoning with exhibitions openingup all over the district and this isproviding something for everyonewith most media being shown at onetime or another.Letters to the EditorsSignage spoils Co-opBuildingAs a regular if occasionalvisitor to the Bermagui coastal strip,like many of the tourists passingthrough, it has been my pleasure tonotice any new constructions beingbuilt to enhance the landscape, aswell as offering improved servicesto the community at large.<strong>The</strong> Bermagui Fishermen’sCo-op is one prime example of suchan initiative for the region. It has avery striking and interesting presence,and greatly enhances thesetting and character of the area.Walking along the long verandahmade into a colonnade by thebeautiful timber posts, gives one agood feeling of being in a specialplace.What a pity it is then to seethis beautiful structure plastered byplacards and posters, notices andglaring posters, which give absolutelynothing to the facility, butrather degrade its visual amenityand downgrade it to the category‘Fish shop’ and ‘Renta cabin’, edgingit towards the ‘Ugly Australia’category.Why should the commercialtenants have such unfettered accessto this lovely building, and who onthe local Council approved of suchan intervention into the publicaesthetics of this important communityacquisition?Was this agreed to in anynegotiations with communityrepresentatives?Yours sincerelyBill LeslieWollongongMy Christmas MiracleMy son flew off to LosAngeles on Christmas morning. Thiswas his email to me after I hadwritten that my Christmas Miraclewas the rain on Christmas Day.“I got off the plane atAuckland. All good. Made my waythrough the transfer customs. Allgood. Went over to the transfer deskto find out my boarding gate. <strong>The</strong>yasked to see my passport. All notgood. It must have fallen out of mypocket as I was getting off the plane.I remember placing it in my backpocket when leaving but it wasn’tthere. So the man from Air NewZealand, and I swear this is true,named Jesus, came over to me andasked what was wrong, I told himmy story. He got on the radio andstarted to hunt. After a heart breaking20 minutes he returned and in athick Latino accent said, ‘Jonathan,the arrivals customs people have it,you must go back the way you cameand speak to them. Tell them Jesussent you”’.Louise BrownWandellaEnd of an era - farewellto the Ruths(From page 1)highlighted by recounting an occasionwhen a passing traveller pulled in tothe village needing to replenish hissupplies.‘He sat for some time in the doorof his van opposite the store’, saidGreig, ‘and I wondered what he wasdoing. A while later he came inside. Heapologised and said he had no moneyto pay for the goods he needed butwould I accept a sketch he had done ofthe building’. It’s a good sketch andGreig is looking for the right place tohang it in their new home.So what’s next for Ros andGreig? <strong>The</strong>y plan to explore the region,go to all the places they haven’t hadtime to see but have heard about fornearly 30 years. <strong>The</strong>n there are fish tobe caught, gardens to develop,trumpets to be blown, a granddaughterto be indulged and the list goes on.For now Ros and Greig need awell earned rest. Greig has an easychair on the back verandah where hecan sit and contemplate the view. Roshas a garden to plan and once it rains,hopefully she will call in a few favoursto get it established. After nearly 30years of service to the community theydeserve a rest.Thank you Ros and Greig. Wewill miss you both at the store and thepeople of Quaama wish you well inyour retirement.Rose Chaffey <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 2www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

Is our Winter RainFalling as Snow?Historical records show that theBega Valley has experienced manydroughts over the last hundred years.<strong>The</strong>re is no doubt that the earth’sclimate is subject to cyclic variationswhich are further exacerbated byreckless emission of green house gasses.Over recent years, the Bega Valley’swinter rainfall has been at record lowlevels.By comparison, the snow seasonfor the last two winters in the SnowyMountains has been some of the bestrecorded in recent times. It seems thatover the last six years, SnowyMountains Hydro has been conductingtrials with cloud seeding. <strong>The</strong> aim wasstated to be to improve down streamflows in the Snowy River and improvethe winter tourist industry. Informationfound on Google (go towww.nrc.nsw.gov.au/Workwedo/Cloudseeding.aspx) indicates that earlytrials were not very successful. Aftersome adjustments to the experimentabout two years ago snow has come inabundance.In 2010 the Snowy MountainHydro Commission are committed to areview of downwind effects of thecloud seeding experiment. <strong>The</strong> BegaValley is not listed as being part of thatreview.In October last year the writersent a letter to the Natural ResourcesCommission requesting that the BegaValley be included in the review. Noresponse was received. Just beforeChristmas, a further letter was sent tothe Premier of NSW. A response wasreceived last week to wit that the HonFrank Sartor MP, Minister for ClimateChange and the Environment, andMinister Assisting the Minister forHealth (Cancer) would review the issueand respond in due course.Without sufficient scientificknowledge on the subject of cloudseeding and its effects it is difficult tomake a judgement as to whether thistrial may have affected our winter rain.<strong>The</strong> Bega Valley naturally lies in the rainshadow created by the SnowyMountains. However, it begs thequestion with our area experiencingsuch drastic weather conditions, whywe should not be included in the trial?Further updates will be providedwhen a response from the Minister isforthcoming.Robin Philp & Rosemarie GriffithWater Restrictions Now inForce for <strong>Triangle</strong> TownsWe knew it must be coming –tanks are running dry and theground’s as dry as a bone. By lateJanuary, Brogo Dam levels hadreached a low of 12 per cent, almostdown to the 2002 record of 11 per cent.Last month Level 2 water restrictionscame into force for Quaama, Cobargo,Bermagui, Wallaga Lake and Akolele.This means no fixed wateringsystems, eg fixed sprinklers, microspraysystems, unattended hoses ordrip-irrigation systems. Handheldwatering is permissible only from6am-8am, and 6pm-8pm, on an oddsand-evensbasis – odd-numberedproperties can water on oddnumberedcalendar dates (eg 1st, 3rd,health of the Brogo River, which hasnow ceased to flow even as far as Bega.At this rate, with no rain the dam wouldbe empty by April. To prevent this,Bega Valley Shire Council is currentlyin discussions with State Water toreduce the volumes released.For full details, go towww.begavalley.nsw.gov.au and clickon Water Restrictions.Jen SevernFire Danger in the BegaValley – How are we Doing?With the prolonged droughtconditions and memories of last year’stragic events in Victoria, many <strong>Triangle</strong>residents feel quite edgy and nervousabout living close to bush areas andNational Parks. Our readiness to dealwith bush fires in the Bega Valley isoften the subject of neighbourhooddiscussions. It is heartening to reportthat to date, we are managing well.Whilst there have been fires in manylocal areas, with better awareness anda determined effort on behalf of theRural Fire Service no fires have beenallowed to get out of control.Late in 2009 lightening strikesresulted in two fires in the WadbilligaNational Park in the Nelsons Creek andTin Hut areas. <strong>The</strong> Bega Valley now hasa fully trained 10 person RAFT team(Remote Area Fire Team). <strong>The</strong>se hardysouls were helicoptered onto theground within a very short time afterthe fires were spotted. <strong>The</strong>ir aim is tostrike during the early gestation of thefire and establish a helicopter pad andan assembly area. This quick actionallows equipment and personnel fromboth the RFS and National Parks to geton the ground and ready to attack thefires and bring them under control.This summer for the first time, ahelicopter is on permanent standby atMogo. This machine is equipped witha 1000 litre bucket and winch and canquickly deliver personnel and waterright where it is needed. A light fixedwing aircraft is also available in theSouthern area and patrols thecountryside from Nowra south toMonaro and Bega Valley to the Border.Both aircraft play a vital role inpatrolling after electrical storms,providing early detection of any fireswhich occur from lightning strikes,often in remote areas.<strong>The</strong> current BKDI (Brian KetchDrought Index) is 157 for the Bega5th <strong>February</strong> etc), and even-numberedproperties on even dates (eg 2nd, 4th,6th <strong>February</strong>).Washing of private vehicles(including boats) must be done ongrass areas using buckets, during thetimes listed above. A final rinse witha trigger nozzle hose is permitted.Washing of boats at public boat rampsis banned.Fines up to $220 apply.Tilba and the rest of theEurobodalla Shire have been underthe more severe Level 3 restrictionssince December: one hand-held hoseper property may be used for amaximum of 30 minutes under theodds-and-evens system, between 6-8am or 6-8pm (in summer) or 6-9amor 4-7pm (in winter) – that is, onlyonce per day, on every second day. Allfixed watering systems are banned.State Water, who controls waterrelease from the Brogo Dam, iscurrently releasing eight megalitres ofwater every day to supply town water,dairy pasture irrigation,environmental flows, stock anddomestic uses, riparian uses and dairywashdown.However, as of July 1 2009allocations have been at zero and noirrigation has been allowed.A further 100 megalitres ‘flushvolume’ has been released at fortnightly intervals to maintain the(Continued on page 5)www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 3

From Trash to TreasureResidents may have noticeddisturbing changes at our local tip. Nomore overt or covert scavenging fromthe tip, no more recycling of discardedjunk/treasures. Conversations with aCouncil spokesperson reveal that theold chestnut of OH&S and insurancehas been brought into play. People whosearch for stuff at the tips are well awareof what they are doing and the inherent‘dangers’. <strong>The</strong>y’re not out there in theirstiletto heels or crocodile skin brogues,they are people who work with theirhands and are used to manual work,they don’t need nannying, we don’tneed nannying.<strong>The</strong> spokesperson did admit thatCouncil has never been sued by anyonetaking discarded stuff from the tip,although he did say that there had beentwo near misses. Well yes, every timeyou venture onto the road there are nearmisses. Life is made up of near misses.However, Council did finally say thatif a person is looking for a particularitem, they can inform the person incharge and they will look out for it! Sohere is a starting list:Old carpet for composting, oldbaths for troughs, the insides of oldwashing machines for pots, any size ofwheel for billy carts, bits of reo for thegarden, old rabbit, ferret hutches, oldwater tanks, pvc pipes and here’s adoozy for the poor person, anyinteresting pieces of metal for the as yetunseen, unmade sculpture! For a Shirewhose catch cry is 50/50 by 2020, thisseems to be a very shortsighted andmean spirited decision. What we wantis to reuse and recycle and the tips area perfect place for this to take place.Shame.Louise BrownMurrah Hall<strong>The</strong> Murrah Hall finished theyear with memories of a ‘best ever’Members Night and a couple offundraising garage sales (and yes therewill be display adverts for the nextone). Once again thanks to all whoparticipated.We were successful innegotiating $4,500 from Councilfunding to replace the guttering andstove and to have the buildingrepainted, which is a good result,given that the allocated pool of $58,000is spread among 22 Halls. We were inline for $5,000, but donated $500 to theBrogo Hall for much needed capitalworks there.<strong>The</strong> Solar panels were activatedby Country Energy ten days beforeChristmas.<strong>The</strong> Committee have submittedour application with the Departmentof Lands, Office of Rural Affairs,Community Hall Renewal fund for ourGeneral purpose/Green Roomextension - and we take this time to sayan appreciative ‘thank you’ to AlanRay, Gary Richardson and ClaytonSimms for plans, advice andassistance.<strong>The</strong> Committee’s applicationwith the Foundation of Regional RuralRenewal (FRRR) for the installation oflighting bars and lights for the Hallwas (this time) unsuccessful. We willbe re-applying for the March round ofapplications, as well as investigatingother avenues of funding. If anyonehas three lighting bars, a dozen or soparcans and a lighting board kickingaround in their shed .... ???Saving the best till last:<strong>February</strong>. Don’t forget the ‘Cheers For<strong>The</strong> Years Of Volunteers’ Membersnight. It’ll be a big public thank youABC CHEESE FACTORYCENTRAL TILBAHome of Tilba Club CheeseCheese & honey tastingsCoffee, ice cream, souvenirs9am to 5pm, 7 daysPh: 4473 7387party for all of you who have tirelessly‘put in’ over the past couple of decadesand a big thanks to all, for helping (bynominating) the Murrah Hall get theSolar Panels. More details soon.All in all it is shaping up to beexciting, entertaining times at the mostexciting, entertaining Community Hallsouth of Sydney and north ofMelbourne and east of Canberra - theMurrah.Howard StanleyPres/SecMurrah Hall CommitteeHere be DragonsShortly before Christmas theNSW Flying Dragons came toNarooma. Tempted and curious todiscover what dragon boat racing wasabout I made my way to Wagonga Inletto find out.<strong>The</strong>re was a real buzz of activityas about forty people examined theboat, signed indemnity forms, listenedto instruction on the terminology usedand instructions called by the ‘sweep’and warmed up prior to going out ontothe water.<strong>The</strong> dragon boat seated twenty,the ‘sweep’ standing at the rear steeringthe boat and the stroke was called fromthe front to the beat of a drum. <strong>The</strong> boatfeatured a dragon’s head prow and thetwenty paddlers seated in pairs alongits length were the motive power.On the water, flying along withlittle effort, the sensation was great.<strong>The</strong> boat seemed almost to be alive andan extension of the combined will ofthose it carried. <strong>The</strong> sun shining on theSpend your rebates wisely.Choose from the biggest range ofquality brands.Evacuated Tube SpecialistsGreat wood stoves, heaters,fireplaces & radiators.Even spa & pool heating.Installers all areas!ANDREW NORTH4473 7488 or0403 078 077(Continued next page)SOLARHOTWATER <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 4www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

