14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”Examples of Implementation of Life Cycle Management Approach in the Baltic RegionDuring over 20-years of practical experience GT Corporation has made technical inspection ofover thousand of port quays with hundreds of kilometres of total length. Following own practicalexperience, we can conclude that systematic approach to maintenance of port structures, based onprincipals of Life Cycle Management System helps to avoid losses of income from idle port facilitiesduring emergency cases and unplanned repairs.Examples of well-functioning systems of technical control and maintenance in the Baltic Searegion could be the following ports:1) Port of Klaipeda (LITHUANIA)It is one of the few ice-free ports in northernmost Europe, and the largest in Lithuania. Itserves as a port of call for cruise ships as well as freight transport. The Port Authority is responsiblefor the maintenance, reconstruction and modernisation of the port infrastructure, while loading/unloading operations are managed by separate independent terminals. The port is able to accommodateships of up to 195 m in length with draughts of 10.5 m. In 2011 handled over 36,5 mln. tn. of cargo.Port has over 165 quays and jetties, with tens of kilometers of berthing line. System of cyclictechnical inspections has started in 2003. At present time already the third cycle of inspections is inprogress.2) Port of Tallinn (ESTONIA)Port of Tallinn is the biggest port authority in Estonia and as far as both cargo and passengertraffic are taken into account, the biggest port on the shores of the Baltic Sea.Today port of Tallinn operates as a landlord type of port with no cargo handling operations of its own.It is maintaining and developing the infrastructure of the port and leasing territories to terminaloperators through building titles giving the operators an incentive to invest into superstructure andtechnology.Port of Tallinn consists of five harbours, most of them are situated on a north seaside ofEstonia, close to the capital - Tallinn. Total number of quays - 74, total length of berths about 14,3 km.Cargo turnover in 2010 was 36,6 mln.tnPeriodical technical inspections started since 2001. At present time the third cycle ofinspections is in progress.3) Port of Helsinki (FINLAND)Situated on the south coast of Finland, this port is an important transport hub of numerous ofBaltic transport routes. At present time Port of Helsinki consists of 4 harbours, total amount of quays -55, with total length of 9,7 km. Goods traffic is about 11 mln.tn. (data of 2010). First inspectionswere made in 2004 and at present time all berth structures are inspected totally and second cycle ofinspections has started.References1. PIANC MarCom Working Group 103, Life Cycle Management of Port Structures. Recommended Practice forImplementation, published by PIANC, BRUSSELS, 2008 (PIANC - Permanent International Association ofNavigation Congresses)2. Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto RIL ry, RIL 236-2006 Satamlaitureiden kunnonhalliinta, HELSINKI,20063. Союз инженеров-строителей Финляндии, RIL 236-2006 Управление техническим состояниемпортовых причалов, HELSINKI, 20084. Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures Harbours and Waterways EAU 2004, (2009edition).44

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