14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”M. Benacchio et. al. [7] mentioned several monetary and non-monetary costs of the portimpact on local economy: The local share of investments in maritime and port infrastructures, transport infrastructures; Opportunity costs of port industry inputs: capital, labor, space (coast and landscape); Negative "sunk" externalities: environmental aspects (air, water, acoustic pollution), landscapedecay, irrecoverable investments in facilities, traffic congestion, costs for "conciliating" thepresence of the port in a urban context, the risk of hazardous material handling (chemicals,petrochemicals); Eventually loss of managerial and leadership functions for local port economies that are quiteno longer among the location selection criteria of holdings, corporations and administrativedepartments of the firms located within the port region.P. Gripaios and R. Gripaios (1995, 1999) [13; 14] draw similar conclusions for UK ports andprovided empirical evidence that nowadays the existing and potential role of ports in the regionaldevelopment process is often exaggerated. However, ports still play a crucially important role innational economy generating taxes and duties as well as they often constitute growth centres fornational industries (e.g. manufacturing, transport, logistics) and services.Structure of cargo turnover at Latvia’s portsThere are 10 ports in Latvia. Ports of Riga, Liepaja and Ventspils are mostly focused on transitcargo which accounts for almost 70 % of their total turnover. It can be assumed that the role of ports inlogistic cluster is important. [15] Ports of Riga and Ventspils have been granted the status of freeports,but port of Liepaja is an integral part of Liepaja special economic zone. Small ports (Engure, Lielupe,Mersrags, Pavilosta, Roja, Salacgriva and Skulte) primarily service local clients who transport timberand fishing products. All the ports are engaged in various projects and reconstruction works with theaim to expand their activities, improve the quality of service and strengthen their competitiveness.Although co-operation between different ports in Latvia may increase their competitiveness in theBaltic region and the global market, ports demonstrate their reluctance and lack of interest in cooperation.[16]Ports are usually characterized by their annual throughput (i.e. port traffic in TEU, tons).Other aspects analysts pay special attention to are changes in the commodity mix (for instance, theincrease in containerized traffic, the decrease in liquid bulk, etc.) and future forecasts. However, asM. Benacchio et. al. [7] noted, the increase in port throughput does not necessarily mean that the portis creating “value” to remunerate inputs. It just means that port is either more effectively managed incomparison with others or it is more strategically located close to important hinterlands and/ormaritime routes.At Latvia’s ports over the last ten years the volume of loaded cargo reached its peak in theyear 2008, whereas the amount of unloaded cargo peaked in the 2007. The total increase in unloadedcargo was much more considerable compared to the one in loaded cargo – by 212 % and 113 %accordingly. However, the volume of loaded cargo demonstrated more stable trend of developmentsince the annual fluctuations were less notable. The volume of the most significant components ofloaded cargo decreased during the period in question except for oil products whose gradual growthcompensated for the largest drop in crude oil as well as metal and metal manufactures. Thecomponents of unloaded cargo demonstrated the trend diametrically opposed to the mentionedpreviously. All but the volume of unloaded sugar grew during the period from 2000 to 2010 providingthe remarkable change in the structure of cargo turnover. If at the beginning of the period the volumeof unloaded sugar accounted for almost 20 % of the total unloaded cargo, in 2010 just for 2.5 %. Itmeans that there was a shift in priorities. It resulted in oil products making up 20 % as well as grainand grain products together with mineral construction materials making up other 20 % of the totalturnover of unloaded cargo in 2010.18

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