(From previous page)Here be Dragonswater of Wagonga Inlet, the expertiseand enthusiasm of the sweep, GhenaMohamad, and the Sydney FlyingDragons coach who showed us thecorrect paddling technique all helped tofire the interest and enthusiasm ofnovice paddlers like myself.And thus it was I found myselffronting up to Corunna Lake on a coolSunday morning to extend theexperience a little further. <strong>The</strong>re was nosun on the water, no drum and nodragon headed prow this time but in mymind’s eye I could see the dragonemerging from the mists and hear amuffled drum beat.Take care when you visit CorunnaLake, for Here Be DragonsJo LewisFire Danger in the Bega Valley –How Are We Doing?(From page 3)Valley. This is on par with Broken Hill,Lightning Ridge and Ivanhoe. Please beprepared with survival plan,equipment, and do all those things weare being constantly reminded to do tokeep you, your family and yourneighbourhood safe. Take extreme carewhen using mowers or other farmequipment and if at any time you seesmoke – do not hesitate – call 000immediately and report your sighting.<strong>The</strong> Rural Fire Service will respond andthank you for your vigilance.Robin Philp &Rosemarie GriffithRare Stingray Discovered in Wagonga Inlet for First TimeResearchers from theUniversity of Newcastle and theBatemans Marine Park havediscovered a species of stingraynever before seen in Wagonga Inletat Narooma on the Far South Coast.<strong>The</strong> Estuary stingray (Dasyatisfluviorum) has never been recordedany further south than Botany Bayand disappeared from the Sydneyregion by the 1880s.Batemans Marine ParkResearch Scientist, Dr MelindaColeman, said that finding theEstuary stingray in Wagonga Inletwas ‘a big surprise’.‘This is a significant finding.<strong>The</strong> species is listed by theInternational Union for theConservation of Nature (IUCN) asvulnerable’, Dr Coleman said.‘<strong>The</strong> fact that these activitieshave been significantly limited in thepristine waters of Wagonga Inlet maygo some way towards explaining whythey have been found here,’ DrColeman said.THUMBS UPTo all thosewho have donatedequipment; P.A., andSpeakers, and money tothe <strong>Triangle</strong> Film Mob.To the Animal WelfareLeague for their Christmas gift tothe <strong>Triangle</strong> staff.To all the people andbusinesses who have contributedso generously to the Skate ParkFund in Cobargo.To the Council for theroadwork in the area, especially on<strong>The</strong> Estuary stingray (Dasyatis fluviorum)<strong>The</strong> Estuary Stingray may beseen feeding on mudflats with theincoming tide and is distinguished byits extra long tail, the white markingalong the edge of its body and‘tubercules’ or bumps along the top ofits body.‘Fishers are reminded thatstingrays are not only protected inSanctuary Zones but also in HabitatProtection Zones and if hooked shouldbe returned to the water without harm’.Wandella Road.To the new BermaguiFisherman’s Co-op.THUMBS DOWNOver the past 5 - 6months someone(s) hasbeen writing nasty thingson the front of a Cobargocafe at night. Please stop as it isupsetting our valued customersand the other business owners intown.To the signage at the newBermagui Fisherman’s Co-op. Come to life at the Vineyineyard!Open every day from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm for winetasting, cellar door sales, snacks and lunches.Truck and bobcat hire<strong>February</strong> events:ents:Sunday Live Music: 7 th and 21 st from 1.00 p.m.Social Bridge: Wednesday 3 rd from 2.00 p.m.Open Air cinema: Saturday 27 th at dusk - Breakfast at Tiffany’s.Signposted off the main highway on Tourist Drive 6,5km north of Tilba. Tel: 4473 7308www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 5

Bermi Banter (continued)(From previous page)impressed with the facilities at the newFishermen’s Wharf, not to mention thebeauty of the area.Maralyn CallaghanCrunch Time for Marine RescueMarine Rescue is very pleasedthat after discussions within MarineRescue the category 3 vessel the JamesT Lees, which is the preferred vessel ofthe Water Police and very suitable forBermagui conditions, is staying inBermagui. Bermagui is a small town anddespite continuous fund raising it isdifficult to raise the necessary funds tomaintain a vessel of that size. <strong>The</strong>compromise appeared to be to give theLees to Bateman Bay and for theBatemans Bay category 2 vessel to cometo Bermagui. It was the general viewhowever that the particular vessel wasnot suited to Bermagui conditions andmay not be capable of doing some of theheavier towing currently done by theLees, eg some of the deep keeled oceangoing yachts.This outcome however may onlybe short term. Another of the factors inconsideration was that Bermagui didnot have an adequate number ofsuitably qualified skippers to crew theboat. This will be a major trainingobjective in the New Year.In the interests of the longtradition of boating safety in BermaguiDavid Gelme (Divisional Commander)and the skipper John Perry urge theresidents of Bermagui and surrounds tosupport the local Marine Rescueorganisation either by becoming amember, by listing their vessel withBermagui Division for easy radio log insor by donations. You can getinformation on 6493 4506, emailcoastalpatrol@bermagui.com.au or senddonations to PO Box 51, Bermagui2546.At a meeting at the radio base,as a result of the extensive trainingcarried out by the Education OfficerAaron van Kampen (now atMerimbula), nearly everyone in10 year service. Barry Wisener, Brian Kenyon,Sandy Livingstone. Absent on radio dutyDawn Kenyon.Bermagui division received trainingcertificates. This reflects the currenthigh standards put into place byCoastal Patrol and even more so bythe new Marine Rescue. Alsoencouraging was the introduction ofsix new members to BermaguiDivision. In addition four membersreceived badges acknowledging 10years service. It was an encouragingoccasion but more members and helpare needed if Bermagui is to retain itstradition as a safe harbour forrecreational fishermen.Bermagui PreschoolChristmas BanterOn Thursday 10 December theBermagui Preschool celebrated theend of 2009 with a fabulousChristmas Party celebration. Over 150children, parents, grandparents,friends and Pre School staff joinedtogether for a balmy evening ofentertainment, food and fun.Thank you to Kristy Callaghanfor organising the successfulfundraising event and all the localbusinesses that supported thisfundraiser, which raised over $550 forthe Preschool children.A special guest appearance fromour beautiful Belly Dancing Mums;Tanya, Sarah, Sundaramani, Sarah andLynda was a huge crowd pleaser. <strong>The</strong>jumpy castle and Preschool activitieskept everybody entertained for theevening. We then shared delicioushealthy homemade food from ourfamilies, fruit platters from GoldiesFruit and Veg and pizza fromBermagui Pizza and Take Away.Yummy!!<strong>The</strong> evening finished on a highnote with a visit from Santa on the fireengine, and all children received abook to develop their reading andearly literacy skills.<strong>The</strong> staff at Bermagui Preschoolwould like to thank all the children,families and local businesses formaking 2009 such a fantastic year atPreschool. Please phone 6493 4183 forPreschool information.Happy New Year from Narelle,Sarah, Caro and Nat.Bermagui Country Club NewsBermagui Country Club hadtheir Members Family Fun Day on 1January. Three hundred and seventypeople came along for a BBQ and loadsof family fun.<strong>The</strong> club gave the followingdonations: $1,500 to the Scouts, $1,000to Bermagui Breakers Auskick and$2,002 to the Bermagui Surf Club.<strong>The</strong> Club also sponsored theBermagui George Bass Team with theirt-shirts and had a monster raffle withall proceeds going to the BermaguiCommunity Garden Worm Farm.Jen SmithAssistant ManagerBermagui Country Club(Bermi Banter continued on page 9)Your Mortgage?Looking for a new Home, investment property, orperhaps considering refinancing your current mortgage?With access to over 350 loans offered by someoneyou can rely on. Why deal with one bank when you cancompare lots!Call David Morgan now 0400 408 286Your local mortgage consultantPh 02 6493 7241 Fax 02 6493 7381

Tilba BitesTwo thousand and ten already!When I was a kid I used to think that adecade was some sort of fizzy drink.<strong>The</strong>se days they seem to slip by all toofrequently. At least we were spared theY2K nonsense of 2000. My increasingawareness of the passage of time washeightened by the presence of my twoloveable grandkids, Jack and Abbi, overthe Christmas/New Year period. Earlyone morning I was blearily meanderingaround in a pair of daggy jocks, only tobe admonished by young Jack whosolemnly intoned, ‘Put some clothes ongrandpa’. Ageing gracefully is indeeddifficult.<strong>The</strong> holiday period saw Tilbaonce again inundated with tourists,particularly on overcast, ‘non-beach’days. By all accounts local businesseshave enjoyed, and are still enjoying, avery good summer. It is not yet knownif Alfie has surpassed his 2009 daily salerecord of a zillion meat pies, but yourintrepid reporter will find out. Asomewhat exhausted Lady Di informedme that the new Tilba Teapot motto is‘Grin and pour it’.<strong>The</strong> Drom profits were swelledby relief barman Mardy inadvertentlyselling tourists half-empty bottles ofwine camouflaged by paper bags.Check yer screwtops Mardy!<strong>The</strong> social scene was boostedby a mixed bag of holidayingrelatives, familiar vagabonds andexpat Tilba-ites such as neo-Darwinites Robin and Barbara. Partieswere many and varied but yourgnarled correspondent must confessto ducking off from most (‘Jeez, you’reshowing your age grandpa’. ‘No Jack,it’s a mere matter of survival’). Anappraisal of wounded bodiesfollowing New Year’s Eve suggestedthat Mardy’s and Jeff’s party waspossibly the most damaging, althoughsome were bearing scars from othervenues.<strong>The</strong> holiday spirit was notlimited to humans. A handsomechook spent a couple of dayswandering the main street hooveringupchoice tidbits shed by munchingtourists. Now, the aforesaid eggheadsMardy and Jeff can be said to have agood eye for creatures of a fowlpersuasion and they followed thechook’s progress with keen interestfrom their own perch on the Drom’sverandah. When it became apparentthat our feathered friend had noowner, the pair pounced with anempty beer carton and triumphantlybore the cackling captive off to theirute to be conveyed to their chook shed.On opening the ute’s passenger door,two eggs were observed on the floor.<strong>The</strong> mists of alcohol parted and thepenny slowly dropped. It was theirchook! <strong>The</strong> cunning beast had snuckonboard for a brief vacation. <strong>The</strong> pairhave since signed up for a chookidentification course at Moruya TAFE.Organiser extraordinaireCaroline Leach reports that this year’sTilba Now exhibition was a greatsuccess, raising over $1,500 for theupkeep of the village’s treasured halls.<strong>The</strong> exhibition kicked off with yetanother sparkling performance fromthe Tilba Tappers (Busby Berkeley eatyour heart out!) who wereaccompanied by an impromptuperformance by a passing minstrelfrom Ballarat, Jack Callil, whowandered into the hall and shared hisfantastic piano skills. Well doneCaroline, the talented exhibitors,Judyanne, Sada and Norm, Issy andthe numerous other helpers formaking the exhibition so successful.As the new decade dawned, amost extraordinary event occurred.Punkalla Road was graded! I’ll exit tothe sounds of a massed choir of shockabsorberssinging the HallelujahChorus.Richard Tilzey <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 8www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

Brogo BabbleGood news from the Brogo FireBrigade general meeting held on 14January. <strong>The</strong> very successful fund raiserheld last July has raised enough moneyto enable the long planned extension tothe fire shed to proceed. Work shouldcommence in the next few months afterfinal refinements to the design. <strong>The</strong> extraspace is much needed for training,storage and office space. None of thiswould have been possible without ourever generous sponsors, thecommitment of many of Brogo’s finest.<strong>The</strong> ringleaders – Mary Elliot, Ros Fish,David Ubrihien and David Crowden –were acknowledged with Certificates ofAppreciation from the Rural FireService.Thanks must also go to LaurieJarvis who, late in 2009 successfullyapplied (on behalf of the Brogo RuralFire Service) to the Volunteer Grantsprogramme for funding for equipment.<strong>The</strong> Brogo Cat 7 fire truck will soon besporting an electric hose reel which willmake the job of winding up that darnedhose at the end of a long shift so mucheasier. Well done Laurie!Those pesky rabbits are still withus. In October 2009, twenty fourhouseholds in the Brogo area carried outa simultaneous release of theCalicivirus. Vicki Younger did a greatjob of co-ordinating the distribution of‘dosed’ carrots and reporting on theresults. Unfortunately, feedback hasbeen disappointing with most residentsreporting a small decrease initially, withnumbers then back to where they werebefore. Most people avoid the use ofPindone (due to the possibility ofPam’s Village StoreHistoric (circa 1870s)off licensedFriendly Al FrescoCAFÉTilba TilbaTel: 4473 7311Superb a la carte diningevery FridayPizzas to go, Brekky/Lunchdaily, plus coffee/cakes/etc/in betweensAvailable for private partiesaffecting native animals) but it maybe the only tool we have available tobreak the cycle and reduce thisdamaging vermin. Contact South EastLivestock Health & Pest Authority on6492 1283. <strong>The</strong>y will be able to giveyou information on the supply andsafe use of Pindone to rid us of rabbits– not the native animals.Like all of us in the <strong>Triangle</strong>and right across this Southern Regiontalk always returns to the weather. Itis very sobering to see how deeplythis prolonged drought is affectingeveryone. Those who farmcommercially struggle on while smallhobby farmers are selling stock whichthey can no longer afford to feed. OneBrogarian has had to send her belovedgoats to be converted into dog foodwith no feed left on their property.Let’s hope the recent sight of blackcockatoos, apple gums in blossom,and other ‘reliable’ indicators bringthe rains back to our valley and itarrives like a lover’s kiss – long, gentleand wet!Bermi Banter (continued)U3A Bermagui Kicks off for 2010<strong>The</strong> recently formed Universityof the Third Age in Bermagui isstarting courses for term onebeginning on Monday 1 <strong>February</strong>.Courses on offer are: An appreciationof Afro-American music, Art History,Beginning Indonesian language andculture, Beginning sewing, Buyingand selling on eBay, <strong>The</strong> chemicalgarden, Computing, ConversationalFrench, Classical music appreciation,Introduction to Geology, Gentle yogaand meditation, Introduction towriting, Life writing, Practising publicspeaking and Watercolour painting.One off events visiting MontagueIsland and Green Cape are also beingplanned.Over 85 people have nowbecome members. Membership costs$20 per annum and entitles you toattend as many courses as you wish.For further information, or if youwould like to offer a course next term,contact Course Coordinator KerryDavies on 6493 4323 or President BobGeorgeson on 6493 5914. You can alsoe-mail u3abermi@gmail.com or visitour website at sites.google.com/site/u3abermagui/BLINDS & AWNINGSQUICK ORDERS ON RETRACTABLEBLINDS & AWNINGS AS WELL ASALL TYPES OF ROLLER, ROMAN &PLEATED BLINDSCONTACT YOUR LOCALREPRESENTATIVE FOR CLIMATEADVICE ON LOOKING AFTER YOURHOME & YOUR HEALTH WINTER &SUMMERNOW AGENT FOR WATSON’SPRODUCTS AS WELL AS NOMAD,SYDNEYPHONE ROSEMARY, 6493 4004OR 0409 36 3405Julie RobertsPh. 6493 8586Mob. 0411 476 608ReflexologyReduces tension in body and mindand promotes self healingHome VisitsCobargo/Quaama areaThursdays5 Canning St, Begawww.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 9

Cobargo ConversationsBy the time <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> comesout it will be all over. Yup holidaysover, kids back at school and the longyear stretches ahead. But to help witha gentle let down we have a monthpacked with shows, festivals andfilms. First off is our Cobargo Show onthe 12th and 13th of the month so startnurturing your veggies, cosseting yourflowers, clean the weevils out of theflour and pamper your chooks, cowsand horses. <strong>The</strong> competition is hot. On20 <strong>February</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> with theCobargo Swimming Pool is showingJaws on the Outdoor Screen. Promisesto be a great family night out.And finally last, but not least,the final weekend gives us the 15thCobargo Folk Festival, three days ofmusic, comedy and dance. Not bad fora little town.Cobargo welcomes its latestshop, ‘Life’s Little Treasures’ (if I gotthat wrong, sorry, blame a senior’smoment). Skye, from Dignams Creek,is opening soon, a shop selling allAustralian handmade treasures. Onedown and only another, what is it, fourmore empty shops to fill.Great to see Council hasseriously started to tackle WandellaRoad on the flat. This has been anotorious part of the road, pot holedand patched, but the machines havebeen out, the whole lot stripped backand serious repacking going on. Notso sure about the clearing of theembankments. <strong>The</strong>y have been leftseriously open to erosion when we getBERMAGUI BEACH HOTELOverlooking Horseshoe Bay BeachEstablished 1895our drought breaking rains, thankyou Inigo Jones! I’m sure Council willsow something, just hope it is in time.Next hopefully Council, will beWandella Road from the bridgethrough, another notorious partwhich gets all the traffic, both Yowrieand Wandella.Cobargo Village had a hugenumber of visitors over January if thenumber of cars parked in the mainstreet was any indication. Spotted oneday was a tourist van broken downin the middle of the road, just beforethe bridge opposite Bermagui Road,the passengers just sitting in the van.Our intrepid lads from Benny’sButchery sprang into action andpushed them off the road. Now thatwas an accident just waiting tohappen!Cobargo Characters was agreat exhibition. Everyone lovedguessing, gesticulating andremarking on the portraits.Congratulations to all the sitters,artists and especially Naomi Lewisthe driving force behind it.<strong>The</strong> Cobargo Skatepark is backon the books again with a $15,000grant. Fingers crossed there should besomething to show by the end of theyear, especially with the help ofpeople like Dave and BarbaraRugendyke. Dave made a Santa’svillage Christmas display down at theCobargo Hotel over the Christmasperiod. It was amazing - he had awishing well people could putdonations in and all money raisedwas generously donated to the skateclub. This wasaround $220.Thank you alsoto Julie andGordon ofCobargo Hotelfor your supportas well.In 2009 we did somefundraising and applied for manygrants with the help of Susan Bear.Without Susan’s help we probablywouldn’t have been as successful as wehave been. <strong>The</strong> first grant we receivedwas a Volunteers Grant of $1,420, andthe second was a Community BuildingPartnership grant through the StateGovernment for $15,000. <strong>The</strong> office ofAndrew Constance in Bega wasextremely helpful also. Thanks to Steveand Chris of Society Skate Shop inNowra and Dapto for their generositytoo. We will be having a meeting soonto discuss our next steps and will keepyou all up to date.Congratulations to Gordon andJulie, the Cobargo publicans. <strong>The</strong>yhave shown themselves to be inclusiveand community-minded, organisinghuge Christmas raffles, a visit fromSanta, family friendly days, markets,music evenings and rumour has it thata karaoke machine is on the cards,heaven help us, Australian Idol lookout.Louise Brown6493 559502 6493 4206Charming Accommodation, Family Friendly HotelTAB - Sky Channel - BottleshopBistro Bar OPEN 7 Days LUNCH & DINNEREntertainment Weekends <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 10www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

Cobargo Conversations(continued)Music, Dance and Comedy –Festival Time Again<strong>February</strong> is when we reclaim ourarea from the influx of visitors and whatbetter way to celebrate but with theCobargo Folk Festival.Held on the last weekend of<strong>February</strong> (26th – 28th) at the CobargoShowground, it is a three day festivalof music, dance and comedy. This is anaffordable family festival which aims todevelop and foster Australian,multicultural, traditional music anddance.Festival attendees willexperience a full program of concerts,workshops, dances, poets’ breakfasts,comedy acts, sessions, intimateblackboard concerts, plus exotic foodstalls, bar and refreshments.<strong>The</strong>re is wheelchair access fortoilet and showers, on site camping forweekend ticket holders and freeparking.So if you are interested in music,dance, blues, roots, sessions, worldmusic, country, comedy, open mic,bluegrass, acapella, traditional, bushpoetry and spoken word, kidsprograms, the Crossing Youth orworkshops, the Cobargo Festival is theplace to be.Early Bird adult weekend - $65,youth - $25. Ticket enquiries: 6493 6758or at Magpie Music in Bega, or PlanetTX in Moruya.Graeme FryerCobargo Show 2010It is once again time for theCobargo Show so set aside Friday 12and Saturday 13 <strong>February</strong> for twogreat days filled with fun andexcitement.On Friday the judging will beheld in the pavilion, as well as thebeef and dairy judging. <strong>The</strong>re willalso be three great rings of hackevents and the very entertainingshowjumping. <strong>The</strong> Bermagui RealEstate Campdraft will be on in theevening.On Saturday there will bemore showjumping and hack events,post ripping, Zamboni the Magician,gold panning extraordinaire, Pam’sStore and Cobargo Co-op teamyarding events and a huge array ofevents for the community to join in.<strong>The</strong> baby and tiny tot judging will beheld at 1pm and the official openingwill be held on the main arena at2.30pm.Anne Farr will officially openthe show. Despite her tender yearsAnne has a very long history with theshow movement and a lot of driveand energy and hopes to inspire theyouth of our area to become moreinvolved with the show.After the official opening therewill be fun events to join in with likethe egg toss, foot races, the lollyscramble and hay bale rolling.Throughout the afternoon there willbe motorbike barrel races, ute barrelraces, the finals of the bending, barreland flag races as well as dog highjump, hoof and woof showjumping,chute dogging, Cobargo Hotel OpenSteer ride and a new barebackshowjumping event plus lots more.As you can see there is never a dullmoment at the show.We also have our wonderfulShowgirl Stephanie Anderson,Showgirl runner-up TerlishaMcGrath, junior Showgirl TaylanJackson and junior runner up TeganMcGrath.<strong>The</strong> pavilion will be open forperusal on Saturday and it is alwaysjam packed with flowers, cakes, art,photography and so much more. <strong>The</strong>show will culminate on Saturdayevening with the AL Chalmers & Sonfireworks display. If you would like toenter the show and be part of thiswonderful event give Lynne Parr a ringat the showground the week prior tothe event on 6493 6666.Playgroup on Mondays atCobargo PreschoolPlaygroup sessions will berunning at Cobargo Preschool onMondays from 10am – 12pm, startingon Monday 8 <strong>February</strong>, 2010.<strong>The</strong> Preschool is on the corner ofPark Street and the Princes Highway,Cobargo.For further inquiries contactCobargo Preschool on 6493 6660.(Cobargo Conversationscontinued on page 14)MulchBlack Wattle Chip makesgreat weed free gardenmulch. It helps keep moisturein the soil and preventsweeds germinating. Blackwattles are legumes, so willadd nitrogen to your soil.Unlike other woodchip, it canbe used straight away with noill effects to your plants.6 cubic metres per load$330 delivered in <strong>Triangle</strong>Ring Daniel or Sidon 6493 6739Malcolm SeymourKitchen DesignerKitchensVanitiesWarardrdrobesOffice fice FurnitureKITCHENS OF CHOICEYour ChoiceOur ExpertiseSHOWROOM6-8 Pine DriveBermaguiPhone6493 5303 or0438 661 722Tues, Wed, Thurs10 - 4Home Visits byappointmentUpholstery* Marine & Vehicle* Canvas Work* Soft Furnishings39 Bermagui RdCobargoTel/Fax: 6493 6125www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 11

<strong>The</strong> Service DirectoryGet the message through to 2,000 homes and businessesin your local area for just $20.00 per ad.Phone 6493 7222, 9am - 6pmemail:the_triangle2@bigpond.comACCOMMODATIONMUMBULLA VIEW B&B3 self contained units, sleeps up to9 people. Great deals for visiting friends& relatives. Princes Hwy, QUAAMA.Ph. Dave or Cora6493 8351 or 0406 538 360BUILDING SERVICESDRAKOS BROTHERSCONSTRUCTIONSMajor Projects to minor repairsQuality workmanship guaranteedPh 4473 7301 JimmyCONCRETE DRILLING &SAWINGCONDRILLSouthcoastConcrete SawingDrillingPh 0417 281 772ACCOMMODATIONTHE HOMESTEAD BROGOLuxury Overnight CabinsLocated in a beautiful garden setting on theBrogo River & Princes H.way, Brogo6492 7362 or 0414 220 481ACCOUNTANTHOWARD P. HAYNES B.A; CPAAccountant - Tax AgentMember: Australian Society of CPAs44 Princes Hwy Cobargo NSW 2550Ph 6493 6006 Fax 6493 6015CARPENTERAdrian McBethLic 207371cRenovations, new work, owner-builderassistance, repairs and maintenance.Ph 0414 997 449e-mail: a.mcbeth@bigpond.comCARPENTER/ JOINERTIMBER CONCEPTSQuality joinery - Custom furnitureTimber kiln drying. Lic 15404CPh 6493 6503 Mob 0409 224 125www.timberconcepts.com.auELECTRICIANSmedleyElectrical ServicesLevel 2 Authorisationwith Country EnergyLic. no. 95937CPhone Jeff on 0414 425 571FARM MAINTENANCESlashing, fencing, weed spraying &wiping. Road grading & firewood.Bermagui, Cobargo, Quaama.Phone Pete on 0408 429 951ALPACASKINGDALE ALPACASBreeding stock, pets and fleeceFarm visits welcomeGraham & Jenny FroudPh 6493 6409CARPET LAYERNEW, USEDAND REPAIRS.Phone Nick GurnseyPh 4473 7813 or mob 0415 233 843FIREWOODTop quality seasoned firewoodAlso: Tipper and crane hirePh. 6493 6560 / 0408 163 145Kerry WhiffenBLINDS &AWNINGSExpert advice, quick service &deliveryRosemary6493 4004 or 0409 36 3405CLEANINGCOASTAL CLEANING SERVICESCarpets and upholsteryWindows, hard floor maintenanceGeorge and Sharyn WiltonPh 6493 4044 or mob 0407 562 347GLAZIERBERMAGUI GLASSAll Glass requirements, shower screens,mirror s, kitchen splashbacksMob 0447 224 776Ph 6493 4612BOARDING KENNELSBERMAGUIWe will care for your dogs and cats in asafe, friendly environment. In business over20 years.Ph Allan & Jenni Barrett 6493 4551.CLEANINGMOBICLEAN CARPET CLEANINGCarpet cleaning plus upholstery,windows and house cleaning.David and LynPh 6493 8119 or mob 0413 043 983HAIR &BEAUTYMiracles by the SeaFamily Hair Studio specialising in safe, ammonia-free colours & perms. Massage, waxing,spray tans,& more...Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri. 9am - 5.30pmSat 9.00am - 1.00pm. Closed Tues.Latenight (by appointment) P h 6493 4646.BOOOKKEEPER15 years experienceBAS preparation and lodgementCall or email KyliePh 6493 8365mkweik@skymesh.com.auCOMPUTER LESSONSUse your computer with confidence .Private tuition, at your place on yourcomputer.Joshua SchuesslerMob. 0422 188 723 AH 6493 4043HAIR &BEAUTYCountry Clip Haridressing& Kat's NailsMen's, women's & children's cuts, colours &perms. Acrylic nails, manicures &pedicures. Facials, waxing & tinting.Princes Hwy, CobarboPhone: 6493 6413BUILDING SERVICEBATHROOM & KITCHENRENOVATIONS30 years exp, free consultations, all workguaranteed. Lic No. 136977CPh 6493 7341, mob 0417 543 526COMPUTER SALES &SERVICEBermagui ITBermagui ArcadePhone: 6493 3663www.bermagui-it.com.auHEALTH /FITNESS /RELAXATIONEase pain & discomfort; improvehealth & vitality; Reflexology &Auriculotherapy. Gift Vouchers avail.Prof Mem. ATMS, RAoA & FNTTPh Julie Hart 0425 221 668 / 6493 3317 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 12www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

HEALTH /FITNESSDYNAMICINTUITIVEBODYWORKMassage, Energy Healing HimalayanFlower Essences Counselling, FamilyConstellations For Appointments please callTanmayaOn 44737131 or 0428 737 100HIRENAROOMA HIRE SALES & SERVICEFor all your equipment hire needs. Also:mowers, chainsaws, pumps, water tanks &irrigation supplies. Plus Authorised ServiceCentre.Call Bruce and the team on 4476 4277Email: naroomahire@southernphone.com.auPAIN RELIEFTHE PAIN RELIEF CLINIC<strong>The</strong> name says it all…Opposite the Servos, Narooma.Call Rick or Kerry for an appointment.4476 5555Health fund rebates available.www.thepainreliefclinic.com.auPAINTINGCOBARGO PAINTSponge, tuscan, suede coats. Roof paintingservice. 30 years in CobargoT ed Weiss (Lic No. R73352)Ph 6493 6548 mob 0427 936 548REAL ESTATEBERMAGUI REAL ESTATE3/5 Wallaga Lake Rd BermaguiProps: Paul Oleary and Gary CotterillPh 02 6493 4565PSYCHOLOGISTAMANDA COX0409 200 709HOME HELPJill of all trades, specialise in small jobs.Gardening, chainsaw, rubbish removal,plastering, brickwork, rockwork, painting,cleaning, sewing, mending, etc.Ring Daryl: 6493 6118 /0400 451 939PAINTINGTHE TRIANGLE PAINTING TEAMAll finishes.Domestic, commercial and ruralPh 6493 7370 or Ph 6493 7379SAWMILLBERMAGUIBuilding timber, sleepers, all fencing, qualityhardwood tables, block clearing, slashingand firewood. Charlie McVeityPh 6493 4134 - Mob 0428 489 501INSULATIONA & R INSULATION SERVICESSupply and install at competitive ratesFree quotes - fully insuredAlan or Ruth - Ph 6493 6074PEST CONTROLDKPESTCONTROLAnts, Spiders, Fleas, Cockroaches, Rodents,Termite Specialist/InspectionsSeniors Card Discount. Lic.No: 1938Ph David Ing 4473 7201 or 0407 337 937SELF STORAGENew complex at 6-8 Pine Dr, BermaguiIndustrial Estate.Individual lock-up units, secure,owner on site, long or short term.Ph Mel 6493 3177LEARN TO SCUBA DIVEin BermaguiQualified instructor with 30 yearsexperiencePhone: 6493-3062Mob. 0429 436 724PET MINDINGLocal animal lover will call andcare for your animals and plantswhileyou are away.Robin 0418 699 277SOLARPOWER & HOT WATER<strong>The</strong> best range - evacuated tube specialists.Electric, gas & wood boosted systems.Wood heaters & cookers.SPEND YOUR REBATES WISELYCall Andrew @ Live Designs4473 7488 or 0403 078 077LIGHTINGSOUTH COAST LIGHTINGYour local lighting specialistsAll types of light globesHuge range of light fittingsDALMENY SHOPS Ph 4476 8282MASSAGESTEVEN DOTTORIATMS AccreditationFrom sports injury towholistic de-stressing.Mob 0403 272 579PLUMBING/GASFITTINGJOHN ATKINS THE PLUMBERLic No. L11179Fully qualified for gasfitting, plumbing,drainage and roofingPh 4473 7399 mob 0407 260 059PLUMBING/ GASFITTINGJESS AUSTIN PLUMBINGFor all your plumbing needs.No job too smallLic.No.156218CPh Jess on 0439 457 048 or 6493 5411STONE PROJECTSRichard SeniorAll types of natural stonework.Over 20 years exp. Lic.108434CPh. 6493 5418 or 0409 991 744SURVEYORRA GriffithsConsulting Land & Engineering SurveyorRegistered 1990Boundary surveys, subdivision & roaddesign, maps & plansPh 0264 934 862 Mob 0427 766 129email big@acr.net.auMOWERS AND CHAINSAWSLEX GANNON POWER PRODUCTSDealer for Stihl and Honda.ndNew,2 hand, servicing, repair sBermagui Road, CobargoPh/Fax 6493 6540PLUMBING/GASFITTINGCRAIGCOWGILLPLUMBINGLicNo. 39898CPlumbing, Drainage and GasfittingMob 0419 992 491TILINGWall and floortiler -Water-prooferLic. no. 208515cPh. Paul Callaghan on6493 3177 or 0439 080 311ON YOUR FEET FOOTCAREAffordable - hygiene assured Homevisits available. By appointment only.Marion Van Delft Phone: 6493 5705Mob. 0400 400 452PLUMBING/GASFITTINGSHANEGALEPLUMBINGGas & drainage - mini-excavator hire andbobcat hire, 2 metre dig depth, 4 buckets.Lic No. L11592Ph/fax: 6493 6009 Mob: 0418 470 895VETERINARIANCOBARGO VETERINARY CLINICProviding a 24hr service for our clients56 Princes Highway, CobargoPh 6493 6442Ah 6492 1837www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 13

Cobargo Conversations(continued)Families Invited to ApplaudShark Attack at Cobargo Pool(This headline does not reflect onthe training methods of the SwimmingClub)Two thousand and ten (the yearof the tiger) is set to be a moneyedtriumph for lucky community groupswith themed fundraiser screenings on<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>’s large, inflatable outdoorfilm screen.Since the last issue when, youmay remember, in the spirit ofintercommunity cooperation, a plea fora sound system and trailer wereentered, Bermi local, Steve Buckley,donated an entire PA, so the sound nowis a big, loud, Go! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> thanksSteve for his generosity.We are still hoping for ourpurpose built trailer (donation or really,really good deal) and local businesseshave been approached for the ancillaryequipment (block splitter and crowbarfor the pegs and sheets of 12mm plyfor the trailer and protective equipmentcases). All material donations will beacknowledged via logos on thedistinctive white trailer.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> FundraiserScreenings for <strong>February</strong>:Saturday 20 <strong>February</strong> – Jaws.Fundraiser for the Cobargo SwimmingClub, Cobargo Swimming Pool.Start time 7.30pm. $6 per person12 and over, $15 per family (2 adultsand 3 children), extra children $2. Nochild under 12 allowed without anadult. No alcohol allowed. Seasonpasses don’t apply for the night.Saturday 27 <strong>February</strong> - Breakfastat Tiffanys. Tilba Valley Winery - starttime 7.30pm.Cobargo (and the Far SouthCoast’s) New Writing CentreIt wasn’t easy, unpacking allthose boxes of books and notes. Itwasn’t easy carrying them. You try anddrag a two ton trailer down the BulliPass. Give me burning cookies any dayover burning brakes. <strong>The</strong> Heart & PlaceWriting Centre in Cobargo is the result,and already we have two Heart & Placecourses filling up (a foundationwriting journey that connects withrelationships, community and place),the Finding Home weekend (fiction,myth and memoir, with a bit of art),and the new Generation W, acombination of deep writing and theart of the essay, for parents and theirhigh-school kids: a Cobargo-inspiredcourse.After over two years of writerin-residenceat Byron College, andhundreds of workshops, a chance tostart an actual writing centre was hardto pass up. And this area is home tomy partner’s heart. A couple ofcomments: the bananas are expensive,and I notice the Friesians and Jerseysare gathering by the hundreds in tightlittle herds, on well-travelled tracks.<strong>The</strong>y could be planning something.If you’re interested in anythingwriterly, feel free to call. Besides theworkshops, there’ll be books for sale,tea and bickies. <strong>The</strong>re’s a whole lotmore workshops, too. And an officialand deep thank you for the furnituredonations and word-of-mouthsupport. And gardening advice.Heavy-lifting help. Chats. Hope.<strong>The</strong> Heart & Place Writing Centre,Cobargo.Peter Shepherd6493 6431p.shepherd@yahoo.com.auKeep an eye out for the posters aroundthe <strong>Triangle</strong> area.Pat’s PieceHappy NewYear to all my <strong>Triangle</strong>friends, and manythanks to thededicated few who produce our greatlittle paper for their much appreciatedXmas gift and the card with all thosesignatures that brought a tear to this oldGrannie’s eye.This column will not be asfrequent as the old one, more of a littlecatch up now and then from yourCanberra correspondent. (How cheekydoes that sound!)Well dear readers, I must say thatthe first part of my move here was a realbag of mixed emotions, as I love whereI am living and my little unit isbeautiful. And of course having Catejust around the corner is the ultimatebonus, but it’s impossible to have livedin a village as beautiful as Bermagui for30 years without a deep sense of losswhen leaving. But if there’s one lessonthat life has taught me it’s that youcannot afford to look back.So let’s begin at the beginning ofmy new adventure. On the third nightthat I spent alone here I had just settleddown to watch my belovedCollingwood play in the semi-finalswhen there was an almighty explosionthat shook my windows. On openingmy curtains I could see no evidence ofwhat may have happened.Thinking it must have been a caraccident I hoped nobody had beenbadly hurt, only to find my neighbouron the doorstep the next morning tellingme that our letter boxes, which are in agroup of seven, had been blown up, butI was not to worry as this was a verysafe place to live.Does this mean, I wonder, thatthe letter-boxes will be blown up at(Continued on next page)Coastline Accounting ServicesSusan Griffiths – CPA & Registered Tax AgentABN: 71 548 654 567Personalised service for all your accountingneeds, including individuals4 Hart Street Bermagui NSW 2546Phone: (02) 6493 3770 Fax: (02) 6493 5658Email: sue@coastlineaccountingservices.com.auTaxation - Accounting - Business ConsultingIndividuals, Companies, Trusts <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 14www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

Pat’s Piece(From previous page)regular intervals!What has been a great privilegefor me was launching Ian McFarlane’sbook of essays Of Cheese and Chutney.We were both quite nervous about theexercise, which I mentioned to myfriend Laura, who said she would bevisiting the little Sanctuary Church onthe hill and would ask Gulaga to lookafter us. It was a great day with a greatcrowd in and many interestingquestions. So you can see, although thatbeautiful mountain is now out of sight,she still lies deep within my soul.Finally, I must tell you that theCafé come Bar has opened straightacross the road and is serving greatfood. So whether it is time for a coffeewith lunch or a glass of wine withdinner, you can just wheel me over inmy brand new wheelchair – whichMary McFarlane has christened ‘<strong>The</strong>Silver Bullet’ – my shout!Oh yes, Collingwood won.Pat ThompsonNext copy deadline is 22 <strong>February</strong> 2010.Send stories and adverts tothe_triangle2@bigpond.comDeadline for adverts is 20th of the month.Please put your business name on filesand in the title of the email.AWL Pet of the MonthHugo needs a homeWe don’t know why handsomeHugo, the tan and black four monthold German Shepherd x pup hasn’tbeen re-homed yet. He is such aHow can anyone refuse those bigbrown eyes?delightful, friendly lad and yet all hislittermates have been re-homed beforehim. If you would like to enquireabout adopting Hugo or one of theother companion animals availablethrough Animal Welfare League FarSouth Coast (AWLFSC) Branch pleasecall 0400 372 609.For lost and found pets pleasecontact BVSC Companion AnimalFacility 6499 2222 or for wildlifeenquiries contact WIRES 6495 4150 orNANA 6493 0357. You can joinAWLFSC Branch by calling 0400 372609 or you can join online atwww.animalwelfareleague.com.au.Do you have a kennel or collarsand leads your pet no longer uses?AWLFSC branch desperately needstwo kennels for their new carers and isalways in need of new collars andleads. Please give them a call if you canhelp.Bushfire season is here. Do youhave a place where you and your petscan go should you need to evacuate?Do you have carry boxes, leads andan emergency supply kit containinga few days supply of food andwater, can opener, bowls, cat litterand litter tray, medications andblankets? Have you made sure yourpets are wearing their collar andtags and microchip details are keptup to date? Have you supplied asecondary contact number on the IDtag and microchip record and doyou keep a current photo of yourpets in the emergency supply kit incase they do get lost?New Evening Event forLocal Businesses from theBermi Bowlers ClubFollowing on the success of theBarefoot Bowling during the holidays,the Bermagui Bowling Club isintroducing a Business House BowlsEvening on Friday evenings.<strong>The</strong> start date is early <strong>February</strong>so motivate your workmates and getyour teams of four organised for afriendly competition in the cool of thesummer evening.Contact Bermagui Country Clubon 6493 4340.www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 15

Nardy House News<strong>The</strong> Nardy House Committeehas taken the fund raising efforts oftheir group to new heights with therelease of the Nardy Housepromotional film. <strong>The</strong> film is designedfor presentation to businesses andcorporations for sponsorship andsupport. <strong>The</strong> film package put togetherby Video Vision and local filmmakerDavid Condon consists of fourprograms. <strong>The</strong> first program outlines<strong>The</strong> film is designed to raise funds tomeet the building costs of this stage.Denise Redmond, ProjectManager outlined the reasons behindmaking of the film. ‘Undertaking thisfilm was a major task for a smallcharitable organisation. <strong>The</strong> NardyHouse Committee needed far greaterfunding than the members believedcould be raised in the local region andit appeared unlikely that the Projectwould receive Government funding atthe present time. Philanthropic groupsamount if we are to progress to Stage3. This seems to be a huge targethowever we have already achieved agreat deal.‘We have a specialised respitefacility offering very high-levelsupport to people with profounddisabilities on a twenty-four hour/seven day a week basis. This facility isnow catering for people with thehighest level of need and nursing staffis employed to meet the clients’ needs.<strong>The</strong> service is being fully funded byADHC (Ageing, Disability andHomecare) and is being run inpartnership with Nardy House Inc.This partnership has been extended fortwelve months and there is certaintydeveloping in this service provision.We also have the foundations andframework of the new facility in place.We are waiting for the arrival of oregonbeams at the truss makers to take us tothe next building stage.‘We have come a long way andthe Committee is prepared to gofurther- the Nardy House promotionalfilm gives us the means to do.Denise Redmondthe Nardy House group, the workalready achieved and the group’sfuture aims. It is eight minutes inlength. <strong>The</strong> additional short piecesrelate to young people in nursinghomes, the role of carers and the impacthaving a person with a disability hason carers and a case study of ZekeHilton.<strong>The</strong> group has commenced thesecond stage of the project: the buildingof a six-bedroom permanentaccommodation residence for peoplewith profound disabilities. This stageof the project is the group’s main aim.Nardy House Committeerarely provide infrastructure fundingand we were extremely fortunate tohave received the Lions Internationalgrant of US$50,000. With the help of adedicated film maker we have reachedthe release stage and we have a meansto enlist the support of groups outsidethe Bega Valley.‘We will be making ourapproaches to larger companies on apersonal level and we are prepared tosend representatives to discuss ourneeds with potential supporters. Weneed to raise over $800 000 if Stage 2is to be completed and twice thatACCOUNTANTS &REGISTERED TAX AGENTSUPSTAIRS28 LAMONT STREETBERMAGUIPH: 6493 3900FAX: 6493 3911Tax ReturnsBusiness AdviceIndividuals, Companies,Trusts Superannuation Fundsadmin@gilchristtax.com.auABN 19 121 627 825Rose ChaffeyEditorEditing, copy editing, proofreadingManuscripts, fiction, non-fictionFormatting, layout, imagemanipulationrchaffey@iinet.net.auPh. 6493 8486 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 16www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

Sea to Snow Crossing 2009 Awesome Achievement<strong>The</strong> coast was hot and tiring, theescarpment was climbed at 4am toavoid the heat, and then the MonaroTablelands provided a taste of winter.But the final stage Mt Jagungal in theSnowy Mountains was summited on aclear day with clouds lapping thefoothills and the crew spoke with ABCSE radio from the top.In 13 days the Sea to Snow crewtravelled 300km canoeing, biking andhiking, up the Bermagui river, overWallaga Lake and Gulaga Mountain,Jeffers and Wandella Mountains intothe Brass Knocker Creek and along theWadbilliga River, to Conways Gap andTuross Falls, then along the NumerallaRiver to Carlaminda, onto Cooma,Middlingbank, Nimmo Hill theGungahlin Valley, Cesjacks Ridge, andaround the Toolong Range along theDoubtful River to O’Keefes Hut andfinally Mt Jagungal. <strong>The</strong>y met farmers,rangers and school children to learnmore about landcare, sustainabilty andnatural resource management.<strong>The</strong> diverse array ofenvironments included coastal dunes,estuaries, lakes and rivers, drysclerophyl forest, temperate rainforest,rainshadow heathlands, tablelands,and the alps.<strong>The</strong> journey is designed to meetthe requirements of the prestigiousDuke of Edinburgh Gold Award.Training camp preparation over theyear included navigation, first aid,physical preparation andsustainability. <strong>The</strong> group alsodeveloped a drama piece to performat schools along the way and theypainted their journey as they went.<strong>The</strong> Sea to Snowcrew are now trying to raise$500 each to help the nextgroup of young people todo a Sea to Snow Crossingin 2010, and the crew arekeen to talk to yourbusiness or serviceorganisation with a short10min film of the journeyand training. Allsponsorship donations aretax deductible.<strong>The</strong> Sea to Snow Crossing is alearning journey of a lifetime foryoung people from the South Eastregion.If you know a great youngperson who will be 16 by July 2010then why not nominate them for 2010- forms for referee nomination areavailableatwww.thecrossing.thebegavalley.org.auas well as nomination forms that canbe filled in by young people directly.Dean TurnerProject DirectorWANTEDYour fresh local produce· To sell on consignment atCobargo Bazaar· Prefer organic/ chemical freeproduce· In association withMountain Valley VegiesFor more info ph Ray 0407 170 577or call in to Cobargo Bazaarwww.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 17

Art Brogo in <strong>The</strong> Babble <strong>Triangle</strong>Of Cheese and Chutney LaunchPat Thompson and Ian McFarlaneMadam Pat Thomspon launchedIan McFarlane’s essay selection, OfCheese and Chutney, in Canberra on 13December 2009, and read one of hissocial justice poems, <strong>The</strong> Girl on theRailway Platform. A few days later, on17 December 2009, Ian received the Z4Wines 2009 Literary Award for BookReviewing at the Canberra WritersCentre.Of Cheese and Chutneycan be ordered fromwww.ginninderrapress.com.au or Ianhas a few copies, and can be contactedon mmc44926@bigpond.net.au.Sculpture on the EdgeSculpture can be controversial,engaging, confronting, moving,political, whimsical, obscure andirreverent. Above all, at Bermagui’sSculpture on the Edge it has becomeaccessible to many people who mightnot previously have had a sculptureexperience.Since 2007, the event, held in theunparalleled setting of Endeavour Pointheadland and Horseshoe Bay beach andin the Community Hall, has grownfrom its original three days, and in2010 will encompass both theCanberra longweekend and that ofthe Seaside Fair,commencing onFriday 5 March andending on Sunday 14.S e v e r a lsculptors selected forthe inauguralSculpture by the Sea inDenmark last yearwill once againexhibit with us,including BruceRadke, Phil Spelman,Amanda Stuart,Michael Le Grandand John Ramsay. We hope toencourage people to meet at a FestivalClub at the new Philip Cox designedwharf during the time of the eventand a public Symposium SculptureControversy! will be held at a privateproperty, ‘Nerimbah’ near Cuttageeon 7 March. This promises to be bothentertaining and stimulating. And wehaven’t forgotten the children!Workshops will again be held at theprimary and preschools and for agroup of high school students for thefirst time.We’d love to see you inBermagui to share something uniqueand very special with us. Intendingexhibitors only have until 5 <strong>February</strong>to apply. Please contact EventManager, Jan Ireland on 6493 3808and do check out our website atwww.sculpturebermagui.org.au forfurther information.Sculpture on the EdgeRaffle WinnersSculpture on the Edge hasrecently conducted two fundraisingraffles to meet the ever rising costs ofevent insurance and venue hire.Many kind supporters donatedprizes won by a number of deservingpeople. Congratulations to the winnersand many sincere thanks to theindividuals and businesses whodonated prizes. Thank you ticketsellers.<strong>The</strong> Living ArtistA programme not to be missed– on ABC1 Tuesday 9 <strong>February</strong> at 10pmand again on ABC2 on Sunday 14<strong>February</strong>.<strong>The</strong> townspeople of Bega haveraised $35,000 for a Living Arts Prize.This story follows the artists as theyapply for this potentially life changingscholarship. Insightful, entertaining,and a little tongue in cheek, <strong>The</strong> LivingArtist is the story of what happenswhen a lucrative arts prize is offeredin a small community, the samecommunity from which the money willalso be raised. And what happenswhen the artists all know each otherand the judges know all the artists –how can the process be fair, balancedand focused?For further information orinterviews contact:Cian O’Clery, Producer <strong>The</strong>Living Artist Mob: 0406 203 976 orAmanda Werner, ABC TV Publicity 088343 4214 or Mob: 0412 007 273 Email:werner.amanda@abc.net.au.www.thelivingartistfilm.comFour Winds FestivalMakes Boats fromBambooHave you seen some peoplecutting that noxious weed bambooover recent weeks?From all over our shire, menand women have cut long lengths(Continued next page)One Stopstock feed, fertiliser& much moreFarm Shopstockists of hardware,fencing, polypipeRevamp your garden!Cow Manure 25lt $6.00Soil Conditioner 25lt $6.00Mushroom Compost 25lt $6.00Sugar Cane Mulch $14.50Poultry Manure Pellets 35kg $22.00LAYBYS WELCOME Ph 6493 6401 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 18www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

Art in the <strong>Triangle</strong>(continued)Four Winds Festival MakesBoats from Bamboo(From previous page)which are now being turned intobeautiful boats in preparation for theFour Winds Festival at Easter.<strong>The</strong> Easter Friday freecommunity concert 2 April 2010 at 4pmon the cricket oval in Bermagui is calledWindsong, and director John Bolton senta message out to the Four Winds teamasking for 100 pieces of cut bamboo,about three metres long and fourcentimetres wide.Four local artists are workingwith Fling, orchestras and choirs tocreate a piece from the stories of localpeople. Looks like we will have around150 local musicians involved!So this week, a team of volunteershas gathered in Bermagui to start theprocess of making props in the form ofboats which will be carried bymusicians and local kids along with 100orchestra and choir members will makea visual and sound spectacular.<strong>The</strong> next workshop will be on 9<strong>February</strong> and please contact Lara Crewat admin@fourwinds.com.au if you’dlike to come and assist. All welcome andof course more volunteers for thefestival are always needed. We hope tosee you there!To get the early bird discountbook before 5 <strong>February</strong> online onwww.fourwinds.com.au or call <strong>The</strong>Pineapple House.And join up online for our e-newsletter to keep up to date withFestival activities.Please note that all tickets will bemailed out on 1 March 2010.For more information contactSheena Boughen on 0418 656 916.Book ReviewsOrhan Pamuk, <strong>The</strong>Museum ofInnocence, Faberand Faber, $35.00It’s been amixed holidayreading season. I bought this book for<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> to donate to the library,and it proved to be a bit of a chore,although it has great reviews. Atnearly 600 pages, it describes theobsession of a Turkish man with anunobtainable love (although he couldhave had her if he hadn’t tried tocombine the affair with an intendedmarriage). Giving up the fiancée, heconcentrates on winning back hislove by visiting her family mostnights for over eight years and‘collecting’ (stealing) anything he canlay his hands on for his private‘museum’ – including cigarette butts,clothes, ornaments etc. All this setwithin the context of the civil unrestin Turkey during this period, and thetension between the wealthy,increasingly westernised class (ofwhich he is a member) and theconservative/traditional forces in thecountry, all of which was interesting,but not nearly enough for me. Give it ago – but leave plenty of time for it!On the other hand, I foundalready in the library a great book – <strong>The</strong>Last Station – which is about to bereleased as a film. It tells the story ofthe last two years of the life of Tolstoy,his troubled marriage, facing old ageand death with the legacy of his life’swork undecided. –It’s terrific – I read itat one go. A must read is also <strong>The</strong> PianoLesson by Anna Goldsworthy – not yetin the library; I’ll try to get a copy – butworth buying, as is <strong>The</strong> Gurnsey Literaryand Potato Pie Society – you’d love tohave both in the house for jadedvisitors.Don’t forget – if you’re having apost Christmas clean out – you canalways share your favourite books bydonating to the Bermagui library.Heather O’ConnorCobargoHotel MotelRestaurestaurantantSee back page forevents!Princes HwyCobargo(02) 6493 6423GOLDIESFRESH FRUIT & VEG(777 Complex Bermagui)Fresh produce delivered from Sydney markets &local growers twice weekly.Free local home/business delivery.Organic and gluten-free products, Evia yoghurts, Berry sourdoughbreads and spelt breads, local jams, local honeys, pasta, sauces.Fresh flowers, local cheeses and lots more…Order your Hampers, Fruit Trays, & MoreMon-Fri 8.30am to 6.00pm, Sat 9am to 2pm. Ph/Fax: 6493 4916www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 19

Soft Footprint RecipesFirst, let meapologise for the errorin the previous issue(No. 83). If you haddecided to makeRhubarb and Rose PetalJam you would have realised that 50gof rhubarb should have been 500g!An abundance of basil insummer means tangy, fragrant pesto tome. <strong>The</strong>re are all kinds of pesto, thebasic formula being herbs, nuts, garlicand oil. It is usually stirred into pastabut can be used as a dip, a spread, adressing for tomato salad and addedto pizza, soup, meat and seafooddishes. Traditionally a mortar andpestle are used to grind the ingredients,but most of us will opt for a foodprocessor or blender. <strong>The</strong> desiredoutcome should be grainy, not a puree,so watch while pulsing the ingredients.I use almonds instead of the moreexpensive pine nuts and grind abouthalf a cup with a similar amount ofParmesan cheese. I prefer to use lessolive oil than most recipes call for, so Iremove the nut and cheese mixture toa bowl and then process 4 cups ofloosely packed basil leaves with 1 cloveof garlic, a quarter teaspoon of salt andhalf to three-quarters cup of olive oil.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> is a community newspaper; its aimis to provide information and news to the peoplein the triangle area. <strong>The</strong> committee is made upof volunteers, who donate their time and expertisefor the benefit of our readers.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> is financially self-sufficient throughincome generated through our advertisers. Thisis a tight budget and prompt payment of accountsis appreciated.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> is published every month exceptJanuary and has a circulation of 2,000.DeadlinesAdvertising - 20th of each monthEditorial - 23rd of each monthAdvertisers please note that a fee of $40 maybe charged for initial ad layout.Letters to the Editor:Letters should be no more than 150 words. Allletters must be signed by the writer and giveboth business and home phone no. so letterscan be verified.All communications should be forwarded to:<strong>The</strong> Editors<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>PO Box 2008 Central Tilba NSW 2546the_triangle2@bigpond.comTelephone: (02) 4473 7927 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 20Stir the mixtures together and adjustthe seasoning, adding pepper or moregarlic to taste. Pesto can be frozen fora remembrance of summer long afterthe frost has claimed the basil.An easy, colourful salad to feedthe family or impress a crowd ofvisitors is Salade Nicoise – a fancyname for a rustic mix of Mediterraneaningredients. Arrange the following ona large platter and pour over a garlickydressing just before serving: newpotatoes, cooked and cut into chunks,green beans, cooked until tender, ripetomatoes, cut into chunks, red onions,finely sliced, hard-boiled eggs, cut intoquarters, chunks of drained tuna,anchovy fillets cut in half and olives.Salad greens and basil leaves and thinslices of zucchini could add to theseasonal splendour of this dish.Happy CookingDawn HollinsWHO DOES THE WORK<strong>The</strong> CommitteePresident Rosemary MillardTreasurer Taina PodlesakSecretary Jo LewisEditorial CommitteeHarry BateEwen GendersSallie HandJo LewisRosemary MillardNerida PattersonRichard TilzeyMaralyn CallaghanEditorsRose Chaffey, Olivia Forge, Jen SevernAdvertising (9am - 6pm only)Nerida Patterson 6493 7222AccountsTaina Podlesak 4473 7027Mail accounts to: PO Box 2008,Central Tilba NSW 2546Area ContactsBermagui: Maralyn Callaghan 6493 5323Cobargo: Louise Brown 6493 7370Quaama: Letitia Carroll 6493 8507<strong>The</strong> Tilbas: Ewen Genders 6493 6617Brogo: Rosemarie Griffith 6493 8174 andRobin Philp 6492 7161Printing Narooma PrintingAccounting Service: Howard Haynes,CobargoGoodbye to the RuthsGreig and Ros are leavingAfter 28 long years.Every time I think of itIt reduces me to tears.Ros, everyone will miss youWhen you retire out to the farmWe will miss your smiling faceAnd your grace and your charm.<strong>The</strong>re is one thing that worries meIf you must know the truth,How the hell are you going to spend eachdayAlone with just Greig Ruth?I’m sure it will not be easyAnd it don’t sound much like funI do have a suggestion for you dear RosHurry up and buy a big gun.When your nerves are at breaking pointAnd when it gets too much to bearJust wack him over the head three timesAnd make him sit in the naughty chair.Ros, I have a vision of you in the gardenRelaxing with a cup of tea and a crumpetBut what the heck is that dreadful noise?OH GOD it’s Greig and that bloody trumpet.So in your retirement ladyJust remember everything will be fineBecause at least once a weekWe will bring you around a big cask of redwine.Pam ThistlewaiteDistributed by Australia PostDistribution PointsPam’s Store - Tilba TilbaTilba Teapot - Central TilbaQuaama General StoreCobargo NewsagencyCobargo Ampol Service StationBermagui Post Office777 Supermarket, BermaguiBermagui Visitors’ CentreBermagui NewsagencyBermagui HotelMerriman’s Land CouncilBridge MotorsMontreal StoreRiver Rock CafeQuarterdeckNarooma Information CentreTilba wineryDromedary HotelRose & Sparrow TilbaBega Library DISCLAIMER<strong>The</strong> opinions expressed by contributors to thenewspaper are their own, to a greater or lesserdegree, and do not necessarily reflect those ofthe production team. Whilst striving to accuratelyreport the news and views of the readers,this newspaper accepts no responsibility or liabilityfor statements made or opinions expressed.All letters to the editor must be signedand include the writer’s full name and addressif they are to be considered for publication.www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

WIRESTake care when fishing<strong>The</strong> good oldsummer time is here andlots of locals and touristsare taking their fishing rods down to thesurf or out to sea. Fishing is an ancientsport but there are some moderninnovations that are helping to make itsafer for our coastal birdlife. Did youknow that traditional nylon fishing linetakes up to 600 years to dissolve? Thisfact has created a huge problem forpelicans and other coastal birds that getcaught up in the matted webs of theaccumulated lines. Many birds havedied sad deaths due to the fact that theycould not fly or feed. <strong>The</strong>re is so muchconcern over the adverse effects of nylonfishing line that $20,000 from the fishinglicence trust fund is being set aside forthe instalment of bins at majorrecreational fishing spots on the NSWcoast for depositing nylon line.Happily there are new fishinglines available called biolines. <strong>The</strong>Australian National SportfishingClassifiedsClassified For Sale ads will run for onemonth, unless <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> isotherwise notified.FOR SALELarge apricot spa for sale, includes taps – seats4/6 best offer – 6493 4004.Nordmende Television - 68cm colour TV withdigital set top box, plus DVD player.All for $300.00. All in excellent condition.Please phone 0428 569 803 or 6493 4456.Mercedes Vito Crewcab June 2007 model with59,000 k’s. Five seater with bullbar, full widthtowbar, cruise control, aircon., cd player. Sixspeed manual 2.1 litre turbo diesel. $36,500.Phone Ewen on 02-6493 6617 or mob. 0448 709803.Alpacas for sale. Bargain prices. Wethers, intactmales, breeding females& sheep guards. From$250.00Phone Paolo & Rachel 6493 7385 ColombelleAlpacasBeer Bottles (750ml) suitable for home brewing,plus other beer making equipmentPhone Sue 6493 8285 / 0400 473 067.Exercise Bike ‘York Inspiration’ SmoothMagnetic System: 8 levels of manual resistance,hand pulse, adjustable seat height. As newcondition except for cracked rubber on onehandle bar. $90.00LG 7kg front load washing machine modelWD8013F, excellent condition, 3.5 star energyrating $450.00Call Dea on 6493 6432 or 0414 399 390. Collectfrom Coolagolite.Association has come out in favourof these new, safer fishing lines. <strong>The</strong>yare biodegradable and are built todissolve within five years in the waterand within six months in the compost.Once they are spooled on your reel,they keep their strength from 10months to a year. <strong>The</strong> next time youvisit your tackle shop, please ask forthe new bioline. Also, avoid stainlesssteel hooks as they take many yearsto break down.Please remember to cast awayfrom foraging birds or move awaywhen casting. Birds can mistake acasting line for their dinner and gethooked themselves. Take hometangled tackle and dispose of itproperly by cutting it up into littlepieces as foraging birds at tips can getcaught in it. Our wildlife will thankyou for it.If you see a native animal instrife, please ring WIRES on 6494 4150to speak with a volunteer. You canalso ring that number if you’reinterested in learning about being aWIRES volunteer.Nite & Day divan 1950/60 era, original vinyland fabric covering, in working order, goodcondition. $200-00 o.n.o.Phone 4473 7595.Dickinson Gulbranson Pianola - Antique1920s In excellent working order with approx50 rolls included. $3500 or ono.Ph..6494 3359.- Two-person fibreglass canoe with paddle.Good condition. $230- Allen Oxford autoscythe, complete, needswork. $80- International AW6 tractor, runs well. $1,500- R &T CF 4 hp vertical diesel engine, restoredand mounted on wooden transporter. $1,400- Buzacott 2 hp 2C-1 engine, complete. $300Contact Ivan Hollins, 6493 6999, at 7 AvernusSt., Cobargo10ft Aluminum Boat. 15 HP Mariner motor,needs some work. Reinforced trensom, decks,floor, 2 swivel seats - $1,20012 HP Deisel Chinese Dow & Feng RotaryHoe. Hand crank, very slow revving, someparts. 3 forward, 1 reverse all with high andlow ratios. - $600 - Ph. 0409 320 862.Telescope, 6x30 Findscope $300Ph 0429 936 415.WANTEDWool needed for art projects. If you have woolthat is just sitting there, the Womens ResourceCentre would love it. Please call Linda 64937379To buy or receive with grateful thanks<strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> is looking for a box, single axeltrailer so we can put all our film equipmentin. Doesn’t have to be in great condition justroadworthy. Phone 6494 4944 or 6493 7370.Concertinas in any condition or state ofdisrepair. Ph. David on 4473 7570.Frame and BrushLocal art lovers will be excitedto discover Frame and Brush, (formerlyOne Sunday afternoon at Wolfgang’sfrom Cobargo), has opened inBermagui. <strong>The</strong> official opening washeld in December 2009, and the shopis now well and truly in full swing!Frame and Brush can provideyou with all your picture framing andart supply needs. <strong>The</strong> shop will beholding many interesting artworkshops and evening art classesincluding water colours, pastels, mixedmedia and more and will kick off witha felt jewellery workshop on 6 March.For details and dates please contact Ed,owner and resident artist, or his wife,Alice at the shop on 6493 3380.Frame and Brush is located inBermagui (next to the 777), and is openfrom Monday to Friday, 10am – 5pm,and Saturday, 10am – 2pm.Julia WillsonGas wall oven - reasonable condition. Ph Nick& Jen, 6493 6111Books in good condition. Old furniture, curios,china and glass. Phone us on 6493 6144 or 0437141 866.Antiques & collectables, good quality china,glass, jewellery, old tools/fishing gear, toys,old furniture, anything old and interesting.Phone 4473 7226, AH: 4473 7073.Crystal, silver, silver-plate and china. Oldfishing rods, reels and lures. Will pick up. Phone4473 7671.Yahama P70 Keyboard with power adapter andsustain pedal. Will pay according to condition.Pls call Isy Gabriel 4473 7700.Shop 6, BermaguiFishermen’s Wharf Complexph/fax (02) 6493 3410mob 0431 708 334skype: janinkafranckiABN: 94 713 599 166www.horseandcamel.com.auwww.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 21

Garden MagicThis Month in theGardenFreshly-dugnew potatoes, justpickedgreen beans,carrots and zucchini,steamed altogether and served withextra virgin olive oil, (Australian ofcourse), finely chopped chives, pepperand salt. What bliss!To achieve this happy state ofaffairs requires a bit of effort. We needto feed the soil to keep it healthy andproductive. Healthy soil means healthyplants and that means you can behealthy too. By using compost, bloodand bone, dolomite, rock phosphate andsulphate of potash we assure that thereis an ample supply of the essentialnutrients available to plants. <strong>The</strong> aircontent and water retention of the soilwill also be improved.I expect that your garden, likemine, has taken a beating on days ofextreme heat. Many plants had startedto recover from the first day of 43degrees in mid-November when theywere hit amonth later,and thenagain thismonth. It’sdepressing tohave wellestablishedp l a n t sdamaged. Ifthese burstsof extremeheat aregoing to bethe norm, weAngophora tree withflowers (inset)may have to consider the use of shadecloth to protect the more heat sensitiveplants.In our garden this year there isan acute shortage of bees. I wonder ifferal hives have died out due to thedry winter and lack of flowers to feedthe bees. <strong>The</strong> Angophora trees are nowin full flower and there’s hardly a beeto be seen. Due to the lack of bees Ihave been hand pollinating the fewfemale pumpkin flowers; the oneswith tiny pumpkins at their base. Idon’t expect many pumpkins this year.On a more positive note, therain that we have just had has helpedto freshen the garden. Our mulchedbeds have soaked it up and the soilmoisture there is quite good. <strong>The</strong>sebeds have not been watered for manymonths and are doing well with justthe rain. It has been enough to top upour two rain water tanks, so there isample water for the vegetable garden.<strong>The</strong> improved soil moisture hascreated an opportunity for lateplantings of fruit trees or ornamentals,not bare rooted, but those establishedin bags or pots. <strong>The</strong>y will of courseneed to be kept watered during theestablishing period.Happy gardening,IvanBermagui: Proud ofOur PlacePreparations are well underway for the multi award winning 13thBermagui Seaside Fair to be held onSaturday 13 March.With the theme Bermagui: Proudof Our Place, the committee is focusingthis year’s event around the historyand progress of the Bermagui areasince its early days.Locals and visitors alike areinvited to dress in period theme andthe committee of seven enthusiasticlocals and their hard workingvolunteers anticipate that this year’sevent will be as great as it has been inthe past 12 years.One of the major attractions forthis year’s Fair will be the inauguralArt in Place themed art exhibition.Coordinator for this event, DenisePage, said, ‘<strong>The</strong> original meaning ofBermagui comes from the indigenousword Permageua, of which onesuggested translation is canoe withouta paddle’. This theme lends itselfbeautifully to an art exhibition andartist interpretation should producesome really exciting work.<strong>The</strong> Seaside Fair will also haveall of the old favourites there for youngand old to enjoy.Commencing with the Blessingof the Fleet to fireworks on theheadland at the end of one hectic day,there will be something for everyone.A special concert for seniors andtheir carers will be held at theBermagui Country Club on Sunday 14March with local and out of townentertainers.<strong>The</strong> police and security presenceand waste control measures that werewelcomed last year will again be inplace.Lori HammertonPublicity OfficerOwners: Debbie and Ashley LambPhone 6493 4487 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 22Preschool/Long DayCareVacation CareHun YuanTai ChiTerm 1 starts 1st <strong>February</strong>10-week course for beginners and continuing studentsDaytime and evening classes inBega, Bermagui, Pambula,Wandella, Narooma, CobargoFor further info ph. Dave 6493 6689www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSBermagui: 2pm Saturdays, ID/Topic,Anglican Church Hall, Wallaga StBega: 5.30pm Monday, Steps & Traditions,Uniting Church Hall, Gipps St7pm Tuesday, Topic/ID/BBS,Catholic Church Hall, Gipps St6pm Wednesday, Uniting Church Hall, Gipps St8pm Friday, Catholic Church Hall Gipps StANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUEFar South Coast Branch - Meetings bi-monthly atTathra Beach Bowling Club every 3rd Tuesday ofeach even month. All welcome. Ph. 0400 372 609ANGLICAN PARISH OFCOBARGO AND BERMAGUIQuaama - St Saviour’s – 3rd Sunday, 7 pm HolyCommunion1st Wednesday of the month, 10 am Morning ServiceCobargo – Christ Church – Fri, 10 am HolyCommunion, Sundays, 8 am Holy CommunionBermagui – All Saints – Thurs. 10 am HolyCommunion, Sun. 10 am Holy Communion.Please feel free to join us any time.Enquiries: Rector: Rev. Canon Harvey Sloane;Deacon: Rev. Liz Sloane;Ph. 6493 4416.COBARGO COMMUNITY CHURCHA charismatic family church, commences services atthe CWA Hall on 6th September 2009 at 10am onSunday mornings. Enquiries Pastors Wayne andMargi O’Connor, phone 0428 414 418COBARGO GARDENING& FRIENDSHIP CLUB2nd Monday every month – 12 midday. Venues vary.For info phone Robyn Herdegen 6493 8324 orMargaret Portbury 6493 6461.THE TRIANGLE COMMUNITYOF GARDENERS(former Cobargo Community Garden).Meets once a month. Venues vary. For info phoneAna Walker 0417 936 746/6493 6746 or visitwww.thetrianglecommunityofgardeners.org.auCOBARGO SHOW MEETING2nd Wednesday every month, 8pm – CWA Rooms.Contact Lynn Parr 6493 6795.COBARGO PRE-SCHOOLTues & Thurs for 3yo and over. Caring for yourchild’s early education. Chris McKnight, 6493 6660.COBARGO SCHOOL OF ARTSHALL COMMITTEEMeets quarterley. Hall bookings and enquiriesMaryann Green 6493 6280.1ST COBARGO SCOUT GROUPJOEYS/CUBS/SCOUTSChildren 6 - 15yrs wanting to learn new skills, enjoyoutdoor activities, have fun. Meetings 6.30pm to8pm in school term Cobargo Showground dininghall. Contact Graham Parr on 6493 6795,Jim Abraham on 6493 6668COBARGO TOURIST& BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONMeetings 2nd Tuesday of every month, CobargoCWA Cottage 6pm. Phone Helen Stafford 6493 6572COBARGO CWACWA Rooms Cobargo – 2nd Tues of the month10.30am. Enq. Dawn Evans 6493 7301,Cottage Hire 6493 6428TILBA GROWERS’ MARKETGrow it, Make it, Bake it, Sew it begins each Sat., 8amto 1pm in Central Tilba Hall. Tables may be sharedso book with Annie Eldridge on 4473 7338 or emailannieandtrevor@hotmail.com.BERMAGUI KNOW YOUR BIBLEA non-denominational ladies Bible study groupmeets at the Union Church, West Street, at 9.45amevery Tuesday. All ladies welcome. Ph MareeSelby 6493 3057 or Lyn Gammage 6493 4960BERMAGUI BADMINTON CLUBBermagui Sports Stadium. Social Badminton -Tuesdays 2 to 4pm, Sundays 10am to 12noon.Contact Heather on 6493 6310. CompetitionBadminton – Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm.BERMAGUI BAPTIST CHURCHWest Street, Bermagui.Family Service 11.00 a.m. All Welcome.BERMAGUI COUNTRY CLUBAMATEUR ART & CRAFT SOCIETY.Monday mornings: Porcelain Art, TuesdayMornings: Needlework/Patchwork and Art,Thurs. am: Embroidery and Leadlighting, Fri. am:Pottery, Friday pm – 2nd & 4th Fri. each month:Spinning. Visitors and new members welcome.Ph. 6493 3445.BERMAGUI SES UNIT16 Young Street Bermagui. Meetings everyTuesday 6pm. Ph. 6493 4199THE BERMAGUI MARKETLast Sunday of the month. Coordinated by theBermagui Red Cross. Gary Stevens, 6493 6581BERMAGUI PLAYGROUPFri. am in school term 10am – 12pm BermaguiPreschool, Young St, Bermagui. Ph: 6493 4183.BERMAGUI & DISTRICT LIONS CLUBNeeds new members. Those interested pleasephone Rod Moore on 6493 5068. Meet 1st Thurs.each month at Bermagui Country Club & 3rdThurs. at Cobargo Hotel at 7.00pm for 7.30pm.BERMAGUI INDOOR BOWLS CLUBMeets for social bowls in the lower auditoriumBermagui Country Club at 7:00pm. Ladies andmen. Contact Joy on 6493 5104.QUAAMA MORNING COFFEE LADIESMeet at 11am every Wed for morning tea andfriendship. Newcomers always welcome. Bring aplate. Contact Lorna 6493 8417 or Judith 64938347 for next Wed’s venue.QUAAMA / COBARGO QUILTERSMeets Mondays, 10am – 3.30pm in the CWACottage, Bermagui Road, Cobargo, and welcomesanyone who does patchwork, quilting,needlework, sewing or any other handcraft.Dianne Smithett, 6493 8590.QUAAMA BANDCome & join a community band. All levelswelcome. Sundays 3 – 6 at the Quaama Hall. Ph.Greg 6493 8240.OVER 50’S FUN & FITNESSEvery Tuesday, 2pm to 3pm at the BermaguiCountry Club, with Nancy Casu, qualified fitnessinstructor. ‘Heart Moves’ and ‘Tai Chi’ program.Cost $8, free introductory class. Contact PennyLevin (Pres.) 6493 5602 or Jan McCartney (sec.)6493 3573.THE YUIN FOLK CLUBFolk Night Evenings, visiting performers, usuallyfirst Friday in month (please check first.) Formore info, ph Secretary, Coral Vorbach 6493 6758.QBC COUNTRY MUSIC CLUBFree monthly concerts at the Bega Bowling Club,Cobargo Hotel, Narooma Sporting Club, TurossKyla Park Hall and Quaama Hall. Visitors,Children, Musos welcome.Contact Ted Weiss on 6493 6548.SCOTTISH DANCINGMon 1.30 - 3.30pm, Thurs. 7.30 - 9.30pm:Cobargo SchoolofArts Supper RoomForinformation phone: 6493 6538MOBILE TOY LIBRARY & PARENTINGRESOURCE SERVICEAll parents of chn. 0-6 welcome to join.Cobargo – every 2nd Wednesday 1.30pm– 2.30pm atCWA cottage; Bermagui – every 2nd Friday 10.30am– 12pm in the Ambulance station grounds;Quaama – Wednesdays by prior arrangement.Enquiries: 0428 667 924TILBA VALLEY WINESBRIDGE CLUB1st Wednesday every month from 2pm. Allstandards catered for – partners not necessary - stay/play as long as you like – visitors to the areaespecially welcome. Further details: Peter 4473 7308QUAAMA INDEPENDENT RIDERS ASSOCnMeet 1st Wed. of the month Quaama Rodeo grounds,7.30pm. All welcome. Ph. Katrina 6492 7138.MYSTERY BAY COAST CAREContact: Christina Potts 4473 7053 Meet: 9.30–12.303rd Sat Month @ swings. All Welcome.LIFE DRAWING SESSIONSCobargo SofA Hall every second Sunday. Set up,1.45pm. Drawing, 2–4pm. Naomi 6493 7307.DIGNAMS CREEK COMMUNITY GROUPMeets randomly. For info phone Shannon Russack,Pres. 6493 6512 or Merryn Carey, Sec. 6493 6747.AGLOW CHRISTIAN WOMEN’SFELLOWSHIPA world wide Interdenominational ChristianWomen’s Fellowship, providing opportunities tohelp women discover their identity in Jesus Christ.Enquiries ph. Elizabeth Farnsworth 4473 8413.OPEN SANCTUARY@TILBAGatherings at Holy Trinity Church Tilba Tilba on thesecond and fourth Saturday evening of each monthat 5pm. Music, meditation and shared reflections,supper afterwards so please bring a plate if able.Meditation group meets every Wed at 10 am.Inquiries Rev Linda Chapman 0422 273 021.NAROOMA & DISTRICTS CAMERA CLUBMeetings 1st Hole, Narooma Golf Club, 2nd Tuesdayof the month, 7.00pm. Whether beginner or pro,come & experience the joy of photography. DaveCotton, 6493 3800.BERMAGUI CROQUET CLUBBermagui Country Club, Croquet Club play EveryThursday 2.00–4.00pm. New players alwayswelcome, tuition and friendly games alwaysavailable, equipment provided. Dave or TinaCotton, 6493 3800.Subscribe to <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>Do you live outside the <strong>Triangle</strong>? Be sureto receive your copy every month by subscribing.12 months’ subscription (11 issues)is just $25.00*. Post to <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>,PO Box 2008, Central Tilba, 2546.Name ...........................................................Address ............................................................................................ P’code ................Phone ..........................................................Enclosed: cheque / money order(please circle) for $25.00.www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 23

FOR THE FRIDGE DOORDateEventVenueTimeFriday5 <strong>February</strong>KaraokeBermaguiCountry Club8.30pmSunday7 <strong>February</strong>KarismaKatzBandDromedaryHotel, Tilba5.30pmDamienCoenTilbaWinery1.00pmTrue BlueCobargoHotel3.00pmFriday12 <strong>February</strong>DarrylLambBermaguiCountry Club8.30pmCobargoShowCobargoShowground sAll DaySaturday13 <strong>February</strong>Live MusicCobargoHotel7.30pmCobargoShowCobargoShowground sAll dayFriday19 <strong>February</strong>CandyBermaguiCountry Club8.30pmS aturday20 <strong>February</strong>OutdoorFilm 'Jaws'CobargoSwimming PoolFilm starts at 8.00pmCobargoMarketsCobargoHotel9.00amKaraokeCobargoHotel7.30pmSunday21 <strong>February</strong>DamonDaviesTilbaWinery1.00pmFootloose StrangersDromedaryHotel5.30 - 9.30pmThursday25<strong>February</strong>' Session', leading up to Folk Festiva lCobargoHotel6.00pmFriday26 <strong>February</strong>CobargoFolk Festiva lCobargoShowground sAll day & eveningGarryJonesBermaguiCountry Club8.30pmS aturday27 <strong>February</strong>OpenAir Cinema 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'TilbaWinery6.30pmCobargoFolkFestivalCobargoShowground sAll day and eveningSunday28 <strong>February</strong>CobargoFolk Festiva lCobargoShowground sAll dayAdam HoleDromedaryHotel5.30 - 9.30pmWednesdaysBridgeTilba WineryWednesdaysFree PoolCobargo HotelThursdaysand FridaysRafflesCobargo HotelArt In <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>8 January - 22 <strong>February</strong> ' Daily Delights 'NarekGallery TanjaFri to Mon 10.30-5.3023January -14 <strong>February</strong> ' Colours of Heaven's Sky' by Frances Luke12March - 1 April YoungEmerging Artists Exhibitio nBodallaGallerySpiral Gallery10 - 4 dailyMockingbirkingbird LaneAntiquesWe Buy and SellQuality 19th & 20th CenturyFURNITURE & COLLECTABLESJEWELLERY, SOHUM BODY PRODUCTSand more......12 Bate Street Central Tilba 2546 Ph. 4473 7226CLOSED FRIDAYS <strong>The</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2010 page 24Cesune Park Pet RetreatWe Care for your Cats & Petite Dogs. (Fur kids)Sue CoxOwner/Manager99 Harris RoadBROGO NSW 2550phone: 02 64927174mobile: 0428842923email: cesune@bigpond.comABN: 20 939 362 968www.thetriangle.org.au and www.VisitCobargo.com

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